• hace 4 años
Images referring to Bolivia. Panoramic and aerial view where the roofs of the houses of a town are observed, in a valley. Close-ups of the facade of the Quemado Palace, located in the Plaza Pedro Domingo Murillo in the center of the city of La Paz. Close-ups of three children playing musical instruments, one a quena and the other a Granhuankara. General views of a man playing the charango; Men and women are also seen dancing a typical dance in the courtyard of a house. Close-ups of three young people playing the Zampoña, others the Bajon and the Tarka. General views of the residents celebrating the Oruro carnival (La diablada), through the streets of the central city and dressed in typical costumes and masks. General views of a religious procession through the streets of the city. Close-ups of three priests leading the procession. General views of a group of men carrying the image of a saint on their shoulders. General views of a couple performing a typical dance in the mountains. General views of the sunset over Lake Titicaca. (Without sound)
Date: 1928
Duration: 4 minutes 9 seconds
Film Code: C-00020

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