The Message Part 35: William Branham and the Third Wave

  • 5 years ago
This episode examines the background situation that either caused or contributed to the reason why Rev. Jim Jones separated his Peoples Temple cult from William Branham's "Message" cult following during the time when Jones, Branham, and Rev. Joseph Mattsson-Boze were connected through Latter Rain. It also examines the political turmoil in the nation after the 1954 Supreme Court ruling that segregation was unconstitutional and William Branham's stance on the issue of an integrated school system. Last, it examines the activities of William Branham's mentor, Roy E. Davis, and reviews William Branham's politically-charged statements in alignment with Davis and his Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan as the Third Wave of the Ku Klux Klan was beginning to form.

Names discussed in this video:
• Rev. Jim Jones
• Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
• Rosa Parks
• Rev. Roy E. Davis, Alias "Lon Davis"
• Peoples Temple
• Rev. Joseph Mattsson-Boze
• Andrew Wade
• George F. Edwards
• Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
• National States Rights Party

Topics discussed in this video:
• Louisville, KY's Civil Rights History
• Martin Luther King, Jr.'s visit to Louisville, KY
• William Branham's statements against Martin Luther King, Jr., and Civil Rights
• 16th St Baptist Church, Birmingham Bombing (Civil Rights)
• Bombing of Andrew Wade's home in Louisville
• 1954 Supreme Court Ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, KS
• Federal Commission to end segregation
• National States Rights Party (NSRP), White supremacy group
• Declassified F.B.I. document listing NSRP's address as P.O. Box 261, Jeffersonville, IN
• NSRP headquarters in Jeffersonville IN
• Thunderbolt publication printed by the NSRP
• Jim Jones' stance in favor of Civil Rights
• William Branham's contrasting views against those standing for Civil Rights
• Jim Jones' work in underprivileged communities, segregated communities, and other countries
• Jim Jones' adopting minorities as part of his family
• Peoples Temple participation in the battle for Civil Rights
• Jim Jones' ambition to overload the word "brotherhood" for Civil Rights
• Jim Jones and William Branham meeting for the "Brotherhood - Healing Crusade"
• William Branham using racial slurs in front of Peoples Temple members during the crusade
• William Branham using pro-segregation statements in front of Peoples Temple members during the crusade
• Examples of William Branham's politically and racially-charged stories used in sermons at key moments during the battle for Civil Rights
• White Supremacy Groups against Interracial Marriage
• William Branham's firm stance against Interracial Marriage
• William Branham using Interracial Marriage in combination with alleged examples of African Americans who would rather remain segregated
• Jim Jones pulling his Peoples Temple cult out of William Branham's "Message" cult following


