• 3 years ago
克里特岛是希腊岛屿中最大和人口最多的岛屿, 是世界第八十八大岛和地中海第五大岛, 仅次于西西里岛, 撒丁岛, 塞浦路斯和科西嘉岛. 它是爱琴海南部边界位于希腊大陆以南约一百六十公里处. 西方文明真正的源头应该是来源于爱琴海地区克里特岛的米诺斯文明, 这是一种由埃及农业文明和西亚商业文明结合起来形成的文明. 除此之外西方文明的形成还受到了游牧文明的影响, 在这些文明的冲击之下, 才形成了我们现在所认为的西方海洋. 克里特岛位于地中海东部的中间, 是希腊的第一大岛, 被称作 "爱琴海最南面的皇冠", 不仅因为它有着与圣托里尼一样超群绝伦的美丽风光, 更是因为它悠久的历史与璀璨的文化.
The Crown Of The Aegean Sea:--
Crete is the largest and most populous of the Greek islands, the 88th largest island in the world and the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, after Sicily, Sardinia, Cyprus, and Corsica. It bounds the southern border of the Aegean Sea. Crete locate approximately 160 km south of the Greek mainland. The source of western civilization should come from the Minoan civilization of Crete in the Aegean Sea. This is a civilization formed by the combination of Egyptian, agricultural and West Asian commercial civilization. In addition, the formation of western civilization is also affected by the influence of nomadic civilizations, and under the impact of these civilizations, the "Western Ocean" was formed. Crete is located in the middle of the eastern Mediterranean. It is the largest island in Greece. It is called "the southern most crown of the Aegean Sea", not only because it has as superbly beautiful scenery such as "Santorini", but also because of the long history and brilliant culture.


