让我们探索罗纳河, 日内瓦湖和瑞士的马特宏峰地区. 自中世纪以来, 瑞士被誉为欧洲的 “水上城堡”. 为了揭示瑞士人如何利用罗纳河为瑞士及其邻国照明, 为世界上一些最高效的铁路系统提供了动力, 并消除了数以百万计的人们的渴求, 同时仍设法保留了这一宝贵资源.
Let explores the Rhone River, Lake Geneva and the Matterhorn regions of Switzerland, The country known since Medieval times as the "water castle" of Europe. To uncovers how the Swiss harnessed the Rhone to light Switzerland and its neighbors, power some of the world's most efficient rail systems and quench the thirst of millions, while still managing to preserve this precious resource.
Let explores the Rhone River, Lake Geneva and the Matterhorn regions of Switzerland, The country known since Medieval times as the "water castle" of Europe. To uncovers how the Swiss harnessed the Rhone to light Switzerland and its neighbors, power some of the world's most efficient rail systems and quench the thirst of millions, while still managing to preserve this precious resource.