• il y a 4 ans
The NewImages Festival is waiting for you! Discover immersive media in all its forms!

From the 9th to the 13th of June 2021 in the Forum des images in Paris and/or online.


Experience new forms of virtual realities in the Forum des images!
Storytelling, photographies, performances, sound, video mapping: Enter these new worlds that come to life and transform when you come in contact with them!

Check out the detailed program and book your tickets here: https://newimagesfestival.com


The Forum des images: in the center of Paris, beats the heart of the 7th art!
Unique encounters, lessons of cinema, conferences, festivals… this is a glimpse of the best of what takes place all year round in the Forum des images.

Find the program here: http://www.forumdesimages.fr/
@forumdesimages and #forumdesimages
