Human Mobile Stage 131F, 100th Anniversary Death of Master Chau Lung, 周龙宗师逝世壹佰周年, Lion Dance Kung Fu

  • 5 years ago
Human Mobile Stage 131F (3碟2膊醒狮表演131F). 2019 Chau Lung Annual Banquet, This year also was memorial of 100th Anniversary of the death of Master Chau Lung who died in Chinese Lunar calendar dated 7th of Seventh Month 1919. The Banquet was organized by: Chung Oi Chau Yen Yee Tong Chau Lung Annual Banquet Committee( Hong Kong). Time: 7th August 2019 (Chinese Lunar Calendar date: 7th day of Seventh Month of each year). Place: North Point, Hong Kong.

3碟2膊醒狮表演131F(Human Mobile Stage 131F),这影片是2019年周龙宝纪念日子。今年适逢是纪念周龙宗师于农历1919年7月初7日病逝壹佰周年。周龙宝诞是由(香港)中外周仁义堂周龙宝诞委员会主办;时间:2019年8月7日 (每年农历七月七日)。

Special Quests特别嘉宾: Hong Kong Police Force Western District Community Relations Office, Neighbourhood Police Co-ordinator, Mr. Chan Chun Wah and Mr. Fung Chi Wai (香港警务处港岛西区警民关系组小区联络主任陈振华先生和冯智伟先生).

List of attendees of Overseas and China Chau Ka Schools 出席晚会的海外和中国同门名单:
Overseas Schools Representatives 海外同门代表:
Singapore 新加坡
1. Singapore Sim San Loke Hup (新加坡禅山六合体育会)
2. 新加坡华龙狮艺
3. 新加坡擎威龙狮文化团

1. 槟城宏冠文化体育会

Australia 澳洲

1. Australian Jow Ga Kung Fu Academy 澳洲周家功夫学院
2. Quang Quyen Luong kungfu academy, Perth Western Australia西澳洲柏斯周馆义堂第二分馆
3. Wah Nam Martial Art Academy (澳洲华南国术学院)
4. Australia Sydney Lau Fu Martial Arts Academy澳洲雪梨刘富国术总会
5. Nathan Head Jow Ga Kung Fu Academy (Nathan Head 周家功夫学院)

German 德国

1. German Chow Gar Association 德国周家功夫总会

Vietnam 越南
1. 越南周馆仁义堂龙狮团

Taiwan 台 湾
1. 台湾英勇堂国术会

U.S.A 美国

1. Hung Tao Choy Mei Kung Fu Institute 美国洪头蔡尾功夫学院

2. 美国南加洲西外周馆仁义堂擎威龙狮文化团

China 中国:

Project and Stage Design Supervisors and consultants 舞台及节目总监和顾问:

(A) Mr.Kwok Ching Hung 郭政鸿先生 (Hong Kong and China Movies Actor; Lee Ngau Martials Arts Association 香港和中国明星,李牛国术体育总会)
(B) Mr. Tony Au Kit Yee 区结义先生 (Our Association 本会)
Lion Dancing Performers 醒狮表演队: Chung Oi Chau Ka Lion Dance Teams 中外周家醒狮表演队
(C) MC of Banquet 大会司仪:Mr. Howard Kwok Kit 郭杰先生 (本会)

Video Information 影片资料:

Beginning of Banquet 大会开始

Lion Dancing and Kung Fu Demonstration (information detail please refer to video) 醒狮及功夫表演 (表演资料请参看影片)
Other Chau Ka Kung details Please refer to Human Mobile Stage Part 1. (关于中外周家详细资料请看 Human Mobile Stage Part 1.)


