Daniel Fanego habla de su papel en la telecomedia "Los Machos" 1994

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Report to Daniel Fanego, actor of the telecomedy "Los Machos": -Fernando Kats as it is in short, is a womanizer, is he afraid of women? - Is he indiscriminate in that aspect, isn't he? - Does that need conflict him often? -What would this identification be in this case? -Now the composition of a character as complex as you feel that it is a comedy that does not have dramatic edging but is not light, looking for an intermediate? -Are you very different from the character? -Master and Vainman proposed the cycle and proposed the character or was there an exchange between the actors who had what? -And did you like the character when you read it? (Marcela Colonel)
Date: 4/21/1994
Duration: 4 minutes 29 seconds
Code: UC-0746

Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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