Jim Jones Places Curse on William Branham

  • 2 years ago
Jim Jones was a "Message" cult leader involved in William Branham's Latter Rain version of the cult, working with Branham and Joseph Mattsson-Boze from 1956-1957. Sometime after their second annual convention together, Jones had a strong disagreement with Branham.

According to Jones, the two split after learning that Branham's religious stage persona did not match his personal convictions; Jones claimed that William Branham informed him that "[he] don't believe a thing in that Bible" and alleged that Branham tried to control Jones' doctrine based on what was popular at the time. Within Branham's "Third Pull" theology, Branham claimed that the Church would enter into the climax of his Manifested Sons of God theology. Branham himself suggested that he was the "return of the spirit of Elijah" from the Old Testament, which is the definition of reincarnation in many forms of religion. As he cursed Branham, Jones mentioned the doctrines of reincarnation. Under the Manifested Sons of God theology, however, this "return of the spirit”, or reincarnation as Jones called it, was to be applied to other members of Branham's religious cult. Members of the cult would become like gods and possess the ability to speak animals into existence.

Jones apparently disagreed with Branham's Third Pull doctrine and decided to part ways. Though Jones would later adopt some very destructive theologies learned from Father Divine and would combine them with doctrines he learned from Branham, it would appear that his 1958 abandonment of Branham's doctrine was an attempt to correct false doctrine; most Christian ministers would agree that Branham's "Third Pull" doctrine and Manifested Sons of God theology were in opposition to the Scriptures. Several ministers in the revivals began predicting Branham’s death, Jones included. After Branham died in a horrific accident in 1965, Jones reminded Peoples Temple that he had placed the curse.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org

Jim Jones prophecy about Branham’s death:


