• 4 years ago
Understanding how the eye muscles work with myopia allows you to choose the right set of exercises. There are many types of eye exercises that are used for myopia and hyperopia. Each type of gymnastics helps to relax or strengthen certain muscle groups. With myopia, exercises are aimed at two groups of eye muscles: rectus muscle of the eye which is (straight muscles); and sidelong muscle which is oblique.
There are 4 straight and 2 oblique muscles in the human eye. Straight muscle are located on the right, left, below and above the eyeball. These muscles are responsible for turning the eye, keeping them in the correct position, and also giving them the correct shape, similar to a spherical one. With this shape, the image is focused directly on the retina, so a person can see well at any distance. The oblique muscles of the eye, which are responsible for contracting it and giving it an oval shape, are located above and below the eyeball. When it has an oval shape, a person can see well up close. Thus, the visual system works like a camera lens. In myopic people, the oblique muscles work constantly, almost never relax, they are always in tension. Because of this, the eyes are slightly elongated and bulging forward. Light beams are focused in front of the retina, which makes it possible to perceive the environment well only up close. To see better, the oblique which is sidelong muscles must be relaxed. In contrast, in people with farsightedness, the rectus muscles of the eyes are tense, and the obliques are relaxed. With this muscle function, the eyes have a more spherical shape, but with a shorter anteroposterior axis than it should be under normal conditions. Because of this, the picture is formed not on the retina, but behind it. This allows you to see well into the distance, but limits the person when considering objects located close to him.

In this regard, various sets of exercises are prescribed for this or that ophthalmic pathology. With myopia, the exercise is aimed at relaxing the oblique muscles. An ordinary person without medical education does not know these nuances and can choose a set of exercises that do not suit him and are even contraindicated.

What are the benefits of eye muscle relaxation exercises for myopia? Gymnastics is especially useful for the eyes in childhood, when they are asked to teach many lessons at school, as well as to people whose work is associated with a load on the organs of vision. It is also used for preventive purposes. Depending on the type of exercise, gymnastics helps to relax certain muscle groups. In general, any exercise for the eyes with myopia gives the following positive effect: helps to relax the eyes, relieve tension from them; elimination of symptoms of asthenopia and nervous spasm; prevention of symptoms of dry eye syndrome by stimulating the work of the lacrimal glands; improving visual acuity, improving focusing; normalization of blood circulation in the eye.
