• 5 years ago
Approved | 30min | Adventure, Western, TV Series | Episode aired 10 April 1957

Hawkeye and Chingachgook find a group of new settlers, trapped in the Huron's territory. Greedy scout Jake Flint makes a deal with Hurons and together they force other white people to work for them almost as slaves.

Director: Sam Newfield

Writers: Endre Bohem, Louis Vittes, James Fenimore Cooper

Stars: John Hart, Lon Chaney Jr., John Paris
00:00From the immortal pen of James Fenimore Cooper came stirring tales of the early American frontier, when freedom-loving pioneers were carving a new nation out of an unknown, savage, and untamed wilderness.
00:13Stories of those exciting days, and of the courage, daring, and devotion of men like Hawkeye, the first of the Long Rifles, and his tribal brother Chingachgook, the last of the Mohicans.
01:13Many Hurons here.
01:33Yeah, it's kind of surprising. We're looking for a band of lost white settlers to run into this.
01:38Maybe explain why. White governor not hear from settlers for six moons.
01:43Yeah, it's kind of got me worried. Those were city people, fresh off the boat from England. They head for this territory and disappear.
01:50They have scout?
01:54No scout that is good. Lead settlers into Huron territory.
01:58No, I reckon he wouldn't.
02:08Done to your taste, Mr. Flint?
02:15That's fine eating, Rafe.
02:16Better than them settlers is having.
02:28The trappers are coming.
02:36What's in them sacks for them, Rafe?
02:37Flour, half a pound of dried venison. You're a pretty smart man, Mr. Flint.
02:41Much obliged.
02:43You bring these city people out here, and when they can't take care of themselves, they got no guns, helpless, you make them trap for us and pay them with nothing.
02:51Let's not waste time. Ben Arrow, let him in.
03:16Fair catch. Take it, Rafe.
03:20I was hoping there'd be a little more provisions, Mr. Flint. It was terrible hard making out last time.
03:25You made out, didn't you?
03:26Well, of course I did, but I was just hoping. The children get awful hungry.
03:32Next man.
03:39That's a mighty small pack, Bass.
03:41I was sick.
03:43Don't make the pack any bigger. Wouldn't be surprised if he was expecting to get full payment, though.
03:48You call this miserable sack full payment?
03:52You got any place else to peddle your furs?
03:54We could take it up to the capital. It ain't more than 50 miles away.
03:5750 miles of virgin forest between here and the capital?
04:00Not one of you could find his way through a thick bush without a helping hand.
04:04And even if you could, Little Bear, Ben Arrow,
04:09what would your Huron brothers do if these people walked out on their agreement with Jake Flint?
04:18I ain't a hard man, Bass.
04:25That your boy, Sam?
04:29Sam Bass, come here.
04:35Who gave you that meat?
04:36You can't do that to my boy.
04:50That's a mistake, Winters.
05:01He was murdered.
05:02You better not talk like that.
05:04I intend staying wherever I please.
05:06You can't.
05:07Not here.
05:08I don't intend remaining here.
05:11I'm taking Sarah and the boy back to the capital.
05:13That's 50 miles, Hiram.
05:15People like us don't know our ways around the wilderness.
05:18Besides that, what about the Hurons?
05:20Maybe there aren't any.
05:22Maybe the only two Hurons is the ones working for Flint.
05:25Besides, we've only got his word about a whole band of them.
05:27It's a mighty big chance you're taking.
05:29What chance have we got staying on here?
05:32What chance has my boy got?
05:45From the looks of you, I can see we're going it alone.
05:50Come, Sarah.
06:20Well, it looks peaceable enough.
06:23There is trading post here.
06:25You think maybe this settlement Governor sent us to find?
06:28Well, let's ask a few questions.
06:31We tell scouts what we come for?
06:33We'll decide that after we talk to them.
06:48Afternoon to you.
07:01You walk quiet as an Indian, mister.
07:10I am Indian.
07:14I see you've got a couple of Indian friends, too.
07:18You're seeing right.
07:19Who are you?
07:20We're trappers looking for a place to set up our lines.
07:23Thought we'd set up near a trading post like here.
07:25We already got trappers.
07:27There's plenty of streams, plenty of wildlife.
07:30I don't think your other trappers would mind if we set up hereabouts.
07:33I would.
07:43Well, that being the case, we'll just keep moving along.
08:04Wait a minute.
08:05We're friendly.
08:07This is Chingich Kirk.
08:08I'm called Hawkeye.
08:12I'm Abel Stark.
08:14You one of the English settlers that came out here to trap fur?
08:17I am.
08:18With my wife and two little ones.
08:21We'd be better off starving to death in the old country.
08:24Why is that?
08:25This is rich land.
08:26We're city folk.
08:27We don't know how to live here.
08:28You came out with scouts, didn't you?
08:32Jake Flint and his men.
08:33Well, don't they help you?
08:35They know you're talking to me?
08:38What are you asking these questions for?
08:40What are you doing out here?
08:41Came up from the capital.
08:42Got a letter for one of your people.
08:44We haven't got a letter for anyone in the six months we've been out here.
08:47Who's it for?
08:48A man by the name of Hiram Bass.
08:49His brother sent it.
08:52Well, Hiram left with his family two, three hours ago.
08:55Headed for where?
08:56South, to the capital.
08:59Flint's been saying there's Hurons between us and there.
09:03Bass wouldn't believe him.
09:04Well, he should have, because there are.
09:07We'll be back.
09:34You're on war cry.
09:47They must have spotted the wagon.
09:50What can we do?
09:54What can we do?
09:55What can we do?
10:12There's no going back to the capital,
10:35not until the Hurons are cleared out,
10:36and that would take too much time.
10:37What else can we do?
10:39Gather your furs and your gear and head north.
10:43But there are Indians up north, too.
10:45Well, the difference, Mr. Stark, is they're Iroquois.
10:47They're friendly.
10:48They'll let you settle amongst them.
10:49We'd never reach them.
10:51We don't know the ways of the forest.
10:53Chingage Cook and I will be glad to lead you.
10:57I'll go along with that.
10:59The rest of us will, too.
11:01What about Flint and his men?
11:03They'd never let us leave here.
11:05It's going to take you two or three days to get your furs and get ready.
11:08During that time, there's no need to inform Mr. Flint.
11:11What he doesn't know won't bother him.
11:16Them two who say they're trappers saved Sam Bass.
11:19Now they're holding a meeting in the Bass cabin.
11:21Between them two strangers and the fuss,
11:23them settlers kicked up at the post.
11:25Looks like it's time we taught them all a lesson.
11:28Little Bear, how long will it take you to go downriver,
11:31get your tribe up here?
11:34That figure's just about right.
11:36Get going.
11:41Them trappers are going to get a surprise,
11:44a real happy surprise.
12:04He'll do for now.
12:24Flint must have been sending him downstream for the other Hurons.
12:28Flint be brave man now, with all Huron tribe behind him.
12:32What do we do now?
12:34Well, we'll go ahead with our plans.
12:36Flint doesn't know the Hurons aren't coming.
12:38That will give us the time we need.
12:40We help settlers set trap.
12:43Yes, we can help them get started sooner that way.
12:57More than two days passed.
12:59Where are them Hurons?
13:01Maybe they kind of got held up.
13:02By what?
13:04Meanwhile, we haven't been seeing, hearing anything out of the trappers.
13:07They might be planning to move on any minute.
13:08We got to know.
13:10Why not ask one of them?
13:11That's exactly what I got in mind.
13:13Now you take Ben Darrow here.
13:25What do you want?
13:43Real pleasure to see you, Mr. Wilshire.
13:46Last few days, me and the trappers kind of lost touch with each other.
13:50Makes me real unhappy.
13:52What are you boys up to?
13:54I ain't going to take it kindly unless you start talking.
13:57I ain't got nothing to say.
13:59Ben Darrow, get me that strip of rawhide off on the counter.
14:24What do you know about leather, Mr. Wilshire?
14:27Well, I'll tell you.
14:28When it's wet, it stretches.
14:32But when it's drying, it starts getting tighter and tighter.
14:35You understand that.
14:38Now supposing I was to take this piece of leather here,
14:41tie it real snug around your neck when it's still wet,
14:46and then, why, we'd all sit around and wait for it to start drying.
14:52Might be very interesting.
14:54It would start strangling you.
14:56That's a real possible thing to happen, Mr. Wilshire.
14:59But if you're so set on talking...
15:01I'll tell you anything you want to know.
15:03You know, I kind of thought you would.
15:09They all come like you say.
15:11Empty handed.
15:12With no furs.
15:14Today they're going to take furs instead of bring them in.
15:20They're coming.
15:21Let them in.
15:22General, open that door.
15:32Glad to see you, friends.
15:34But you seem to be light on furs.
15:36Ain't the little beasties been walking into the traps?
15:39We've been taking plenty of furs.
15:41Now that's interesting.
15:43Where are they?
15:44We've got them cashed.
15:46No reason to do that when I'm willing to buy them.
15:48Selling them to you is like trying to ouch out a high wind.
15:52Why'd you bother to come here at all?
15:54You've got furs here that belong to these trappers.
15:56We want them.
15:58I've paid for them.
15:59The price wasn't right.
16:01You're getting pretty high handed, mister.
16:03Me and my men are armed.
16:05I noticed.
16:06We still want those furs.
16:09You aim on selling them at the capital?
16:12Gonna be quite a job guiding all these trappers down south.
16:16Maybe we're not going south.
16:18That ain't your favorite direction.
16:20Hurons aren't my favorite people.
16:22Well, you can go wherever you like.
16:26Only, uh, ain't you taking the Bass family with you?
16:32I don't see Hiram around.
16:34He's wounded.
16:35His wife?
16:36And the boy?
16:38In the cabin.
16:40They ain't.
16:45That's right.
16:46They're gone.
16:47Now you make sure of that.
16:49Then come back.
16:51And maybe we can talk different terms, huh?
17:19Come on.
17:20Come on.
17:47It's Rafe.
17:48Rafe and the Indian.
17:50They come in, release the Huron.
17:54They took Sarah and the boy.
17:58What are they gonna do?
18:00Oh, what are they gonna do?
18:19What do you want for Mrs. Bass and the boy?
18:22All the furs the trappers got cashed away.
18:26All right.
18:27You can have them.
18:29And one thing more.
18:31You and the Indian give up your arms and become our prisoners.
18:35How do we know you'll keep your word?
18:37You don't.
18:38But you'll have to do it.
18:40I'll do it.
18:41I'll do it.
18:42I'll do it.
18:43I'll do it.
18:44I'll do it.
18:45I'll do it.
18:46You hear a word.
18:47You don't.
18:48But you ain't got any choice either, have ya?
18:50It's either you or the Bass family.
19:07I sent Little Bear here downstream to bear a message to the Huron.
19:11You kind of intercepted him.
19:13So what I'm going to do is send you down instead.
19:18The Hurons are going to be mighty glad to meet you.
19:20Tie him to the raft.
19:40Every man must die in time.
19:42But to die by Huron is bad.
19:45I can't get these thongs loose at all.
19:48Leather is tight.
19:49You pull, get tighter.
19:51No way, get loose.
19:53Maybe there is a chance, right?
19:56No, no.
19:57You tip over raft.
19:58No, if we can get the thongs wet, maybe we can get loose.
20:01Oh, stretch, huh?
20:12You reckon them trappers will stay in line while we
20:21sell these down to capital?
20:22There's nothing else they can do now that Hawkeye
20:24and his friend are gone.
21:12There's the raft.
21:36They must have got loose somehow.
21:39Little bear, an arrow, go see what happened.
22:13Come on.
22:42Where's the fast boy and his mother?
23:08Little bear, came out in the woods.
23:10Are they still there?
23:12Still there.
23:12I'll take you to them.
23:14Please, you ain't gonna...
23:16No, it's hanging, you're due for it.
23:33Well, you've got some arms and some knowledge of how to get
23:36along in the wilderness.
23:37You want to stay on by yourselves?
23:39I think we'll be just fine.
23:41We'll deliver your furs and those varmints to the capital.
23:44They'll send you back more guns and provisions.
23:47I think you'll get along fine.
23:48Thanks to you and Ching, which gook.
23:50Well, from now on, you won't have anyone
23:52to thank but yourselves.
23:53You were city people when you came out here.
23:55Now I think you're going to be real pioneers.
24:11Join us again at this same time next week for another of James
24:28Fenimore Cooper's gripping tales of the early American frontier.
24:31Another exciting adventure of Hawkeye and his blood brother,
24:37Last of the Mohicans.
