Approved | 30min | Adventure, Western | TV Series (1957)
A young soldier is accused of stealing new breech loading rifles and selling them to the Indians. He is being tried for treason unless Hawkeye can discover the truth.
Director: Sam Newfield
Writers: Nat Tanchuck
Stars: John Hart, Lon Chaney Jr., Michael Julian
A young soldier is accused of stealing new breech loading rifles and selling them to the Indians. He is being tried for treason unless Hawkeye can discover the truth.
Director: Sam Newfield
Writers: Nat Tanchuck
Stars: John Hart, Lon Chaney Jr., Michael Julian
Short filmTranscript
00:00The immortal pen of James F. Cooper brings you thrilling tales of excitement, blazing
00:13action on the early American frontier, stirring adventures filled with the daring and courage
00:21of Hawkeye, first of the Long Rifles, and his blood brother, Chinguchkuk, last of the
01:00Tuscaroras. Looks like they were expecting us. Me not like Tuscarora welcome. Be shown.
01:10They've only got bows and arrows. No use in wasting lead.
01:14Oh, they got me. Run for your life, Chinguchkuk.
01:44Tuscarora not give much trouble. Fight like squaw. I wouldn't take him too lightly. I don't think it was an accident that they knew we were on our way to Fort Redstone.
02:13Lieutenant Louis de Grasse, you are unworthy of bearing the arms of His Majesty. Prisoner de Grasse, I degrade you in the name of the King. Get him out of my sight.
02:32Prisoner, left turn. March. His shoulders look kind of naked. If you have any business here, the Sergeant Hawkeye. Colonel. My executive officer, Major Moncrief.
02:56Glad to meet you, Major. You must excuse my abruptness. We've just been through some very distressing business. You must be Chinguchkuk. The Colonel has told me about both of you.
03:06Does that prisoner have anything to do with our being sent for? Everything. It's all there. The notes on Lieutenant de Grasse's court's marshal for treason.
03:22When's he hanging? As soon as the escort arrives to take him to headquarters. I for one am still hopeful they'll show him some clemency. Still moved by his plea of innocence, are you, Moncrief? Wishful thinking, sir, but after all, we do wear the same uniform.
03:37Read that. It'll save time. Breach load and rifles. We hear talk of that. Shoot more fast. The greatest military development since the discovery of gunpowder. In proper hands, a weapon that could put an end to warfare.
04:01De Grasse stole the plans? Worse than that. Fifty of the actual rifles themselves. You have proof? Beyond any doubt. But what concerns us now is finding out what he did with the rifles and getting them back.
04:13Fifty new weapons like these in the wrong hands? The whole frontier could go up in flames. Chief of Tuscarora tribe would sacrifice half of them to get breach-loading rifle.
04:25Knowing Tewan, I'd say you're right. But I'm not so sure he's got a hold of them yet. I'm glad I'm not the only one guilty of wishful thinking. I'm afraid you stand alone, Major. We had a bit of a skirmish with the Tuscaroras on our way here. If they'd have had breach loaders, they'd have sure used them instead of bows and arrows.
04:42Then where can they be, Hawkeye? It's just as if the ground opened up and swallowed them. Well, the sooner we start digging, the sooner we'll get to the bottom. Strong arm with shovel, dig tunnel faster than words.
04:55Hawkeye, De Grasse couldn't have accomplished his perfidy alone. He must have had some outside help. I suggest you let us assign some troops.
05:04Mean and no offence, Major. This isn't parade ground country. Those red coats of yours would be pretty dazzling on a quiet trail. You'll hear from us, Colonel.
05:15For ten years I worked with my hands on the docks of Marseilles. I ate only a crust of bread sometimes, putting away each precious franc, saving for the day I could buy passage to a free new world.
05:32Would I not be a madman to have exchanged the fulfilment of a dream for a traitor's mess of pottage?
05:40I got to admit, that's a lot of trouble to go through to get yourself hung. But you've got to tell us more than just dreams if you want to get yourself out of this.
05:48I can tell you only what I've already told the Colonel. I delivered the plans to build the breach loaders to the gunsmith personnel.
05:57You'd think the army would have those guns made at headquarters.
06:00Bentham is a former army man himself. Besides, there is no better gunsmith in this territory. It appears I haven't been of much use to you. Or myself.
06:11I wouldn't say that, Lieutenant. You've convinced us that you're not a traitor. I wonder if the same thing can be said for that gunsmith. We'll do what we can for you, Lieutenant.
06:30Tuscarora still follow?
06:59Don't look back. I don't want him to know that we know he's there. He's like a beaten dog, afraid to go near cooking pot.
07:06He acts like somebody. He just wants him to keep track of us. But if I know those Tuscaroras, they'll satisfy their hunger when their teeth get strong enough to chaw us all up.
07:15My white brother and me can pull fangs of ten Tuscaroras. Maybe if they just got bows and arrows. But if they ever get their hands on those breach loaders,
07:25they'll take us and all the King's men to keep them from becoming a pack of murderous wolves.
07:37You can't get a wink of sleep these days. All right, all right, I'm a-coming. And stop that banging. No need knocking it down.
07:46Redskin and a woodsman. Can't you tell the time? It's past eight o'clock. Shop's closed. Come back in the morning.
07:55All the morning's for hunting, Mr. Benton. I can't get much done unless my rifle's in good shape.
08:00Night's work'll cost you double.
08:02Came here to get it fixed, not to haggle.
08:05Well, don't just stand there. Hand it over. Fine weapon. Fine weapon. Goods I can make myself. What'd you say's wrong with it?
08:29It's kind of old-fashioned. Ain't seen better. I heard you have. Take that flintlock off of there and cut a little slot under the hammer.
08:41Cut this piece here and fix it so it'll open up. You got a breach-loading rifle. You're madder than a hoot owl. There ain't no such thing. Now you get.
08:50Don't use popping your eyes, Benton. We heard at Fort Redstone that you've been making breach loaders for the Army.
08:55Who told you? That's a military secret. Still would be, if the fifty guns you made had ever reached the military.
09:05You a Mohican? Me, Mohican. Then you must be... Hawkeye.
09:13Well, what do you want with me? I already told the Colonel everything I knew. It's them two soldiers you ought to be looking for. The ones I delivered the guns to.
09:21Delivered? What I mean is, they'd come here with an order signed by Lieutenant DeGrasse. What'd you expect me to do, say, turn them over to them?
09:32Would you recognize those two soldiers if you ever saw them again? They was as close to me as you be now. Red coats and all.
09:40But they weren't from the fort. Colonel had me look over all the troops. Well, you can ask him. He wrote it all down. Him and that Major.
09:48When man hide truth, tongue rattle fast. Now, look here. The Colonel was satisfied with what I told him, and you've got no call to say I'm lying.
09:58Now, we wouldn't think a doubt in the Colonel's word, except that he's been kind of careless lately about keeping track of missing men and all that.
10:07Haven't heard of any soldiers that were missing. You're sure you gave those guns to Redcoats? I told you, the Colonel... Wrote it all down.
10:17The Army keeps track of missing soldiers. Now, who did you give those guns to? They had an order from DeGrasse. Well, maybe they stole it. And them Redcoats I was wearing, too.
10:29You're lying, and you know it, Benton. Where are those breech loaders? Hawkeye. Me know how to make tongue loose.
10:36Where are our breech loaders? You tell, or I take scout. You wouldn't dare. I dare. You better loosen your tongue, or he'll loosen your hair.
10:50Let me count. One, two... Wait. Wait. You promised you'd let me go. There wasn't really any soldiers. I wasn't in this alone. The whole...
11:20Killer on horse. Like mist in sun, go fast. Leave it as nothing but a blind trail. Me know how to loosen tongue, but not of dead men.
11:50Killer ride that way. That's strange. I was certain he was headed for the fort. How my brother sure Redcoat kill gunsmith?
12:03This pistol ball. See those little marks? They're letters. G.R. They stand for George Rex, the King. Army puts that mark on all its ammunition.
12:33Horse, stop here. Killer, get off and walk.
13:01Colonel was right. The ground did open up and swallow them breech loaders. Wagon tracks. And that, that's just about the size of the box they used to ship guns in.
13:23If I'm not mistaken, those tracks will lead us right smack in the middle of a Tuscarora war dance.
13:37It's getting quiet before the storm. Medicine man, brew storm now. Ask spirits when start war. Tewan likes doing things proper. What interests me right now is that teepee there.
13:55Tuscarora braves, not guard empty teepee. You can bet on that. It is Tuscarora custom. Medicine man must give signal before start war dance. I have time to see. We both have time.
14:55Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:25Sure is a sweet weapon. Tuscarora shoot bad, even with good rifle. Just the same, I wouldn't want to be on the other end of it, even if a squaw was aiming it.
15:55Sergeant. Master the garrison. We're marching on the Tuscarora village. Full battle dress. Aren't you putting the cart before the horse, Colonel?
16:16Hawkeye. You have your order, Sergeant. Terrible things have been happening since you left. Benton's been murdered. I know. This is what killed him.
16:29Army issue. Put that together with some boot prints and you've got the answer to what's going on around here. Not very pretty, is it? Treason, murder, and I'd never have expected either of De Grasse.
16:44De Grasse? Tell you the truth, Colonel, neither would I. Lieutenant is great medicine man. Able to stay in jail and shoot gunsmith in faraway village.
16:54Would it interest you to know that he was not in jail? For your information, De Grasse escaped during the changing of the guard last night. Major Moncrief is out with a patrol searching for him.
17:06I don't mean to be disrespectful, Colonel, but how do you figure marching on the Tuscarora is going to help you find your escaped prisoner any quicker?
17:14De Grasse is the least of my worries now. I don't have to tell you what it means if our breech loaders fall into the hands of Tewan. And by all that's holy, I'll find them if I have to tear down every Tuscarora teepee.
17:30Reckon I can save you the trouble, Colonel. We've already found them. What? Still in their boxes sitting right smack in the middle of the Tuscarora village.
17:37Still in their boxes, you say? Then our only chance is to march on them before they have an opportunity of organizing an attack.
17:43The way I look at it, Colonel, we've got to get those breech loaders away from the Tuscaroras first or you won't have anybody left who can march back.
17:51Colonel, did you ever have a powwow with a Tuscarora chief, Tewan? No. Maybe you ought to. We're beyond powwow.
18:00A lot of grief in this world could be saved, Colonel, if people would just take the time to talk things over face to face.
18:07Hawkeye, I earned my way as a soldier, but that doesn't mean that I enjoy war any better than you do.
18:15I'd walk to a peace council in my bare feet if only I knew that I could trust Tewan to keep his word.
18:22I'm afraid you haven't got much choice, Colonel. In the face of those breech loaders, your garrison has about as much chance as sheep in a slaughterhouse.
18:31Are you Tuscarora braves or howling dogs? Hawkeye, come. The sign of peace.
18:37Tewan, the white chief wishes a council of peace.
18:41Why white man not talk peace when Tuscarora braves have only bow and arrow?
18:47Any man can make a mistake, no matter what the color of his skin.
18:52And you'll be making the biggest mistake of all if you turn us away now.
18:55With this, Tewan no make mistake.
18:58The 50 fire sticks you have now can do a lot of damage for a while.
19:02You might even drive the white man out of these parts.
19:05But many more will be back with more fire sticks than you can count.
19:10The white chief has spoken with a straight tongue, Tewan.
19:13The big chief of chiefs, his majesty the king from across the great waters, will always hold out his hand in peace to you.
19:20Only one way Tuscarora have peace.
19:23One way.
19:25One way.
19:27One way.
19:29One way.
19:31One way.
19:33One way.
19:35One way.
19:37Tuscarora have peace.
19:39Be strong.
19:41Tuscarora bows and arrows are good medicine for hunting.
19:45But they're bad medicine to fight wars with against guns.
19:48Hawkeye talk like old man without mind.
19:52Tuscarora have better guns than white man.
19:56Bows and arrows that shoot are better than guns that won't shoot.
20:00Hawkeye never see gun like this before.
20:03Shoot fast.
20:07Kill many Yankees.
20:09I know more about those fire sticks than you do, chief.
20:11The white man who sold them to you betrayed you.
20:14Just as he betrayed his own people.
20:16I know you must have traded plenty of good furs and wampum for those guns.
20:20But they're bad medicine.
20:22Red man can't fire them.
20:24Tewan, red man.
20:26Tewan make shoot.
20:28Go ahead.
20:29Try it.
20:30Hawkeye's tongue bring him sudden death.
20:49Hawkeye speak truth.
20:50Guns no good.
20:52Chief, guns good or bad can never solve our differences.
20:57All white man hate Tuscarora.
21:00Now, I'd suggest you think it over, Tewan.
21:03You're worse off now than you were before you bought those guns.
21:06White chief here still holds out his hand in peace to you.
21:10Tewan, I was sent here to keep the peace, not make war.
21:15White chief, speak truth.
21:18What Indian and white man to live like brothers?
21:25Like Hawkeye and me.
21:28We sit.
21:30Make council.
21:32Smoke pipe of peace.
21:35Sweetest smoke I can think of.
21:48Sir, the prisoner de Grasse.
21:50Guards, wait outside.
21:53You'll both be interested to know that we've recovered the breech loaders.
21:57Hawkeye and Chingichgook risked their lives to accomplish that.
22:01They are to be complimented, sir.
22:03Lieutenant de Grasse, your innocence has been established.
22:06And with my most sincere apology, I'm restoring you to duty.
22:11And my first order to you is, arrest Major Moncrief.
22:17Sir, you're making a most grievous error.
22:19Not as grievous as most of yours have been.
22:25Stand back, all of you.
22:27Drop those guns.
22:29You're not going to send me to the ghetto.
22:32Come on, get away from that door.
22:34Come on, move.
22:50Here's your prisoner, Lieutenant.
22:54Prisoner, march.
22:59White man justice.
23:08Hawkeye, I'm sending the breech loaders to headquarters.
23:11I'd appreciate it if you'd escort them.
23:13Be glad to, Colonel.
23:15I knew you would.
23:17The wagon's waiting at the stockade gate.
23:19Hawkeye, I still can't understand how you could have been so calm
23:23when Tewan pulled those triggers.
23:25Well, now, Colonel, that's a compliment I don't rightly deserve.
23:29I reckon you'd have been just as calm
23:31if you knew that those breech loaders didn't have any firing pins.
23:34You mean, you and Chingichgook...
23:36Well, Tuscarora, how?
23:38White brother and Mohican, poor thangs.
23:41Goodbye, Colonel.
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