TV-G | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Family, Music, TV Series | Episode aired 2 February 1966
Ross begins having trouble with a bully at school. Meanwhile, Patty falls for the bully's brother so Cathy takes it upon herself to come to Ross' aid, with the help of Richard.
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writers: Sidney Sheldon, William Asher
Stars: Patty Duke, William Schallert, Jean Byron
Ross begins having trouble with a bully at school. Meanwhile, Patty falls for the bully's brother so Cathy takes it upon herself to come to Ross' aid, with the help of Richard.
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writers: Sidney Sheldon, William Asher
Stars: Patty Duke, William Schallert, Jean Byron
Short filmTranscript
00:19What are you doing?
00:20I'm dusting. Why does it look like I'm doing?
00:23May I make a suggestion?
00:27Don't ever take it up as a profession.
00:39Patty, have we got any steak in the house?
00:41We're having chicken for dinner.
00:42What do you want, a steak?
00:45What happened to your eye?
00:47I was attacked by a monster.
00:50You mean some bully did that to you?
00:52Forget it, Patty.
00:53Just tell me where I can find some steak
00:54to put on this eye.
00:55No, I'm not gonna forget it.
00:56What do you think sisters are for?
00:58I'm not gonna sit here and let something
00:59like this happen to you.
01:01Gee, Patty, I didn't think you'd get
01:02so steamed up about it.
01:03Well, of course I'm steamed up.
01:04Now, who did that?
01:06His name's Jerry Mitchell.
01:07He's a new kid at school.
01:09Oh, how?
01:10He's about three inches taller than I am,
01:11and he weighs about 10 pounds more than I do.
01:14How did the fight start?
01:15I don't know.
01:16At recess, he started shoving me around,
01:18and when I told him to cut it out,
01:19he belted me in the eye.
01:20Come on.
01:21Where are we going?
01:22To school to get his address,
01:23and then we're going over to his house,
01:24and I'm gonna turn him over on my knee
01:25and give him a saggy heel
01:26and remember for the rest of his life.
01:29Are you really?
01:30I told you, no one but no one
01:31laid a hand on my kid brother.
01:33I'm Alan Mitchell.
01:34You are?
01:35I'm Patty Lane.
01:36Well, it seems that my little brother, Jerry,
01:37got in a fight with your brother today,
01:38and I came by to apologize.
01:39We just moved into the neighborhood,
01:40and I'm afraid that's a bad way to get started.
01:41Oh, boy.
01:42Oh, boy.
01:43Oh, boy.
01:44Oh, boy.
01:45Oh, boy.
01:46Oh, boy.
01:47Oh, boy.
01:48Oh, boy.
01:49Oh, boy.
01:50Oh, boy.
01:51Oh, boy.
01:52Oh, boy.
01:53Oh, boy.
01:54Oh, boy.
01:55Oh, boy.
01:56Oh, boy.
01:57Oh, boy.
01:58Well, if it's any consolation to you,
02:01my brother has a black eye, too.
02:04You gave his brother a black eye?
02:06You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
02:10Come in, won't you, Mr. Mitchell?
02:15Oh, boy.
02:16Meet Kathy, who's lived most everywhere,
02:19from Zanzibar to Barclays Square.
02:22But Patty's only seen the sights a girl can see
02:25from Brooklyn Heights.
02:26What a crazy pair.
02:28But they're cousins, identical cousins,
02:32all the way up there.
02:35One pair of matching books,
02:38one pair of matching shoes,
02:41one pair of matching shoes,
02:44one pair of matching bookends,
02:47different as night and day.
02:50Where Kathy adores a minuet,
02:53the ballet Russe and Crepe Suzette.
02:56Our Patty loves to rock and roll,
02:58a hot dog makes her lose control.
03:00What a wild duet.
03:02Still they're cousins, identical cousins,
03:07than you'll find.
03:09They laugh alike, they walk alike,
03:11at times they even talk alike.
03:13You can lose your mind
03:15when cousins
03:17aren't two of a kind.
03:28As a matter of fact,
03:29we were just on our way over to your house.
03:31Oh? What for?
03:33Well, to apologize.
03:35That's right.
03:36As I was saying to Ross,
03:38one just doesn't go around getting into fights
03:40with new neighbors, does one?
03:41I didn't get into a fight with him,
03:42he got into a fight with me.
03:44Ross, why don't you go find yourself a steak, hmm?
03:49I'm terribly sorry about this.
03:51Ross must learn to control his temper.
03:53I'm not so sure it was Ross' fault.
03:55I have a feeling that Jerry likes to fight.
03:58Well, don't you worry.
03:59I have a feeling they're going to be very good friends.
04:02Well, I hope so.
04:03I believe in being neighborly, Alan.
04:06Where are you from?
04:09Yeah, we just moved here last week.
04:11You planning to stay for a while?
04:13Yes, uh-huh.
04:14My dad just bought a sports car agency here in town.
04:17A sports car agency?
04:19I love sports cars.
04:20Do you?
04:21Well, so do I.
04:22I have three of them.
04:23You have three sports cars?
04:25Yeah, I race them.
04:29I'll bet you win a lot.
04:31I have a few trophies, yeah.
04:34Hey, maybe you'd like to go for a ride sometime?
04:36I'd love to.
04:37All right, I'll give you a call.
04:39I've really got to go now and get dressed for a date.
04:41Yeah, I'd better be getting dressed, too.
04:43Dinner in the theater, you know.
04:44Gets to be such a bore doing the same thing every night.
04:47Well, I'll tell you, I'll have Jerry apologize to Ross.
04:50Oh, don't you do any such thing.
04:52I'll have Ross apologize to Jerry.
04:53I mean, after all, your brother's new in the neighborhood,
04:55and we wouldn't want anyone in your family
04:58to get the wrong impression of anyone in our family.
05:01Yeah, well, I'll see you.
05:06See ya.
05:15What are you doing with that?
05:17We didn't have any steak in the house.
05:19Besides, it's none of your business.
05:20You're not a member of my family anymore.
05:22Oh, come on, Ross.
05:23I did it for your own good.
05:24You're a Benedict Arnold.
05:26Do you want to be known as the town bully?
05:28No, and I don't want to be known as the town punching bag, either.
05:31You're not going to be.
05:32You and Jerry Mitchell are going to be very good friends.
05:36Because he's going to be your brother-in-law.
05:44Oh, Kathy, would you pour some milk, please?
05:47So where's Ross?
05:48I haven't seen him since I got home.
05:50He's up in his room, dear.
05:52Well, isn't he coming down for dinner?
05:54Patty, will you go see what your brother's doing?
05:56He's not my brother anymore.
05:58Patty, have you and Ross been fighting again?
06:00He's been fighting, but not with me.
06:02Oh, I'll get the salad.
06:05Hi, Dad.
06:06Oh, hi, son.
06:09Ross, how'd you get that black eye?
06:11By being a bully.
06:14You were in a fight?
06:15Yes, sir.
06:17Well, now, Ross, you know how I feel about things like that.
06:19I couldn't help it, Dad.
06:21Dad, do you think it's neighborly to go around beating up new kids in the neighborhood?
06:25I don't think it's neighborly to go around beating up anybody.
06:27Well, I was minding my own business in the schoolyard,
06:30and this new kid named Jerry Mitchell came up to me and started shoving me around.
06:34And when I asked him to quit it, he hauled off and belted me in the eye.
06:40Well, Ross, when somebody behaves that way, there must be a reason for it.
06:43Maybe he has a personality problem or something of that kind.
06:46But violence is no solution to a problem.
06:49Now, you're an intelligent boy.
06:51The next time he pushes you around, I want you to use that intelligence.
06:54Talk to him. Reason with him.
06:56Well, what if I do all those things and he still won't listen?
06:59Then you can belt him in the eye.
07:05Okay, Jerry.
07:13Who is it?
07:15It's Patty.
07:19Hi, there. Look what I brought you, my transistor radio.
07:22You've always wanted it. It's yours.
07:24What's the catch?
07:25What's there anything about a catch?
07:27If a sister can't be nice to her own brother, who can she be nice to?
07:30Jerry Mitchell's brother.
07:31Well, he can't hurt you to be nice to Jerry.
07:33Now, I want you to invite him to dinner tomorrow night.
07:36Okay, but he won't come.
07:37Why not?
07:38Because tomorrow morning I'm going to punch him in the nose.
07:40You better not.
07:42I thought you were on my side.
07:44I'm on the side of peaceful coexistence.
07:46Now, tomorrow morning I want you to go up to Jerry and shake his hand and tell him you're very sorry.
07:52Go up to him, shake his hand and tell him I'm very sorry?
07:55That's right.
07:56I'm going to punch him in the nose.
07:57Ross, this is your last warning. I don't want to hear of you fighting with Jerry.
08:01Well, I'll try and keep it quiet.
08:03Try to friend somebody.
08:16Any luck?
08:17He thinks he's Cassius Clay.
08:19I don't know what's gotten into him, Kathy.
08:20All I know is I'm not going to let him ruin things between Alan and me.
08:23What about Richard and you?
08:25We can't ruin that.
08:26Oh, Kathy, waiting to meet him means really something else.
08:29Yes, and I think I know what.
08:33Pat, you hardly know Alan. You're siding with him against your own brother.
08:37Just because I'm going out with Alan doesn't mean I'm against Ross.
08:40When are you going out with him?
08:42The second he asks me.
08:53Hi, Kath.
08:54Ross, what happened?
08:58Jerry Mitchell again, huh?
09:01At recess, he started shoving me around again.
09:04I tried to stay away from his right hook, but then I found out something.
09:07He's got a left hook. You wouldn't believe.
09:10Who started it?
09:11I did, I guess. I went up to say hello to him, and he hit me in the eye.
09:15Terrible. Did you hit him back?
09:17Who had a chance?
09:20Ross, you can't come home like this every day.
09:22We've got to do something about it.
09:24I know. I'm running out of eyes.
09:28I can't do anything about it, Kathy. He's just too big.
09:31Size doesn't mean anything.
09:32You want to bet?
09:36We're going to fix that young Jerry Mitchell right now.
09:40Where are you going?
09:41I'm going to call someone who's going to teach you how to fight.
09:49Hello, Richard. This is Kathy.
09:51Could you come right over, please? We have an emergency here.
09:58You mean to say this kid just came up to you and beat you up without any reason?
10:01Oh, he's got a reason. He's bigger than I am.
10:03Can you teach Ross to box?
10:05I'll do better than that. I'll teach him some judo.
10:08Oh, boy.
10:09Can you really do it?
10:10Certainly. I've been trained for years.
10:13Will it take long?
10:14I can teach him enough tricks to take care of himself in a couple of hours.
10:17Wonderful. I'll just sit by and watch.
10:19Oh, good. Let me see your muscle.
10:21You better put some old clothes on, though. You're going to be falling a lot.
10:26It's certainly nice of you to do this, Richard.
10:28Oh, my pleasure.
10:30But why didn't Patty ask me?
10:33Well, I mean, it's her brother.
10:35Well, um...
10:37Richard, I think it would be better if we didn't mention this to Patty right now.
10:41Why not?
10:42I think we should surprise her.
10:44Boy, she's really going to be surprised when she learns that I taught Ross, isn't she?
11:04Hello? Alan?
11:06This is Patty.
11:09Uh, Lane.
11:10Ross's older sister.
11:13Oh, yes, sure. Hi.
11:17Um, listen, how's your little brother?
11:20Well, he's fine.
11:22Oh, good. I, uh...
11:24I was worried about him.
11:27Look, um...
11:29The reason I called is, um...
11:31Well, I wanted to be sure you told him not to worry about Ross bothering him anymore.
11:36Oh, yeah. Don't worry about Jerry.
11:38Oh, good, because I wouldn't want him to get the wrong impression of our family.
11:41Well, I'll mention it to him.
11:45Uh, how are all his sports cars?
11:47Oh, well, uh, they're fine.
11:49Good. Have you won any races lately?
11:52Since yesterday, no.
11:55Well, um...
11:57You know, I was thinking about it.
11:59I mean, after you mentioned it yesterday.
12:01It must be wild driving around in a car like that with all that power throbbing inside of it.
12:06Yeah, yeah.
12:08Uh, I mean, it must give you a great sense of, uh...
12:12A power, huh?
12:14Yes, it's, uh, it's really quite a kick.
12:19Well, um...
12:20Did I tell you I'd never ridden in a sports car?
12:23Uh, yeah, I think you did.
12:25If you'll excuse me, I've got to go now.
12:27Oh, are you going to go driving in your car?
12:29No, no. I'm going down to Miller's Garage and working my carburetor.
12:33You mean you fix cars?
12:35Oh, it's marvelous to be able to work with your hands.
12:38Well, uh, thank you for calling.
12:40Oh, that's all right. I was just sitting here thinking, and I thought...
12:44Well, I thought I'd like to go out for a breath of fresh air.
12:48And then I thought, no, no, first I'd better call and see how your little brother is.
12:52You say he's okay, huh?
12:54Yes, he's fine.
12:55Oh, well, that's good, because I was really worried about him.
12:59By the way, isn't my house right on the way to Miller's Garage?
13:03No, no, Miller's Garage is right around the corner from here.
13:06Oh. Oh, well, then you can practically walk there, can't you?
13:10Well, I mean, if you didn't need your car to fix it when you got there.
13:15I mean...
13:17You say your brother's really all right, huh?
13:20Yes, I'm sure he's fine.
13:22Thank you for calling, now. Bye.
13:25All right, feet set. All right, now throw a punch at me.
13:28Now, wait a minute. Not so fast.
13:30You've got to go slower. I can't teach you.
13:32Oh, all right.
13:33Throw another punch.
13:35Parry with the left, grab the wrist,
13:37twist the arm up behind and hold onto the shirt.
13:39You got it?
13:40Yeah, yeah, okay.
13:41Okay, you try.
13:42Go ahead. Throw a punch at me.
13:43Now, come in a little closer.
13:44All right.
13:46Parry, grab...
13:49All right.
13:50All right.
13:51Parry, grab...
13:53Okay, Ross.
13:54Hey, I got it, I got it.
13:55Yeah, you're breaking my arm, too.
13:58Well, it didn't take long to learn that at all, did it?
14:00I can teach him enough tricks so he'll throw that Jerry Mitchell around the schoolyard like a basketball.
14:06Ross, I'm supposed to be teaching you.
14:09Sorry, I just got carried away.
14:13You need more than one hold, anyway.
14:15Okay, now.
14:17Come in a little closer and get your feet apart.
14:19All right.
14:20Now, I'm going to show you the kickback throw.
14:22You step in, grab the shoulders and kick.
14:27Ross, you want to learn it, don't you?
14:34Hi, Kathy.
14:35Have I had any calls?
14:36Not since I've been home.
14:37You sure?
14:39I mean, you're sure Alan Mitchell didn't call me?
14:42Was he supposed to?
14:43Well, I happened to run into him at Miller's Garage and he said he might call.
14:47What were you doing at Miller's Garage?
14:49Never mind.
14:50You know, Kathy, you'll never know how different a car looks from underneath.
14:55I beg your pardon?
14:56Well, I mean, they keep all kinds of secret things under there.
14:59Patty, do you mean to tell me you crawled under a car to talk to Alan Mitchell?
15:04Of course not. It was up on a rack.
15:07You know, he really looks cute in overalls with grease all over them.
15:11By the way, have you seen Ross?
15:13I don't think he's home from school yet.
15:15Oh, I just want to make sure he stops picking on poor little Jerry Mitchell.
15:26Been picking on poor little Jerry Mitchell again?
15:28Very funny.
15:30Did you use the judo hole Richard taught you?
15:32Sure I did. Only he got out of it and flipped me over.
15:34What about the kickback throw?
15:36I tried everything.
15:37Well, don't you worry, Ross. We're not licked yet.
15:41What do you mean, we?
15:45You're saying this kid knows judo?
15:47I'll say he does.
15:49I'll bet you he doesn't know karate, and that's what I'm going to teach you.
15:52Are you sure it works?
15:54Have I ever failed you? Never mind.
15:56I promise you tomorrow this kid's going to be running from you in terror.
15:59Get up.
16:02Sure. It's the most dangerous thing there is.
16:05Notice anything special about my hand?
16:12It needs washing.
16:14It's a deadly weapon.
16:16It is?
16:17As a matter of fact, in a lot of states,
16:19a karate expert has to register his hand with the proper authorities.
16:23Now watch this.
16:25First you get the balance.
16:27Then aim. Perfect aim.
16:29A lot of concentration.
16:31Then take a deep breath.
16:37Notice the aim?
16:39Keep your eye on that.
16:46Now watch.
16:58You're right. It is a deadly weapon.
17:09I think you're right, Richard. Ross does need some fundamental training.
17:12There you are.
17:14A week with these and Ross will look like Samson.
17:18Now should we...
17:24If those are for Ross, shall we call him?
17:26Oh, okay.
17:54Thought I'd fix that thing.
18:14I'll just stay like that till I get my tools.
18:23Ross is one of the best bodybuilders there is.
18:25Hello, Mr. Martin.
18:27Oh, hi, Mr. Lane. Can I help you?
18:29Oh, gee, thank you, Richard. That's very nice.
18:31Oh, I'll need that in the house.
18:38Thanks a lot.
18:45Those are pretty tricky. You gotta take it easy at first.
18:48Now, wait a minute. Ross, you gotta do this right.
18:50First, we gotta make sure your thumbs are folded down right.
18:52There, like that.
18:54Okay. Now, I want you to think of all your strength being in your shoulders,
18:58your arms, and your wrists.
19:00And when I say pull, I want you to pull with all your might.
19:03Are you thinking?
19:05Yeah, I'm thinking.
19:07Ready? Pull!
19:12Are you all right?
19:14That was great, Ross. Come on, get up.
19:16I can't. Why not?
19:18Well, there's no strength in my little legs.
19:20It's all gone to my shoulders, arms, and wrists.
19:22You know what the trouble with you is?
19:24What? Psychological.
19:26You know what I mean, Cath? I think so.
19:28What you need is confidence, see?
19:32What you should do is say to yourself,
19:34I'm stronger than he is. I can beat him.
19:36Yeah. Well, say it.
19:38I'm stronger than he is. I can beat him.
19:40Say it again.
19:41I'm stronger than he is. I can beat him.
19:43Once more.
19:45I'm stronger than he is. I can beat him.
19:49Did you say I'm stronger than he is? I can beat him?
19:51I didn't get a chance.
19:53Why not?
19:54When I opened my mouth, he stuck his fist in it.
19:57You're kidding.
19:59Do I look like I'm kidding?
20:01Oh, it was pitiful. I tried judo and he threw me.
20:03Then I played my ace card.
20:05I started that karate move you showed me.
20:07You're right. It's murder.
20:10Oh, hi, Richard.
20:13Holy cow, you look like a disaster area.
20:15What happened?
20:18Don't tell me you've been fighting with little Jerry Mitchell again.
20:21Patty, you've got it all wrong.
20:23Jerry Mitchell's been beating up Ross.
20:25That's why I've been teaching Ross self-defense.
20:30Yeah, you know, defending himself.
20:32Defending what?
20:33Yeah, it was Cath's idea.
20:36Thanks a lot, cousin.
20:38Someone had to do something about Ross.
20:40Well, somebody is going to do something about Ross right now.
20:42What's the matter, Patty?
20:44I'd rather not go into it at the moment.
20:46I'll get it.
20:52Hi, Alan.
20:53May I talk to you for a minute?
20:54Sure, let's go someplace quiet.
20:56It's Jerry Mitchell's brother.
20:58Come on in, Alan.
21:00This is my cousin, Cathy. This is Alan Mitchell.
21:02And this is Richard Harrison.
21:04Alan is a brother of a friend of Ross's.
21:07A lot of mine, isn't it?
21:09Yes, Jerry mentioned to me that you two had another fight today.
21:12Oh, I'm sure it was just a friendly little argument.
21:14You know how those things happen.
21:16I've told Jerry a million times not to get in any fights.
21:20Then why is he always fighting?
21:22I guess it's my fault.
21:23I taught him a little boxing and some judo and karate,
21:26and it must have gone to his head.
21:27No, it went to mine.
21:30He told me that you tried to use some of that against him.
21:33He shouldn't have, you know. He's really pretty good.
21:35Good? He's an expert.
21:38And so will Ross be when I'm through teaching him.
21:41He just needs a little practice.
21:43Look, it's not a good idea to encourage this sort of thing.
21:46Who says so?
21:47Oh, look, why don't we all go down and have a nice soda, huh?
21:50Look, you shouldn't fool around with things you don't understand.
21:52How about a milkshake?
21:53Things I don't understand?
21:55I've been studying judo for three years.
21:57How, by correspondence?
22:00Come out in the backyard,
22:01and I'd be glad to give you a little demonstration.
22:03I'll be on a split.
22:04Look, I wouldn't want to take advantage of you.
22:06Don't worry. You won't be.
22:10What are you going to do?
22:11Teach your friend here a little lesson.
22:16Listen, my car is right outside.
22:18As soon as I get finished with him,
22:19I'll take you on that drive I promised you, okay?
22:22I've got to see this.
22:25Kathy, are you just going to stand there and let this happen?
22:27Kathy, it's been happening since time began.
22:30Brave men fighting over the woman they love.
22:32Who am I to fly in the face of tradition?
22:34You mean you're not going to do anything?
22:37And embarrass both of them?
22:39You really don't know much about male psychology, do you?
22:44Let's go!
22:49What happened?
22:50He's out cold.
22:51Who is?
22:52Who do you think?
22:55What happened? I thought you were an expert.
22:57How much can you learn through the mail?
23:00Well, I'm ready if you are.
23:02We can take a drive along the Merritt Parkway.
23:04Take a...
23:05Do you think I would go out with a bully like you?
23:09A bully like me?
23:10Of course. Look what you've done to me.
23:13I'm sorry.
23:14Don't you worry. I'll take very good care of you, Richard.
23:16I don't understand.
23:18How could you understand?
23:20How could you understand?
23:22You and your big moose of a brother are too busy going around beating up the neighborhood.
23:25I will thank you, Mr. Mitchell, to leave and never darken my doorway again.
23:31I'll show you to the door.
23:34You know, I thought I understood women.
23:36Oh, I'm sure you do.
23:37You just don't understand patties.
23:50What he didn't tell me was he was boxing champ in college.
23:53Boy, did he make me feel like an amateur.
23:56Oh, Richard, I'm so sorry it happened.
23:59It was worth it, Mrs. Lane.
24:01You should have seen the way Patty lit into him.
24:03Well, I should hope so.
24:05You know, she's over there now straightening out that moose of a brother of his.
24:08Don't you think it would be better if we just forgot the whole thing?
24:12Yeah, maybe we ought to keep these feuds confined to the family and not involve strangers.
24:16Well, I don't want a feud anymore.
24:18I feel like I got my sister back again.
24:20How'd it go, champ?
24:22Richard, here's a steak for you.
24:25Ross, here's a steak for you.
24:30What's the chicken for?
24:32That is a rough family.
24:34What a crazy pair.
24:36But they're cousins.
24:38Identical twins.
24:40They're just like me.
24:42They're just like me.
24:44They're just like me.
24:46They're just like me.
24:48They're just like me.
24:50They're just like me.
24:52They're just like me.
24:54They're just like me.
24:56They're just like me.
24:58They're just like me.
25:00They're just like me.
25:03Identical cousins and you'll find
25:07They laugh alike, they walk alike
25:09At times they even talk alike
25:11You can lose your mind
25:14When cousins
25:17Are two of a kind