• 4 years ago
Ask a Mom MomCave's Jennifer Weedon Palazzo interviews one of the original YouTube moms, Deva Dalporto from @MyLifeSuckers

Ask a Mom MomCave's Jennifer Weedon Palazzo interviews one of the original YouTube moms, Deva Dalporto from @MyLifeSuckers
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Transcript from Deva's Interview (but it's more fun to watch!)

- Hey. Welcome to MomCave. This is gonna be a new impromptu situation I'm going to try out once a week called "Ask a Mom." And for the very first Ask a Mom I asked one of the original YouTube moms, from MyLifeSuckers. This is Deva. Wait, that's the wrong way. There's Deva.

- Hi. Original is code for "old." Well basically. Yeah. We watched Cocoon the other night and then my husband's like "how long 'til we are like those people?" I was like, "Six months, about."

- At this rate. With the pandemic.

- Yeah.

- Two weeks.

- I'll answer anything.

- Anything? Wow, you're

- My kids says. That was my dream from the second I can remember even having you know, cognitive thoughts. I wanted to be an actress. I starred as Little Red Riding Hood on the stage in Kindergarten and that was it.

- Your debut.

- My debut.

- Yeah. Um okay. And so then, you sort of you know that they always use that word in like the business books, of "pivot." Like you pivoted. You pivoted by like using that and adding the momness to it. And you pivoted into something else.

- Yeah. Well I tried the whole traditional Hollywood thing. I moved to LA after college and beat my head against the wall and all I heard was the word "no no no no." And then finally I you know, cheesy as it sounds, YouTube let me say yes to myself and I got to just start creating my own things and no one could say no to me and it was amazing.

- Yeah that's so cool. Um was the first video that you made the "what does the kid say?" Or.

- That was my first video. Yeah. It went viral. Which was insane. I wasn't trying to be a YouTube mom. There were no YouTube moms when I made my first video. It wasn't.

- That was one of my questions. Like did you know that was a thing, were you following other YouTube moms and trying to be one?

- There were none. There were no other YouTube Moms.

- Oh wow.

- I'm the original. Yeah. So no. I wasn't following. There were YouTubers.

- But they weren't moms. Yeah. They were like young dainty boys.

- Way too cool. For me to know about.

- Way cooler than moms.

- I didn't even know you


