一千多年前, 来自挪威的维京海盗将欧洲恐怖化, 他们的传奇袭击使他们的名字成为劫掠海盗的代名词. 这样一个国家如何从如此暴力的过去发展成为地球上生态最友好的国家? 维京人是否代表了对过去的旅游业的悲惨怀旧或愤世嫉俗的游说的浪漫修改?
Vikings from Norway terrorized Europe More than 1,000 years ago, their legendary raids made their name synonymous with marauding pirates. How could such a progressive nation spring from such a violent past to the most eco-friendly countries on earth? Does Viking represent a romantic revision of a grisly past or cynical pandering to a growing tourist trade?
一千多年前, 来自挪威的维京海盗将欧洲恐怖化, 他们的传奇袭击使他们的名字成为劫掠海盗的代名词. 这样一个国家如何从如此暴力的过去发展成为地球上生态最友好的国家? 维京人是否代表了对过去的旅游业的悲惨怀旧或愤世嫉俗的游说的浪漫修改?
Vikings from Norway terrorized Europe More than 1,000 years ago, their legendary raids made their name synonymous with marauding pirates. How could such a progressive nation spring from such a violent past to the most eco-friendly countries on earth? Does Viking represent a romantic revision of a grisly past or cynical pandering to a growing tourist trade?