• 5 years ago
1h 2min | Drama | 10 November 1933 (USA)

Two newly married carnival performers head to New York to make it big on Broadway, but after they get there the wife finds that a wealthy playboy has designs on her.

Director: Sam Newfield

Writer: George Wallace Sayre

Stars: Regis Toomey, Gloria Shea, Walter Byron
00:00:51And now, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to meet Minnie, Minnie the Moocher.
00:00:58Minnie, step down here. Let the folks see what you've got there.
00:01:01Oh, look out, Minnie. That's the kind of girls we have on the inside.
00:01:05Sixteen of them, folks, count them.
00:01:07And now, the one upon whom I depend to send you out from underneath this canvas
00:01:12absolutely and fully satisfied is LaBelle Fatima.
00:01:17LaBelle, watch out, folks. There you are.
00:01:20Just a moment, folks. I'm sorry. The show's going to start right away.
00:01:23You get your tickets either side here.
00:01:25It costs you the small, infinitesimal sum of a dime, ten cents.
00:01:29Get your tickets right over here either side.
00:01:31And hurry, hurry, hurry.
00:01:35Now, ladies and gentlemen, presenting Albae.
00:01:38Albae is captured from the inside.
00:01:42Now, ladies and gentlemen, presenting Albae.
00:01:45Albae is tattooed from the tips of his toes to his Adam's apple.
00:01:49You'll notice right here in front the blue eagle, the symbol of the NRA,
00:01:54proving to you that Albae is the first tattooed man to adopt the code of the tattooed man's profession.
00:02:00Now, if you just turn around, Albae.
00:02:02On the back here, we have a reproduction of that famous painting by Michelangelo,
00:02:06Mother and Daughter.
00:02:07A little further down, that symbol of friendship, Hands Across the Sea.
00:02:12Around his waist, ladies and gentlemen, he has that dreaded python.
00:02:16A dreaded python.
00:02:17And a little lower down, ladies and gentlemen, an exact replica of that masterpiece, The Dawn.
00:02:24Say, mister, I'd like to see that.
00:02:26You would.
00:02:27On the next platform, ladies and gentlemen.
00:02:29Stop it. Let me down, Jimmy Cain.
00:02:32Not until you give me a kiss.
00:02:33I won't. I won't, I tell you.
00:02:34Well, I won't let you down until you do.
00:02:36Come on, Jimmy, you're hurting me.
00:02:38All right, Betty.
00:02:40You've got to hurry. I'll kiss you when you come back.
00:02:42Okay, but believe me, I'll collect interest for waiting.
00:02:45Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you, big boy?
00:02:47And how.
00:02:51Tell us, Carnival is mighty lucky to have an important man like you.
00:02:56You're telling me.
00:02:57But believe me, I'm not going to stick with this third-rate show much longer.
00:03:03Sure, to the big time.
00:03:05And now that I'm in love, nothing can stop me.
00:03:07In love, Mr. Cain?
00:03:08You must tell me all about it sometime.
00:03:10Don't worry, you'll be the first one to know.
00:03:13Hey, Cain, you're on next.
00:03:15Mr. Cain to you, mug.
00:03:20Give them all you've got, Jimmy.
00:03:22Say, if I did that, there'd be a riot.
00:03:27You're about to witness the most amazing outside exhibition in the history of the Carnival world.
00:03:34Here he comes now.
00:03:40Introducing Daredevil Jimmy Cain.
00:03:45And his beautiful little assistant, Betty Roberts.
00:03:50Daredevil Jimmy is about to dive from that slender platform,
00:03:55100 feet in the air, into this tiny tank of water.
00:04:05Hey, Patty, you better give those dancing girls of yours two weeks' notice, starting today.
00:04:10What's the matter? Don't you like the act?
00:04:12Oh, it isn't that.
00:04:13The business is terrible.
00:04:15I'm closing the show.
00:04:31Okay, big boy!
00:05:02Hey, I didn't get that kiss yet.
00:05:04Oh, yes, you did. I threw it to you.
00:05:07Well, I never got it. Your delivery's too weak.
00:05:10That's your hard luck.
00:05:13Say, you know, my act's the only thing that keeps this show going.
00:05:18Says you.
00:05:20Well, if I don't have a press agent, I gotta blow my own horn, don't I?
00:05:23Jimmy Cain's always right.
00:05:25Come on, get dressed, honey. It's getting late.
00:05:27What time is it?
00:05:29You got my watch? Look and see.
00:05:35Hiya, Patty.
00:05:37Hello, Jimmy.
00:05:42What are you laughing about?
00:05:44Have you heard the news?
00:05:46The boss is gonna give us a raise.
00:05:48You must be a mind reader, you come so close.
00:05:51He's given us all a two-week's notice.
00:05:57You mean he's closing the show?
00:05:59That's it. He says he can't make the grade.
00:06:03Then we're stranded.
00:06:05Well, not as bad as that. We'll get our railroad fare.
00:06:08Well, it suits me fine. I was gonna quit anyhow.
00:06:10I've been wasting my time on this cheap outfit.
00:06:13But what do we do?
00:06:15Don't you worry, honey. We're headed for the big time.
00:06:17Real money. And real dressing rooms.
00:06:20What big time? Vaudeville's all washed up.
00:06:23There's always room at the top.
00:06:25Jimmy Cain's world-famous dive won't go begging.
00:06:28They'll be fighting over me when we hit the big town.
00:06:31Well, I'm gonna go and spread the glad news.
00:06:34Well, so long, Paul Revere.
00:06:38Hey, come on, come on, come on, don't do that.
00:06:42Where's my watch?
00:06:44Oh, I left it on my dressing table.
00:06:45Come on, let's get it.
00:06:58Be careful of that, honey.
00:07:00That robe of mine only props.
00:07:02So that's all I am, a prop.
00:07:04Oh, you know better than that.
00:07:06I might be able to get along without the robe.
00:07:09Look at that. That shows you where you stand.
00:07:12Cain and Roberts. The old partnership.
00:07:16Certainly. From now on, you get 50% of everything.
00:07:19Even me. That sounds pretty good, doesn't it?
00:07:22I don't do anything for the act.
00:07:24Except hold your robe. Any girl can do that.
00:07:30Now, listen, sweet.
00:07:32I've never told you this before.
00:07:35Ever since I've been doing this 100-foot dive,
00:07:37you've been down there waiting.
00:07:39If I didn't know you were there expecting me to make good,
00:07:42I wouldn't have the nerve, honest.
00:07:45But it's knowing that you're there
00:07:47and hearing you call,
00:07:49okay, big boy, that gives me the courage to do it.
00:07:53Gee, Jimmy, you make me feel awfully important.
00:07:58You are awfully important.
00:08:05Darling, I have to pack.
00:08:15Well, I guess I'd better run over to the office and get the tickets.
00:08:19Hey, Ed, you going to take us to Niagara?
00:08:25Can't be good, boy. Can't be good.
00:08:30Well, well.
00:08:31Do you promise to take him to New York when he's 100?
00:08:35Hey, Ed, you going to take us to Niagara?
00:08:38Oh, boy.
00:08:39I'm going to do something.
00:08:41I'm going to do something.
00:08:43I'm going to do something.
00:08:45I'm going to do something.
00:08:47I'm going to do something, Ed.
00:08:52Well, once married, you're married forever, you know.
00:08:56How many years now?
00:08:58How's about it, kid?
00:09:00You and me, huh?
00:09:02Can't she cook, Ed?
00:09:05Oh, look at that boy, look at him.
00:09:07He's all married now.
00:09:10Any luck today?
00:09:12Oh, yeah, I saw Lou Feld.
00:09:14He thinks he can get us some bookings soon.
00:09:16More promises.
00:09:17That's all those agents ever give you.
00:09:19Oh, well, it's been a terrible season.
00:09:21Don't worry, we'll soon get a break.
00:09:23It's been a terrible season ever since we've been married.
00:09:26Don't talk like that, honey.
00:09:28It can't go on forever, and we'll soon...
00:09:30Don't say it again.
00:09:32Don't say it again.
00:09:34Don't say it again.
00:09:36Oh, come on, honey.
00:09:37I can't bear to see you cry.
00:09:40Now, tell me what's the matter.
00:09:43Is it something I've done?
00:09:45You want to know what's the matter?
00:09:47I'll tell you.
00:09:48I'm sick of this never-ending struggle.
00:09:51Sick to the heart.
00:09:53What have we got?
00:09:55Nothing but a couple of old trunks filled with cheap wardrobe.
00:09:57But Betty, it's...
00:09:58We've worn everything we own.
00:10:00Unless we pay for it.
00:10:03Oh, I know what you mean.
00:10:06I promised you so much.
00:10:10This is all I've given you.
00:10:14But I have tried.
00:10:16You know I've tried, don't you?
00:10:33Don't be blue, honey.
00:10:35In spite of everything, we've been happy together, haven't we?
00:10:41And we're not licked yet.
00:10:42No, sir, Jimmy Cain's not licked yet.
00:10:50You're going to blow.
00:10:52Blow hard.
00:10:58You do love me, don't you?
00:11:01Cross your heart.
00:11:05Gee whiz, when you smile at me like that,
00:11:07I feel I could lick my weight in wildcats.
00:11:11Oh, there's a landlady here.
00:11:14Go and do your stuff, big boy.
00:11:17I said wildcats.
00:11:29Why, hello, Patty.
00:11:31How are you, Jimmy?
00:11:32How are you?
00:11:33Come on in.
00:11:34Boy, did I have a time for any news.
00:11:36Well, you're just in time for a couple.
00:11:37Look, it's Patty Mellon.
00:11:39Hello, Patty, how are you?
00:11:40Fine, how are you?
00:11:42How are things going?
00:11:43Oh, swell.
00:11:44We just got a 40-week booking.
00:11:45You starting soon?
00:11:45Yeah, next week.
00:11:47Well, that's great.
00:11:48I'm putting on a floor show over at the Bubble Over Club,
00:11:50and I thought if you kids weren't doing anything,
00:11:52I'd have a job for Betty.
00:11:53That's too bad.
00:11:54We're going to have to get you a job for Betty.
00:11:56Well, that's too bad, but we're all set.
00:11:58Why don't you tell him the truth, Jimmy?
00:11:59You know we haven't got a job.
00:12:01We haven't got anything.
00:12:02We don't even know where our next meal's coming from.
00:12:04Well, you don't have to.
00:12:05You know we haven't.
00:12:07What is a job, Patty?
00:12:09I'll take it.
00:12:10I'll take anything.
00:12:11Hey, you used to be able to dance and sing.
00:12:13I still can.
00:12:14Well, that's fine.
00:12:15But I can only pay $20 a week.
00:12:17Oh, that sounds like a fortune.
00:12:18And we do two shows every night except Saturday.
00:12:20Then we do three.
00:12:21I'd do 10 for that much money.
00:12:23When do we start?
00:12:25That'll give us four days of rehearsal.
00:12:27Isn't that great, Jimmy?
00:12:46Hello, Molly.
00:12:47I see you have a new floor show.
00:12:49Yes, I've been here a little over a week.
00:12:52I've been here a little over a week.
00:12:57♪ I'm a cat, a pair of wings
00:13:05♪ Why a heart with golden wings
00:13:08♪ I found out the love means
00:13:11♪ And angels will love me
00:13:14♪ Then this angel whispered yes
00:13:17Mr. Hammond.
00:13:19Evening, Louis.
00:13:20You've met a stranger.
00:13:21Yes, I've been away on a yachting trip.
00:13:24Seems as though I've been missing something.
00:13:25That's right.
00:13:26You haven't seen our new floor show.
00:13:28I haven't gotten all new numbers while you were away.
00:13:31That girl's new.
00:13:34♪ He is great, I'm headed straight for heaven
00:13:40Oh, you like her, huh?
00:13:43She's rather attractive.
00:13:45She's beautiful.
00:13:47Would you like your same table, sir?
00:13:49Thank you, Mr. Speckley.
00:13:53♪ I can't wait, I've got a date in heaven
00:13:59♪ Someone's arms hold all the charms of heaven
00:14:06♪ For love is the past, dear
00:14:10♪ And if you should ask me
00:14:15♪ I'll confess my new adrenaline is heaven
00:14:20♪ Heaven, heaven
00:14:28Well, that's what I call laying them in the yard.
00:14:32Betty, you were wonderful.
00:14:34You ought to be proud of her.
00:14:35Yeah, sure.
00:14:38Well, you should be.
00:14:40But after this, Betty, only give them two encores.
00:14:41Why do I mind working?
00:14:42You know, it's that old psychology stuff.
00:14:44You know, give them a little
00:14:45and they'll want more.
00:14:46You got it?
00:14:47Come on, girls, there's your new production.
00:14:49Now, come on, get in line here.
00:14:51Come on, girls, you ready now?
00:14:51Pick it up.
00:14:53One, two.
00:14:56Pick it up now, girls.
00:14:57Give a good show out there tonight.
00:14:58There's a pretty hot audience out there.
00:15:00And meet me after the show tonight, will you, Betty?
00:15:03Not if I can get out of it first, please.
00:15:07It's all so wonderful, isn't it?
00:15:10We're going to move that opera room this week.
00:15:13And another thing.
00:15:14I'm going to get your watch out of hock
00:15:15and get you some new clothes as soon as I can.
00:15:17That'll be swell.
00:15:19Jimmy, what's the matter with you?
00:15:23Yes, there is.
00:15:24There's something on your mind.
00:15:25It's nothing.
00:15:27Come on, tell me.
00:15:30Oh, well, I guess you'll hear about it sooner or later.
00:15:33That's this.
00:15:34This article in Variety.
00:15:44I see.
00:16:04Is that all?
00:16:06Isn't that enough?
00:16:07Well, I can't see that it amounts to very much.
00:16:09Well, I guess you can't see how it makes me feel
00:16:11having it spread all over the show
00:16:12business that you're keeping me.
00:16:13it's gotten to be news oh I know how you feel you're proud it's hurt but all this
00:16:19my working and you're not working it's only temporary your big chance will come
00:16:23to us as you always said it would why shouldn't I help out we're partners
00:16:28aren't we sure we're partners oh come on snap out of it big boy okay you haven't
00:16:38kissed me yet I tell you when this girl has real talent you wait till you see her
00:16:46I'm afraid she'll be too old if she waits for me to see her you wouldn't pass up a
00:16:51good bet would you a good bet your good bets have been cost to be too much money
00:16:55already I tell you I've heard this girl do her number every night this week now
00:16:59listen John ever since you've been putting money into my shows you've been
00:17:02using my chorus as a clearinghouse for your women every week you come up here
00:17:05with a new friend I know I know but this girl has real talent they've all got
00:17:10talent according the way you see them well if you don't grab her somebody else
00:17:13will that'll be a break I've already put five of your fines in and what's
00:17:18happened every one of them fired after the first few days now no no no no John
00:17:23I'm through I'll make your proposition if you'll come to the bubble over club
00:17:28tonight and watch this girl work I promise never to bother you again well
00:17:32that's an inducement it's a bargain it remains to be seen I'll let you know
00:17:37later goodbye all right
00:17:49what would you do if you had my range I turn the gas on you know last week in
00:17:56Philadelphia the manager want to hold us over another week yes I've already got
00:17:59an animal act instead yeah that's right I know just what you can do yeah the
00:18:05question is how much will you wait for well we never worked for less than
00:18:08$1,500 a week I'll give you $40 we'll take it all right show up at the
00:18:21at nine o'clock and don't be late
00:18:31anything going for me today for you nothing well I'll see you again sometime
00:18:39what's new huh I think I got a spot for you at last you have where down at Bay
00:18:52City they need a thrill egg gee that's swell though what's the dough $75 a week
00:18:58for a start good huh 75 a week well oh you know I always got 150 with a
00:19:03carnival that was a year ago but ours is a high-class act now listen Jimmy they
00:19:09can get all the high-class tax they want for 50 and less nowadays gee can't
00:19:13you talk them into a little no that stops they wouldn't pay anymore all right
00:19:17it's highway robbery me risking my neck four times a day for 75 bucks I'm ashamed
00:19:22to tell Betty why is she coming with you sure I couldn't do that dive without her
00:19:28she's the only girl I ever worked with well she's doing pretty good there she
00:19:32is ain't she oh well that's only temporary Patti Mellon got stuck for a
00:19:35girl and she promised to help not for a couple of weeks then you'll take it well
00:19:40it's robbery but with things as tough as all right all right then you better hang
00:19:44around the manager is coming in tonight and they can settle the whole thing okay
00:19:47all right all right well can I use your phone a minute sure help yourself I want
00:19:54to talk to Betty can I go in the other office married to Betty over a year and
00:19:59you still want to talk private well you know how it is I should know
00:20:04Circle 98432
00:20:22Good evening.
00:20:31Well the dinner was all right. You wait till you see this girl if you don't think
00:20:37a knockout and all I told you goes for nothing.
00:21:00Hey this is
00:21:01a number now. I'm waiting. To eat
00:21:08hard what makes you feel.
00:21:15What can I do to make you glad.
00:21:21I'm so happy.
00:21:31I'm in your love.
00:22:01What shall I do.
00:22:17Life is your life.
00:22:25You know.
00:22:31It is.
00:22:45Now are you convinced she's not bad it's not bad I'll say she's going to be
00:22:51a sensation provided she sticks to her singing and dancing.
00:22:55And. Let's go back and talk to her. And see if we can go back I'll wait a minute
00:23:02John. If Mr Hammond Louie I have
00:23:06a complaint to make I am sorry sir is it the service in a way yes. I haven't met
00:23:14that girl who sang just now. I've been expecting this he's on to you John I'm
00:23:22surprised you Louie it's not for me I ask it's for my friend here he's been after
00:23:26me for days wanting to meet this young lady just been pestering it
00:23:29a bit haven't I I told Mr Allen that only through your influence could we possibly
00:23:34hope to meet her so it's up to you very well so I'll see if it can be arranged.
00:23:43Who is it.
00:23:43It's. Miss
00:23:51Robert Mr Hammond and. This is quite
00:23:55a pleasure Miss Robert how do you do. Excuse me please I certainly know it.
00:24:02We enjoyed your performance very much indeed thank you I want to sit down thank you.
00:24:06Mr Allen is
00:24:12a producer of highlights of Broadway. And your singing impressed him so much that
00:24:17he'd like to join his company. I don't think I could think you wouldn't have to
00:24:22think long about a contract at one hundred and twenty five a week would you.
00:24:29Do you accept them I wish Roberts doesn't have to make up her mind now suppose we
00:24:33ever come down to the office in the morning and we can talk it over yes I think
00:24:36that would be better all right eleven o'clock then I'll be there. I got it.
00:24:43Use my. I want you to meet Mr Hammond and Mr Allen this is my
00:24:49husband I am Mr Hammond Mr Roberts came as
00:24:53a name or a big apartment think nothing of it Mr Allen how do you do Mr again.
00:24:59I think we'd better be running along I don't let me drive your way oh that's all
00:25:03right we have to go anyhow good night as well as good night thank you both good
00:25:11Hey Betty. Say who are those guys Oh Jimmy I've got
00:25:16a surprise they offered me
00:25:18a job in highlight Yeah well I got a real surprise for you but I got
00:25:22a contract for our act at Bay City Oh yeah we open money at seventy five bucks a
00:25:26week isn't that swell no more chorus jobs for you you're happy but of course I'm
00:25:32happy but give me time to realize I knew you wouldn't believe it that's just the
00:25:36way I feel we're good for two months at least and then we felt that he's going to
00:25:40put us in
00:25:40a big time what do you think of that it's great for you Jimmy for me
00:25:47what about you. You're not thinking of staying here are you. So
00:25:53we'll talk our worries will soon be over isn't that great it's great and
00:25:59from now on I bring home the bacon for Cain and Robert you're on next Miss Robert.
00:26:30It's such
00:26:32a wonderful opportunity just think one hundred and twenty five dollars a week with
00:26:37both of us working we'll soon get ahead I'm dying I'm so thrilled if I could dream
00:26:44better the only thing that worries me is that we'll be separated.
00:26:52That's all right. You have to get another girl my place won't you.
00:26:56Yeah. I never thought of that you won't mind all you need is someone
00:27:02that's not standing down there isn't it. Yeah.
00:27:10That's all I need somebody dressed in white. Standing down there.
00:27:26Well if you come up to John Hammond's expectations you'll be
00:27:29a star I hope I don't disappoint Mr Hammond I hope you don't either how soon can
00:27:34you start rehearsals with three o'clock be too late you see my husband's leaving
00:27:38town at two thirty. Three o'clock to be fine well goodbye goodbye and I drive you
00:27:43anywhere I think you know.
00:27:57Well I hope you're satisfied so far so good I'll never get over the past when you
00:28:02pulled about a salary you should worry about that as long as I'm paying
00:28:05a hundred it's only twenty five a week out of the company's money but anyway I hope
00:28:10this one turns out to be
00:28:10a good investment and she should according to the law of averages I remember John
00:28:15this is absolutely the last one. Imagine a girl like that being married to
00:28:21a high diver.
00:28:27The. You must hurry oh we got
00:28:33a whole minute remember what I said about eating OK baby no eating before you die
00:28:40I promise. I listen don't let them polo girls work it
00:28:45a death every time I'll kiss me.
00:28:57Goodbye kid.
00:29:03Well this is
00:29:04a bit of luck. Well hardly
00:29:08a coincidence and you forget that you told me where you'd be about this time so I
00:29:13did I thought perhaps I'd better see that you weren't late for your first
00:29:17rehearsal I'm never late. My car's just around the corner.
00:30:27Miss Betty Miss Betty.
00:30:34The city.
00:30:39I could sleep for years yes I know how you feel I think I had one busy morning.
00:30:46But you do that the doorbell the telephone he never stopped once who called Mr
00:30:53Hammond and Mr Allen and Mr Cain called from Bay City Mr Cain. Why didn't you
00:30:59call me got the you told me not to call you from nobody until twelve o'clock I
00:31:04didn't mean Mr Cain get him on the phone right away yes I'm going to call him at
00:31:08the hotel yes.
00:31:13When you get Mr Cain at the Sanford Hotel at Bay City. From this rabbit.
00:31:20Yes. That's right thank you.
00:31:29For. You want to say these notices now I want to have
00:31:34a critic is still raving about you I'm going to just be sure to save all of them
00:31:39yes they always make nice reading.
00:31:50You know. What's that.
00:31:56Wait a minute. Just the bread that I called and I'll call back later yes.
00:32:03When you leave where did Miss Roberts call and she'll call back later. Yes thank
00:32:08you. Say what what's the matter with you here I'm telling you about
00:32:15a raise and you look like you've got bad news maybe I have maybe you have what do
00:32:20you mean. Nothing what's got into you don't you like the girl I gave it to like
00:32:25me or she's all right well then so what are you so sorry about. Maybe it's
00:32:31a heat you ain't thinking you're quitting me are you. What give you that idea.
00:32:38I don't know your wife I hit on Broadway and I thought maybe you say you're sure I
00:32:42went to the show how did she look wonderful here's your wife overnight I star on
00:32:48Broadway and you're sitting here crying well I've only had two letters from her
00:32:53since I've been down here he's only heard from her twice a week since he's been
00:32:57down here I'm laughing what's so funny about that believe me if I hear from my
00:33:02wife twice in two years I'm worried. I'll be right out.
00:33:08I'll. Give you a hand.
00:33:14Now ladies and gentlemen you are about to witness our most spectacular feat of
00:33:20courage and daring that well famous guy devil Jimmy Cain well champion
00:33:26high diver well attempt a high dive from the apex of that lofty tower
00:33:33and to that tiny tank of water defying death Jimmy Cain ladies and gentlemen.
00:34:03I. Don't know before.
00:34:24I'm telling you I talked to the minute what did he say he said you can take your
00:34:28dive tomorrow I hope he's right. Like this could happen to anybody but the first
00:34:34time for me I never lost my nerve before you're all upset things will be different
00:34:40tomorrow. Say how long does it take to phone New York.
00:34:47It shouldn't take more than five minutes it's been that long since I put the call
00:34:50through. I'll bet that she is now.
00:34:55Hello hello I want to speak to Miss Roberts what she's not there
00:35:03but this is her husband Mr Cain speaking. What time should be in.
00:35:10When she went to a party with Mr Allen Mr Hammond.
00:35:13With Mr Allen Mr Hammond. Yes.
00:35:20The law did not don't know if I could tell him when to call.
00:35:27You mean part way three one two one. Thank you.
00:35:34Yes. I'm glad you called I'll call him right away.
00:35:39Thank you. And I'm going to.
00:35:46She wasn't there. Now.
00:35:55You know she's
00:35:56a very busy girl nowadays yeah. I would have Hammond guy again.
00:36:03That's the way to show business goes I suppose so now listen to me I know
00:36:09Betty so good like I know you and you can believe me she's
00:36:12a hundred percent for you yeah well let's forget about it that's the idea a good
00:36:18night's rest to fix you up and I must be leaving I'm driving to New York and I
00:36:22will say maybe I can send you up some sandwiches or cigarettes and I'll find
00:36:26a slow ride and I'll see you tomorrow so long.
00:36:34I want to speak to Mr Cain.
00:36:58You're certainly keeping Betty on the run are you complaining you want publicity
00:37:02don't you oh and don't forget Sunday what is that for Sunday now don't tell me you
00:37:07want an invitation from Mrs Manville Parker to spend the day in her yard but I'm
00:37:11sorry you don't want to make me go alone do you my dear you really should go your
00:37:16picture with Mrs Manville Parker will look so nice in the paper that is right I
00:37:20really think you should accept it you know Mrs Manville Parker is everything in
00:37:24society but I can't I'm spending the day with my husband.
00:37:32Excuse me miss but there's
00:37:33a fellow and he wishes to see you right away. Oh yes. Excuse me please and don't
00:37:40forget I've made my own plans for Sunday.
00:37:48Is Jimmy here I know you ain't seen him today no I haven't what's happened and
00:37:54that's what we don't know the management phoned me that he disappeared. Something
00:38:01happened no no it's all right he's all right to me too good
00:38:04a trooper to simply walk out on I was thinking that's just what he did I know I know
00:38:09Jimmy he'd never do a thing like that we must do everything we can to find him you
00:38:14understand what I want it's been almost a week since my husband disappeared and the
00:38:18police have been unable to locate him yes Miss Roberts a private detective agency
00:38:22like ours can perhaps be more thorough than the police in such cases you will start
00:38:26immediately then yes.
00:38:37Having sex where you've been oh I just been wandering around what's the matter you're
00:38:43going crazy. Not quite that is where it's sick she's got
00:38:49a policeman and the fact that looking for you everywhere. Have you seen Betty seen
00:38:55her she's been after me day and night they don't call her up wait
00:38:59a minute. Can I get my job back sure you can I won't let you down this time that's
00:39:05the way to talk all right if I can if I can get to do my dive again and I'm ready
00:39:10to see Betty. I guess I'd better get
00:39:14a manicure or get some decent clothes before I go up to you or we'll stop at my
00:39:19hotel uptown I'll have you fixed up all right.
00:39:22A little. You want to send everything I think you have to we'll have lunch right
00:39:28away that'll be easy me and have biscuits to leave everything to me everything will
00:39:33be all right. He will be here any minute how do I look I'm so excited just fine
00:39:39maybe but I shall be worried about you all this week.
00:39:41I'm going to be.
00:40:03But Jim you might stop crying and ask a guy and I'm not crying.
00:40:12And I'm certainly glad for your success it wouldn't mean
00:40:15a thing without you to me. I've missed you I was so frightened and I've missed you.
00:40:22See when I go back to that go back on never never going to let you out of my sight
00:40:27again with the money I'm earning we can do all the things we have
00:40:30a plan to be in the back on all honey I couldn't let you. Have you forgotten about
00:40:35our partnership. You mean everything to.
00:40:54The law to me there's still cool.
00:41:05That he ought to be on in
00:41:06a minute now yes. By the way how are you getting along with us as
00:41:11a husband came back husband or no husband my status remains the same the matter
00:41:15going to make any headway no I haven't given up hope yet. You know how to hit this
00:41:22time on you. Frankly I am if she had me I'd marry her.
00:41:30You certainly get your affairs complicated the ones you're going to have you don't
00:41:33want me that's right. Sure to be on now come on let's listen to.
00:42:04All you.
00:42:11My only dream.
00:42:14Or do you.
00:42:33The name.
00:42:38Or is it.
00:42:46How can a dream be.
00:43:33And against the advice of my associates I engaged her and in one short month she
00:43:39has become the toast of Broadway.
00:43:46The better.
00:44:06You're magnificent and I think so I know so success becomes you thank you do you
00:44:14know Miss Robert. Yes I do they say she's married is that
00:44:20her husband with her.
00:44:25You were very quiet this evening what was the matter nothing didn't you have
00:44:29a good time yes I had a good time well you'd never know it by your actions after
00:44:34all it was your party they were all strangers to me. You get used to that feeling
00:44:40darling those of you with the all the time yeah. Well that'll be just dandy.
00:44:48I told you Lou wanted me to go back to Bay City and I told you that out that
00:44:52Betty can't just say no I can't see anything.
00:45:28Sweet. Of course. Sometimes
00:45:34maybe I wondered. If I should I never get
00:45:37a chance to talk to you anymore what would after theater parties and luncheons and
00:45:42dinners. What makes you so restless nothing nothing from you
00:45:48always means something. Come on tell me what it is. Well
00:45:55maybe I do have something on my mind. I hope it isn't about you going back to work
00:46:01no not that. I don't know how to begin by doing it sounds as though it's going to
00:46:06be something dreadful for Betty it's about you and Hammond about me and John you've
00:46:13been with him
00:46:13a lot but surely you don't I don't think anything I wouldn't be where I am if it
00:46:17hadn't been for John. Of course not. But honey.
00:46:26If you ever stopped loving me you'd tell me wouldn't you oh you're such
00:46:29a foolish boy how could I ever stop loving you.
00:46:36Oh. No I'm
00:46:43still waiting for you to have dinner with me but I have done many times yes but not
00:46:47alone how about the bubble over club next Wednesday night. I mean you're just in
00:46:52time. Well this is
00:46:54a surprise of you being fine thanks come on and I'm going to meet the rest of
00:46:59the people.
00:47:13Oh by the way you are just in time at that I shouldn't tell your wife this but she
00:47:19a big surprise coming on Wednesday night a surprise yes tell me John please don't
00:47:25keep me in suspense. Alan is giving his entire company a party at the bubble over
00:47:30club on Wednesday and you are to be the guest of honor next Wednesday. Simply
00:47:35marvelous you know what day that is done why yes it's your birthday that's
00:47:41good all the more reason to celebrate now don't forget if Alan asks you you don't
00:47:45know anything about it it's
00:47:46a surprise party I promise. No one. Now what something serious
00:47:55you're giving a party for the highlights company I'm giving
00:47:58a hot you're giving a party at the bubble over club next Wednesday night Oh am I
00:48:03invited now listen minute and I'll explain. You have all my attention well I got
00:48:09a jam at Betty's last night that sounds familiar I want to take it out to dinner
00:48:13alone friend husband walked in and before I got through I had you giving
00:48:17a party with her as guest of honor but I'll say you took an easy way out oh just
00:48:21an example of my quick thinking now you listen to me John if you think for one
00:48:25minute that I'm excited it's all right I'm giving the party all you have to do is
00:48:29send out the invitation that's something considering everything it turned out very
00:48:33well next when is her birthday I didn't know that before and a producer giving
00:48:38a big party in honor of his newest star is convincing even to
00:48:42a husband I see and I'm supposed to send her
00:48:46a present. That's an idea I'm giving her a remembrance and he can be sent in your
00:48:52name John why don't you follow my example I never get involved with women.
00:49:05That's exactly what I'm trying to do in. Follow your example.
00:49:13Goodbye John. How much is this one.
00:49:21That is one hundred and fifty dollars. Well. I guess you wouldn't have anything for
00:49:28about fifteen would you I have just what you're looking for here.
00:49:36Yeah that's all right I'll take that.
00:49:43Oh Jimmy look. Look at my lovely present. Isn't it gorgeous.
00:49:55It's the Mr Allen the company. Why you don't seem at all pleased.
00:50:02Why of course I am that's great it must have cost an awful lot of money just
00:50:08a lot of money. I counted them. It's a lot of diamonds.
00:50:17Mr Cain haven't you anything for my birthday not even
00:50:21a kiss sure I always have a kiss for Mrs Cain.
00:50:30Oh I'm so thrilled I don't know how I'm ever going to sing tonight it's
00:50:34a great present all right nothing could have pleased me more remember how I
00:50:39always want to dine in this one. Yeah I remember.
00:50:48I'm glad you just for the party you wait here until I get back and we'll go to the
00:50:52club together all right two minutes Miss Robert all right.
00:51:34All right.
00:51:50I saw a highlight last night. That's Betty Roberts.
00:51:55She sure is with her balance like the winner you'll remember it used to be with
00:52:00the floor show at the bubble overclub any truth in the gossip you hear about it.
00:52:04Any true. I guess you don't know this guy here when he goes after you usually get.
00:52:11In the first step you have to support. That they don't know you can't.
00:52:18You've got
00:52:19a pretty soft if you ask me. Hey Herman.
00:52:25What do I owe you and I have. You married yes sir.
00:52:30Boy I got the sweetest little life in the world. Give it up.
00:53:00For the.
00:53:43I've been waiting for
00:53:44a chance to speak to you alone now you have. Betty I'm mad about you.
00:53:52Oh but I am you must have seen it don't you care a little for me why of course I
00:53:57like you John but I love my husband but you can't love him don't you see he's
00:54:03hardly ever with you you've grown away from him you mustn't say such things. He means
00:54:08everything in the world to me I think of you only as
00:54:11a friend. I'm sorry I like you John
00:54:18let's not spoil our friendship. And for friendship's sake
00:54:25will you do one little thing.
00:54:39Jimmy where have you been I'd like to speak to my wife alone certainly you'll excuse
00:54:47I suppose you're still going to try and tell me there's nothing between you and
00:54:49that John Hammond of course there's nothing between us expect me to believe that
00:54:54please you must understand Jimmy try to I'm just beginning to understand you I've
00:55:00been a sap you must say that please you know I love you don't make me laugh.
00:55:09All right then.
00:55:10Everything you accuse me of is true. It's true. Yes I'm crazy about him.
00:55:19Get out. I never want to see you again.
00:55:30Why make yourself any more objectionable than you already are I'm not going to
00:55:35. Why make yourself any more objectionable can.
00:55:46From Alan and the company.
00:56:02Let him go.
00:56:06And don't worry. I'll see you home.
00:56:28From now on you're going to be very busy. And when the show closes you'll need
00:56:33a good long rest yes I'll need
00:56:35a rest. I'm taking a house in Bermuda nice and quiet down there you like it Oh but
00:56:42I couldn't I know what you're going to say but it's all perfectly proper and several
00:56:46other people are coming down. That would be nice. That has become you.
00:56:54And that's really
00:56:54a charming dress thank you. If only you had a smile to go with it.
00:56:59That's better so we go yes I'm ready. Oh you know what Oh I'm
00:57:06a dressing table get it.
00:57:13You never did tell me whether you really liked it yes I did. Everything about it
00:57:18when it's gone. I wasn't quite sure how you would take the inscription inscription.
00:57:26Inscription. I suppose I shouldn't have aroused your curiosity about it but never
00:57:32mind now I'd explain on the way to the club.
00:57:42Now I see it all. I see why he left me Betty that was the only way I had
00:57:48a showing my esteem for you can't you see what you've done I'm sorry I didn't
00:57:53realize now you didn't. I love Jimmy.
00:58:41What are you doing with that out there. I'm going to do my fire dive I you have
00:58:46not met in
00:58:46a long time I know it. OK. As
00:58:52a great crowd out there Jimmy yeah that's fine I always like a big audience yeah
00:58:58and it didn't hurt you a bit to miss that last time. They seem to think you can do
00:59:03it now don't you worry I can do it all right of course you can but you know how
00:59:08the public is always expecting
00:59:10a big thrill yeah. All right I'll give him
00:59:15a thrill I'll never forget.
00:59:20That again ladies and gentlemen that I'm back again that I don't have
00:59:26a claim but I feel like. I'm
00:59:32a man ladies and gentlemen that's fine I don't know where I am after converting
00:59:38himself into
00:59:39a blazing human heart from the top of that hundred foot ladder head for most
00:59:45and to a blazing cauldron of fire Jimmy Cain ladies and gentlemen.
01:00:08Thank you very much.
01:00:55Well we certainly went over pretty big didn't we baby yes Jimmy pretty big but
01:01:00it's the old partnership that does it Cain and Robert we're headed for the big time
01:01:06now for better or for worse. Better for me and worse for you.
