A Step-By-Step Guide to Searing Scallops Like a Pro

  • 3 years ago
You can whip up restaurant-quality seared scallops, right inthe comfort of your home kitchen.When you're shopping for yourscallops, try to source them froma local fish market, if possible.Dry-packed scallops are alwayspreferable to wet-packed.Generously salt them and let themsit on a paper towel-lined plate in yourfridge from 10 minutes to overnight.Before cooking the scallops, removethe crescent-shaped muscle alongthe side of the scallop.Use a neutral-flavored oil with ahigh smoke point in a non-stickskillet over medium high heat.Once your pan is hot enough, add thescallops and let them cook, completelyundisturbed for at least 2 minutes.Once the bottoms are a deep goldenbrown, give them a flip and cook theother side for no more than 30 seconds