Lassi | How to Make Lassi | Mango lassi | Kewra Lassi

  • 4 years ago
Lassi is heart and digestive healthy drink that has a cooling effect on your body in the hot summer days. The healthy bacteria of lassi is natural remedy for stomach bloating. It is a very popular Indian yogurt drink mixed with either milk or water along with spices, salt, fruits, or sugar. It is quite popular in Northern India especially Punjab. In our lassi we used Homemade yogurt which is very simple to make. Boil 4 cups of milk and let is coolant room temperature. When its little warm then add 1 Tsp of yogurt/curd. Just mix it and then put it in warm place overnight. In the morning, u will get refreshing Yogurt/curd ready. Unfortunately, If its not done in the morning then put that utensil in warm water so that it will be done with that warmness.

Mango Lassi: The Indian Mango Lassi is one of the most popular variants of Lassi. The mixture of delicious, sweet mangoes, yogurt and milk is the perfect blend of protein, fiber and starch. The probiotics from yogurt are really good for your gut and keep it cool during hot summer months too.

» Ingredients:
1 Cup Yogurt
1/3 Cup Milk
1 Cup Mango chunks
2TBSP Brown Sugar (can be substituted with jaggery powder/coconut Palm sugar/regular sugar)
Few Unsalted cashews & Almonds (optional)
1/4 Cup Ice
Few Mango chunks and sliced Almonds for garnishing

Kewra Lassi : Kewra water is an extract that is distilled from pandanus flowers.You can get that from any Indian grocery shops or amazon. Few drops of Kewra water in lassi enhances the flavor and takes it to the next level.

» Ingredients:
1 1/4 cup yogurt (Homemade)
1/2 cup milk
3Tbsp Brown sugar (substitute with any other jaggery powder/coconut palm sugar)
1/3 cup Ice
3-4 sliced Almonds (for garnishing)



Measuring Cups :

Kewra Water:

» Film & photography by : Anil Kanwar & Tejas Kanwar
» The Music : (Royalty free Music)

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Creator : Sunyana Lekhi & Rishita Kanwar
