• 4 years ago
马尼拉是菲律宾的文化, 经济, 教育和政府中心. 它是该国人口最多的地区, 也是世界上人口最稠密的地区之一, 它也是国际旅客乘飞机前往菲律宾的主要门户. 当人们说“马尼拉”时, 他们可以指的是马尼拉所在的实际城市, 该城市是首都最知名的景点和圣地亚哥堡的所在地, 或者可以用它来指代由几个城市组成的整个大都市区, 马尼拉, 马卡蒂, 帕赛和奎松市等城市. 在马尼拉大都会地区, 由于经济的快速增长, 人口继续增长, 菲律宾政府正在推动一项大规模的基础设施发展计划, 该计划被视为马尼拉大都会地铁项目的核心项目.
Manila serves as the center of culture, economy, education, and government in the Philippines. It is the most populous region of the country and one of the most densely populated in the world. It is also the main gateway for international travelers going to the Philippines by flight. When people say “Manila”, they can either be referring to the actual city of Manila which is home to the capital’s most recognized attractions like Intramuros and Fort Santiago, or they can be using it to refer to the entire metropolitan area which consists of several cities like the city of Manila, Makati, Pasay, and Quezon City. In the Metropolitan Manila area, where the population continues to grow due to rapid economic growth, the Philippines government is promoting a large-scale infrastructure development plan called “Build Build Build,” in which the Metro Manila Subway Project is considered a core project.


