• hace 5 años
Chubut: Images with the construction works of the Futaleufu hydroelectric complex in the Los Alerces national park on the Futaleufú river, located 12 km from Trevelin and 45 km from Esquel, with the aim of providing electricity to the ALUAR aluminum plant in Puerto Madryn and its surplus destined for public use. Report to an engineer: -Will the use of the waters of the Futaleufú river be one of the maximum compensators of this hydroelectric complex? Work with dump trucks unloading ore on the ground. Workers working in one of the tunnels and in the placement of a metal mesh to raise a wall. Report by the journalist Edgardo Mesa where he expresses: - "The progress developed in the works of the Futaleufú complex and standing out among them man as the supreme maker, also as subject and actor of this daily human activity that is increasing its magnitude rapidly becoming this monumental Futaleufú hydroelectric complex. From 1971 to date the works of this hydroelectric complex have acquired a notable increase. This gigantic laying called bridge-pipe with a diameter of 7 meters is the one that will transform water into energy and energy at the same time be the one that will maintain the production of aluminum in our country. Thus, with the magnitude of these works in the energy field, we will now be allowed to compete at an advantageous cost. " (Edgardo Mesa / Magnetic)
Date: 1976
Duration: 4 minutes 56 seconds
Code: C-01956

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