• hace 4 años
Procrastination is a very popular word today, but with these helpful tips we tell you how to combat it.

1. Know yourself

The first thing to do is analyze the situation. Reflect on how procrastination is affecting your productivity and how this can negatively affect the performance of your daily activities. It is convenient that you identify the habits that may be causing it and try to avoid them as much as possible.

2. Manage your time effectively

Sometimes the amount of work we have to do becomes overwhelming. Dividing a complex task into several simpler ones can be a very effective way to cope with your workload. However, even when the task is simple, we continue to postpone the date to finish the pending, until it is too late. Create a timeline and assign specific times and deadlines to each little task. Letting the date pass to finish a task can affect the completion of previously established tasks, so you will feel the urgency to act to meet your goals. Having your duties and times well organized can improve the quality of your work and avoid stress.

3. Change your perspective

Reflecting on the two points above can change your perspective on what is truly important to you right now. Try to think about what you are passionate about doing, how you can achieve your goals and focus on it. Perhaps, in the end, you will realize that spending all day watching videos of kittens is not the solution to your problems and that it is time to get to work on the pile of papers on your desk.

4. Make a commitment

Creating a list of tasks and assigning them times is not enough to deal with procrastination, because the list may well be on the side and you can keep reading the endless list of tweets that your friends post. Commit to yourself and the tasks that need to be done. Do not waste time thinking that they are too complicated or boring and just start doing them, nobody will benefit more than you.

5. Work in productive environments

In several previous articles we have highlighted the influence that our work environment has on our productivity. Make sure your office has good lighting and that the elements in it, a plant on the desk for example, help you create an inspiring atmosphere. Avoid those that can distract you from your daily activities or negatively influence your mood.

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