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Porn for Moms | NEW VIDEO| Naughty Video | NOT SAFE FOR KIDS
Porn for Moms
What if… there was porn FOR MOMS? Who needs flowers or jewelry when we are freakin’ exhausted? What we really want is our baby daddies to take out the garbage. Naked.

We had a ton of fun creating this Valentine’s gift just for our loyal MomCavers. First, we put out a casting notice for hot, hot dudes. Preferably dads. Then we told them what we wanted them to DO. We got some interesting reactions!

We spent a day shooting some REALLY hot dudes at Dina’s house. We had a professional underwear model, an actor, and a real Chippendale! Dina’s husband (who was home at the time…) was a great sport AND gave me a huge cucumber from his garden “to remember the men by!” I almost peed my pants.

We co-directed this one. A few times we weren’t sure if we were going too far, being too ridiculous. At one point, Dina had to take over when I couldn’t stop nervous-giggling and blushing while in the room with an almost-naked real male underwear model.

Editing this one was fun, too. I could only work on it after the kids were in bed, obviously. I usually do a lot of editing on the train, which means people can see my computer screen. I didn’t know how to explain “Porn for Moms” so I had to get creative with hiding my screen from fellow commuters.

If you love this video of mom porn, share “Porn for Moms” with your friends for a Valentine’s Day treat.

Any suggestions on how to get our dudes to look like this AND do chores? All ideas are welcome.

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Directed by Jennifer Weedon Palazzo & Dina Drew Duva from MomCaveTV.com


