• 4 years ago
Advertising is one of the world's most beloved and glamorized industries.Hundreds of books, movies, and even reality TV shows are devoted to it. Itconsumes billions of dollars a year. But it has a dirty little secret: it is so wildlyineffective that it borders on a global scam. Research proves that almost 90% oftraditional TV ads are ignored. Cutting edge platforms like social media fare evenworse. In fact, you have a better chance of surviving a plane crash than clicking ona banner ad. The authors of Friction give you insider access to this scam. Having worked onsome of the industry's most innovative assignments, they've seen what truly buildsbreakout brands. Brands that outperform the competition ten to one.Intuitively, all brands know a new approach is needed. They know thattechnology has permanently altered their relationship with consumers. Every day, stalwart brands find themselves losing market share to upstarts that havecaptured our collective consciousness. Trillions of dollars are spent while brandsadopt the newest technology. But they fail miserably because the strategicunderpinnings need to change. Great brands can no longer be built by interruptingthe audience with paid advertising. It annoys instead of enriches. It repels instead of attracts. Friction argues that brands don't need a new shiny, technological object. Theyneed a fundamental change in strategy. The book offers a new paradigm forsuccess in a world that's increasingly rejecting advertising. It's the roadmap. It'sthe why and the how of the new landscape. It provides a system for embracingtransparency, engaging audiences, building armies of evangelists, and unleashingunprecedented growth."
