Benefits of cold water for our blood vessels, eyes and health

Luxury Benefits
Luxury Benefits
1 follower
3 years ago
Pouring is the main friend of our vessels
By the way, morning showers perform the function of an excellent tonic procedure that replaces any caffeine doping. It is also a great way to cleanse the body when from the surface all slags and toxins are washed off the skin and all mucus and "scale" is washed out from the walls of numerous vessels. Therapeutic, cleansing and the immune stimulating effect of showers is based on the same mechanism of thermoregulation. And the natural fear that many have before the cold, is an additional positive factor. Overcoming fear we strengthen our spirit every day, and therefore the entire nervous system, we align our energy and balance the mind, getting a sufficient dose of adrenaline and other hormones. Overcoming the fear of cold water can be done simply by realizing the fact that we do not cool by short-term interaction with the cold, but, on the contrary, we warm ourselves.
Agree, it is impossible for the seconds during which it pours from the bucket or basin water, freeze, catch cold or get sick! On the contrary, at this time all our vitality, all protective resources awaken, and we experience incomparable positive emotions. Gamma of diverse impressions that we get in a short a moment of pouring, is not an expensive doping or an artificial stimulants. If you are an asthenic by nature and a heat-loving person, or if you just afraid of the cold, shower after you get warm.
Cold to keep us warm
I personally, start morning with a hot shower. However, the pre-filled bucket with cold water stand right there in the bathroom. Without even looking at it, When the skin turns red and the body is steamed, I turn off the shower. It is recommended to pour water on yourself quickly, without throwing your head back and without raising the bucket high above your head. Better to pour water into half-squat, slightly tilting the body forward. Then there will be no need raise a bucket of water from the ground to head level and, accordingly, load the spine and arms. After pouring in a squat position, you will surely feel that you one bucket is not enough. Water hit the head, shoulders and top back, almost without touching the chest, stomach, legs. That's why I always pour two buckets of cold water, so that already with taste, standing in full height, pour it on those parts of the body that were "not covered" a healing stream of water for the first time. Believe me, you are already the second bucket pour it on the body "warmed up" from the inside, and you will have absolutely do not scary to overturn another portion of water on yourself - on the contrary, you will enjoy it.
I personally advise you to pour the first container on your head and the second on your body. It is through the receptors of the skin of the face and the central part of the head - the crown - there is a shake-up and awakening of the central nervous and immune body systems.
After shower, the charge you received remains in drops of water for a long time energy.
