• 5 years ago
The World in 2021 will start to look beyond covid-19: to the launch of an asteroid-smashing space probe, the next step in the fight against climate change and China’s supremacy at the box office. Here are five stories to watch out for.

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Read our latest coverage of covid-19: https://econ.st/3abooL1

Find all our climate-change coverage: https://econ.st/3oBoLSX

2020: the year when everything changed: https://econ.st/2Kytkyy

The pandemic has eroded democracy and respect for human rights: https://econ.st/3oIb0BI

How would-be autocrats used covid-19 as an excuse to grab more power: https://econ.st/3qJ29l8

Why democracy failed in the Middle East: https://econ.st/2Wl9pps

Electric vehicles: who will rule the Teslaverse? https://econ.st/3qK0ITG

Countries should seize the moment to flatten the climate curve: https://econ.st/2JICCYY

Paris-anniversary climate pledges bring progress but fall short: https://econ.st/3nxNB60

The world’s energy system must be transformed completely: https://econ.st/37V83Y5

Why it’s time to make coal history: https://econ.st/39YIvf9

The World in 2021: the pandemic has shaken up the movie business: https://econ.st/39YGWxS

Daily chart: Hollywood is losing ground in China: https://econ.st/39ZvUIs

How Hollywood should deal with Chinese censors: https://econ.st/2VYlocv

Why easier access to space imposes new environmental responsibilities on humanity: https://econ.st/340i8Sp

A new moon race has begun: https://econ.st/3qMu7fM


