• hace 4 años
Neutralizing a narcissist is not easy, starting because these types of people tend to have great charm and significant social support. Most of them have one or more really charming facets to their personality. They don't tend to see themselves as narcissists, but rather as people touched by some kind of magic wand.

At first, the narcissist tends to arouse admiration in others. Obviously, we are talking about the greatest crier of his achievements, which he can tirelessly inflate, as if they were balloons. In this sense, if for most people the self is the point of reference, for narcissists it is even more so.

This type of person often occupies a place of relevance. If so, in many cases they exercise their reign in a very directive way. Usually they have people who adore them around them, so it becomes very difficult to confront them. However, there are ways to neutralize a narcissist. It may be easier than you think. What is needed is character and determination. Let's see 3 statements that limit these characters:

1. "No", the magic word to neutralize a narcissist

The narcissist wants them to always say "yes" to him, for others to support his views as if they were their own. That others accept what he says or does is a test of control. It means that your influence or your power over others is intact.

The word "no" is one of the ways to neutralize a narcissist. Not agreeing with or distancing ourselves from the ideas he proposes inevitably damages the image he has of us. By making ourselves we become part of the ignorance team because we are not able to see the truth.

2. I don't believe you, prove what you say

Narcissists often tell lies that take many forms. Sometimes, because they make situations or people bigger or smaller. At other times because they deliberately invent situations that are not true to praise themselves, to denigrate others, or to create fantasies around them.

If you are with a narcissist and you detect that he is lying, do not hesitate to question his claims. Demand proof or evidence of what he says. Present the arguments that make you doubt the veracity of his words. He is likely to react by putting distance. However, he will understand that you are not willing to take each and every one of his sentences as true, no matter how crazy they may be.

3. You are neither more nor less than anyone

Implicitly or explicitly, the narcissist harbors a very strong motivation to show that he is above others. That is why it is common for him to try to imply that he knows more, does better, thinks more highly or, in any case, performs better than those around him.

It is good to remind him that although he can actually do, say or think something with greater skill than others, this does not make him superior to anyone. Insist that anyone, with enough training and the right circumstances, can also excel in any area. And that he can be superior in one aspect, but surely also inferior in others, since this is typical of the human.