Ecuador: Report by journalist Roberto Maidana from El Panecillo showing the capital city of Quito. Panoramic image with the buildings and towers of the basilica. Image with people walking down the street and vehicular traffic. Image of Avenida 24 de Mayo with the monument to the unknown heroes who fell in the bloody struggles for American independence. General views of street stalls selling food and household utensils. Image with boys playing in the street. Facade of the church of San Francisco, people walking through the plaza, people walking through La Ronda, the façade of the houses, a man carrying merchandise on his back, a woman cooking food at the door of her house. Image of the Gallinazos bridge in the final section of La Ronda. Image with a church dome and colonial houses. (Roberto Maidana)
Date: 1/28/1972
Duration: 4 minutes 52 seconds
Film Code: C-00774
Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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Date: 1/28/1972
Duration: 4 minutes 52 seconds
Film Code: C-00774
Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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