• 5 years ago
Why Hosting a Zoom Thanksgiving is Actually Awesome – Host a Zoom Thanksgiving
host a virtual thanksgiving photo of Jen
Are you as bummed as I am (or WAS) about this year’s Thanksgiving situation? Damned Covid-19 has wrecked another holiday. I was really looking forward to seeing my mom, brother, niece and nephew, but since we live in completely different states, it’s just not going to happen this year.

After the kids were in bed the other night, I sat myself down with a glass of wine, a ton of leftover Halloween candy, and prepared myself for a good old fashioned sulk over having to do a “Virtual Thanksgiving.” But the more I thought about it, hosting a Zoom Thanksgiving has some tremendous upsides. I

Watch the Video: How to Host a Zoom Thanksgiving
Reasons Why a Zoom Thanksgiving Actually Rocks
NO Travel
That’s right. You won’t be stuck in a car for hours on end with the dulcet sounds of kids whining, “Are we there yet?” and demanding that you stop for a pee break even though you JUST stopped at a rest stop and told them to go mere minutes ago.

Or, if you usually travel via air, this time you don’t have to worry about stuffing all of your family’s stuff into one carry-on to avoid a baggage fee!

Or, if you are usually the host, you don’t have to pick up anyone from the airport.

No Cleaning.
No need to panic-clean to pass your mother-in-law’s white glove test. Isn’t it funny how the whole family makes the mess yet no one wants to help you clean it up?? With a virtual Thanksgiving, you only have to clear the area immediately behind your screen. Just push all the clutter right out of the way.

Or…. use a Zoom background of a house that is so clean and gorgeous, it probably doesn’t actually have kids living in it.

No Masks
Since you are in your own home with just your immediate family, for this one day, you don’t have to wear a mask at all!

Hate Turkey? No Problem.
If you aren’t a fan of the typical Thanksgiving meal, you don’t have to eat it. Cut up a rotisserie chicken and eat that… it will look like turkey on camera. Or order a pizza and only take bites out of frame. No cooking and no one will be the wiser!

No Need to Pretend
Does your grandma make her one “special dish” that you have to pretend to love for her sake? This year, unless she ships it, you don’t have to eat it!

No Designated Drivers
You can drink all you want, because you don’t have to drive home. And no one will judge you when you refill your glass. Again, just do it off camera.

Mute is a God-Send
You can mute anyone who starts talking about the election. Family harmony at last!

Easy to Skip Out
If things get heated, you can always put up a screenshot of yourself, which makes it look as if your video feed has frozen. Just blame it on your internet connection!

And the BEST reason Zoom Thanksgiving Rocks? NO PANTS!
Just wear a festive holiday sweater on top and whatever you want on the bottom. This year, you won’t have the top button of your jeans digging into your bloated


