• hace 4 años
You can lose weight just by breathing, with these techniques. According to experts, if we learned to breathe the right way, we could burn up to 17 calories each time we do it.

Who wouldn't want to lose weight while relaxing? Well, now there are those who claim that it is possible to get in shape simply by breathing.

And it is that, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal explains that a part of the body fat that is burned can be expelled by breathing, because when you exhale carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are eliminated, the three elements that make up the molecules of grease.

In fact, it is claimed that if human beings learned to use their full lung capacity to receive up to three and a half liters of oxygen, they could burn up to 17.5 calories. But the truth is that the lung breathing that most people practice only uses a pint of air, so barely 2.5 calories are consumed.

Likewise, an investigation from the Vall d'Herbron hospital in Barcelona found that breathing too often causes swelling in the muscles, on the other hand, if it were done with spasms and learning to fill the lungs to their maximum capacity, you could also reduce some sizes by reducing inflammation the chest and abdomen area.

That is why research from the University of New South Wales in Australia recommends simply increasing physical activity, such as walking or swimming, to learn to breathe better and better. Although if you prefer there are also other methods of improving your lung capacity without leaving home.

If you want to know more about this topic, you can watch the video that we have included.