Indian Lassi | How to Make Indian Lassi | Salty Lassi | Sweet Lassi

  • 4 years ago
Beat the heat with this cool restaurant style traditional Indian lassi.

Lassi (buttermilk) is heart and digestive healthy drink that has a cooling effect on your body in the hot summer days. The healthy bacteria of lassi is natural remedy for stomach bloating. It is a very popular Indian yogurt drink mixed with either milk or water along with spices, salt, fruits, or sugar. It is quite popular in Northern India especially Punjab. Picknmake used Homemade yogurt which is very simple to make. Boil 4 cups of milk and let it cool at room temperature. When its little warm then add 1 Tsp of yogurt/curd. Just mix it and then put it in warm place overnight. In the morning, u will get refreshing Yogurt ready. Unfortunately , If its not done then put that utensil in warm water. So that it will be done within the warm water.

Salty Lassi: The key ingredient of this recipe is roasted cumin and mint. Cumin and mint both uses for digestion. Cumin works as antioxidants and is rich source of iron. You can easily get roasted cumin powder from your local Indian grocery stores or you can make your own by roasting 2 Tbsp cumin then grind them into fine powder in coffee blender. Mint gives cool, delicious, spicy flavor to this healthy drink. Ginger is also one the option that can be used. Picknmake uses all the delicious fresh mint from its garden. You can get it from any store in produce section. Another study from 2014 found that women with overweight and obesity who consumed 3 grams (g) of cumin powder in yogurt every day for 3 months had significant decreases in body weight, waist size, and body fat.

» Ingredients:

1 cup Yogurt
1/2 cup ice
Few mint leaves
1Tsp roasted cumin powder
Black pepper to Taste
Salt to taste

Sweet Lassi: Sweet Lassi is another cooling and refreshing drink to have in the summers. Traditionally this lassi is heavy because In India they put butter on top of that but here we have very light and sweet version of Lassi. We used brown sugar but you can use any type jaggery powder/coconut palm sugar/refined sugar. Rose water, cardmom powder are optional. Most of the existing videos using cardamom powder but traditionally just yogurt, milk , water and sugar is used to make sweet Lassi.

» Ingredients:
1 1/4 cup yogurt (Homemade)
1/2 cup milk
3Tbsp Brown sugar (substitute with any other jaggery powder/coconut palm sugar)



Measuring Cups :

» Film & photography by : Anil Kanwar & Tejas Kanwar
» The Music : (Royalty free Music)

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Creator : Sunyana Lekhi & Rishita Kanwar
