Discover Fantastic Things Inspired To Australia (跟著攝影大師去澳大利亚)

  • 3 years ago
澳大利亚位于南半球的南太平洋上, 西邻印度洋与世界其它国家隔离的大陆岛国. 澳大利亚分南澳大利亚, 西澳大利亚, 昆士兰, 新南威尔士, 维多利亚和塔斯马尼亚六个州, 以及澳大利亚首都与北领地两个行政区, 唯一独占一块大陆的国家, 她以自然奇观, 广阔的空间, 海滩, 沙漠, 世界著名的丛林内陆闻名于世. 从千奇百怪的岩层, 梦幻般的泡泡糖粉湖群, 到诗情画意的瀑布和清澈的海水, 这里有许多令人印象深刻的澳大利亚自然, 有很多城市和城镇可供参观, 每一处都有惊艳的美食美酒和野生动物的踪迹等你去发现, 大堡礁, 地广人稀, 热情,海洋, 沙滩, 雨林, 自然, 闲晃, 历史, 割舍不了澳大利亚的标签.....
Travel To Australia:--
Australia is located in the South Pacific in the southern hemisphere, and is a continental island country separated from the rest of the world by the Indian Ocean to the west. Australia is divided into six states: South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, as well as the Australian capital and the north with two administrative regions of the territory, the only country that occupies a single continent. It is famous for its natural wonders, vast spaces, beaches, deserts, and the world-famous jungle inland. From the strange rock formations, the dreamy bubble gum lakes, to the poetry painting like scenery, the waterfalls and clear waters, there are many impressive Australian nature, many cities and towns to visit, and every place has amazing food, wine and wildlife trails waiting for all to discover, the Great Barrier Reef, the land Sparsely populated, enthusiastic, ocean, beach, rain forest, nature, lingering, history, are the labels of Australia...


