• 4 years ago


00:01:23Don't be criticizing me, not after what you've been.
00:01:26It ain't what a person's been, it's what they are.
00:01:32You used to be a soldier once, but what have you been ever since?
00:01:34Nothing but a souse.
00:01:35That ain't nothing to what you are.
00:01:37Shut your mouth, shut your mouth.
00:01:38Don't you be throwing that in my face.
00:01:40Ah, get on with that stew, will you?
00:01:42You're not even a good cook.
00:01:45You like it Frankie?
00:01:47Where'd it come from, Ma?
00:01:48I got it for you at Victor Brothers.
00:01:50I've got a good deal on it, Frankie.
00:01:52That's what I like to hear.
00:01:53Why don't you give it a try?
00:01:54I'll leave it to you.
00:01:55I'll get it.
00:01:57I'll get it.
00:01:58I'll get it.
00:01:59I'll get it.
00:02:00I'll get it.
00:02:02I'll get it.
00:02:04I'll get it.
00:02:05I'll get it.
00:02:06I'll get it.
00:02:07I'll get it.
00:02:08It's so good.
00:02:09It's so good.
00:02:10It's so good.
00:02:12I got it for you at Victor Brown's.
00:02:16It almost fits.
00:02:18But why, Mom?
00:02:21Aw, gee, thanks.
00:02:23The old man's house again?
00:02:25Worse than ever.
00:02:26I get so worried sometimes I don't know how I stand it.
00:02:31Supper's on.
00:02:33I ain't blind.
00:02:34Shall we go down and eat, Pa?
00:02:37Where did you get that hat?
00:02:39Mom bought it for me.
00:02:40It's for graduation.
00:02:41Yeah, that's where he got it.
00:02:42I bought it for him.
00:02:43He don't have to graduate in no hat.
00:02:46We can't spare the money.
00:02:47Seems like we got money for liquor.
00:02:49It's all right.
00:02:50It's all right.
00:02:57I'll take it back right away, I will.
00:03:08You all right, Mom?
00:03:10You all right, Pa?
00:03:11I'm all right.
00:03:31I'm all right.
00:03:32Good night.
00:03:33Good night, Pa.
00:03:34Night, Pa.
00:03:35Night, Pa.
00:03:36Night, Pa.
00:03:37Good night, Pa.
00:03:38Night, Pa.
00:03:39Night, Pa.
00:03:40Night, Pa.
00:03:41Mattia Singert, you're my favorite class.
00:03:42Good night.
00:03:43Good night.
00:03:44Good night.
00:03:45Now, Frankie, I'm not going to let you go until you promise me
00:03:46that you'll do something tomorrow afternoon.
00:03:48Well, after all, you don't graduate every day of your life,
00:03:51you know.
00:03:52It's an event.
00:03:53You'll do all right, Miss Williams, without me.
00:03:56And besides, I can't do anything like those others.
00:03:59Well, I don't care if you just stand up when I call on you.
00:04:02The important thing is that you must take your place with them.
00:04:05You're going to have to do it later with a great many other people.
00:04:09Good night, Miss Williams. Such a lovely time.
00:04:11Good night, Carol.
00:04:13And you make Frankie promise not to disappoint me.
00:04:15All right.
00:04:16Good night.
00:04:17Good night, Miss Williams.
00:04:21She's fine.
00:04:24Which way are you going, Carol?
00:04:27Come on.
00:04:28Not till you promise.
00:04:29Look here, I'm not going to promise you or anybody else anything.
00:04:34Especially when I can't do anything.
00:04:37You're not mad at me?
00:04:39Of course not.
00:04:42You like me?
00:04:43Will you stop?
00:04:46But I like you, Frankie.
00:04:49I gotta go home.
00:04:51Good night, Frankie.
00:04:54Good night.
00:05:20♪ My country, Philadelphia, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
00:05:57Today, we are honored in having with us the President of our Board of Education, Mr. Henry.
00:06:04Ladies and gentlemen, children, if I may obtrude the experience and observations of some years
00:06:18which I choose to call packing one's trunk for the journey.
00:06:29Packing one's trunk for the journey.
00:06:34What's he talking about?
00:06:36If, into one's trunk, one will put enough self-discipline, strength of character, respectful law and order,
00:06:48then I assure you that each one of you shall find a way out.
00:06:56If, into one's trunk, one will put enough self-discipline, strength of character, respectful law and order,
00:07:04then I assure you that each one of you shall find life a glorious and a happy adventure.
00:07:16Now, first, according to the plan we settled on last night, I should like to call upon John Shelley.
00:07:23It is John's plan to enter high school and subsequently to study law.
00:07:28What are you going to recite for us, John?
00:07:33Portia's courtroom speech from the Merchant of Venice.
00:07:37The quality of mercy is not strange.
00:07:40It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven.
00:07:43It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven.
00:07:46And earthly power doth then show like as God's when mercy seasons justice.
00:07:58And now, Wallace Kishler, determined to take his place in the world of art.
00:08:05Well, isn't that fine.
00:08:08Looks like we might go right into the Wednesday night service, doesn't it?
00:08:18And now, oh, Robert Hale.
00:08:21Robert, after only brief study, has shown great promise in his chosen field, music.
00:08:27After only brief study, has shown great promise in his chosen field, music.
00:08:57And now, Charles Smith.
00:09:00And now Charles Smith. Charles has a definite flair for mathematics and he is, I believe,
00:09:27going to ask you some questions. How much is 11 x 12, John? 132. Carol, how much is
00:09:3411 x 14? 154. How much is 11 x 18, Frankie? 198. Don't you see it's this way. It's just
00:09:48like my papa told me. When you work in a bank, you have to be quick at figures. I work in
00:09:53a bank every Saturday. Someday I'm going to run it. When you multiply by 11, you add the
00:09:57two outside figures and stick them in the middle. Now we're going to hear from one of
00:10:05our girls. You know, in this modern world, girls have careers too. Carol Evans.
00:10:35Anita, be my own fair bride. And now Frankie Rogers. Have you thought of something to do,
00:11:27And now a brief recess after which there will be refreshments and you will receive your
00:11:53report cards and your certificates of graduation from Gramercy. Frankie. Well, Sheriff Kramer.
00:12:15Hiya, Mr. Herzing. You should have been here sooner. Excellent entertainment. Excellent.
00:12:22Glad to see you, Sheriff. I do wish you'd seen the children. Frankie was fine today. You should
00:12:28have heard him play his harmonica. I didn't know you play the harmonica, Frankie. Do you?
00:12:34A little. Well, why don't you take a seat? No, thank you, Miss Williams. But after school,
00:12:39would you mind dropping in in my office? Well, I'd be glad to. And bring Frankie with you.
00:12:44Well, yes, of course. Thank you, Miss Williams. Where were you last night, Frankie? I was home.
00:12:52That's where I was. I was home, I was. What time did you get home? After I left Miss Williams' house.
00:12:58I was home all night. Hmm, I see. Frankie, I talked to your mother and she said you didn't get home
00:13:05until ten o'clock. What about that? Well, I waited a little while, that's all. Sure you didn't wait around
00:13:15Blair's hardware store. Sure you didn't break in and steal that harmonica. Did you, Frankie? I'm your
00:13:24friend. You can talk to me. Yes, I did. Why? Well, they wanted me to do something at school today,
00:13:36and that's about all I could do. I didn't have the money to buy one. I saw that in the window on my
00:13:43way home, so I took it. What else did you take? You took some money out of the cash drawer, didn't you?
00:13:51Yes. How much? Seven dollars and eighty cents. I'm glad you weren't in court today, Miss Williams.
00:14:04You hear them Blair's talk, you'd think Frankie had committed murder or something. Every kid steals
00:14:09something, whether it's a watermelon or cherries on the trees next door. He has to steal something
00:14:16before he knows it's wrong. I'm sorry about the whole thing. Couldn't you do anything about it, Sheriff?
00:14:23No. I suppose you might say Frankie's gonna have to pay for, well, you know, he lives on the other side of
00:14:32the tracks. Besides, he's been in trouble before, on probation. There's nothing can be done about it.
00:14:39I gotta be going now. It's not far from 8.15. May I go to the station to see Frankie? Of course.
00:14:46Where is he now? I sent him home to see his mother, but he'll be there all right. That's what I think of the boy.
00:14:55Thanks for giving me the old man's suitcase, Mom. I wanted to say goodbye to him, but, well, he was asleep.
00:15:05Will you tell him, Mom? Goodbye, Frankie. Gee, I never noticed how pretty these flowers looked before.
00:15:20Well, except that rose bush over there. Kind of skinny, ain't it, Mom? Do something about that, will you, Mom? So long.
00:15:51Where are you going, Frankie? I don't know. Say, now, there's a job for you. All a guy does is make a lot of dots and dashes.
00:16:04Do you understand it? No. Well, A is a dot and a dash, and B is a dash and three dots, and C is... Gee, I don't remember what C is.
00:16:14It's a cinch if you just learn how to make them dots and dashes. You shouldn't have come down here.
00:16:26Be a good boy, Frankie. I'll write to you, and we'll be waiting to see you back here. This is where you belong.
00:16:41Oh, gee, thanks, Miss Williams. But what you blew me about? You know I never been on a train before?
00:16:48Every night when I'd hear them chug and whistle and go around the bend down there near Smith's Grove, I always wanted to be on one going someplace.
00:16:59And now I am going someplace, ain't I, Sheriff? And there'll be red plush cushions and everything, won't there, Sheriff?
00:17:06Goodbye, Miss Williams. I haven't any tickets, Sheriff. Have you got them? Yes, I got your ticket, Frankie.
00:17:14Will you stop crying, Carol? I'll be back soon, before you know it. I'm not going anyplace just to a farm. I like to work on a farm.
00:17:23Someday I'll come back, and you can't tell, maybe someday I'll have a job like that guy in there. A cinch, that's all it is.
00:17:33Just a lot of dots and dashes.
00:17:46You'll get along all right in here, just as you want to. That's up to you. It's up to me to enforce the rules, and I do.
00:17:55You understand, don't you, Sheriff? Yes, I understand. You understand, don't you, Frankie? Yes, sir.
00:18:02All right, Sheriff. Is there anything I can do for you back there, Frankie? No, I don't think so, Sheriff.
00:18:15Gee, this is a swell place, ain't it?
00:18:26You a new guy? Yeah.
00:18:31Where you from? I said, where you from?
00:18:37That's none of your business. Oh, a wise guy, huh?
00:18:42That's my business. That's my business.
00:18:55Well, I'll be back in a minute.
00:19:25I'll be back in a minute.
00:19:55Oh, why don't you quit? I'm all right.
00:20:14You look better in the hospital cut. Thanks. You've been swell. What's your name?
00:20:21Rogers, kid. Frankie Rogers. That don't make no difference in this joint.
00:20:28Listen, you. You're no better than any of the rest of them prisoners. What I put you in charge of was to keep order up there.
00:20:35Listen to them bums walking around. They're scrubbing. All right, see that they scrub. And see that they scrubbing their bare feet.
00:20:43From now on, no one puts their shoes on till noon. How do you think I'm gonna sleep?
00:20:48There'll be trouble. Yeah, who's gonna make it? Anyone tries it, you beat them within an inch of their life.
00:20:54You're big enough. All right.
00:21:01All right, you mugs. Get your shoes off. Get them off. And from now on, keep them off till after 12 o'clock.
00:21:10You get it? Do you? Come on, snap into it. Come on, come on, come on.
00:21:20All right, you guys, get them off. Get your shoes off. Now, wake up. Get them shoes off in there.
00:21:27Come on, stupid, wake up. Get them off. Come on, get them off.
00:21:45Oh, throw that shoe. Was it you? No. Just in case it was.
00:22:05Well, I don't think we'll have to worry much longer about you, Rogers.
00:22:27No, Warden? No. You can't steal automobiles and start riots and get away with it. You're a cinch to go up for five years.
00:22:36We'll know where to send your mail all right. State Penitentiary.
00:22:41I hate to think how much I'm gonna miss you.
00:22:49And therefore, I sentence you, Frank Rogers, to the State Penitentiary for five years.
00:23:14We're a cinch.
00:23:16I ain't so sure.
00:23:18We're blanky-pitching. Why not?
00:23:21He's a loser.
00:23:23Ah, what do you mean? He's got a fireball. He'll be throwing past them all afternoon.
00:23:47Oh, no. Did you see that guy steal second?
00:23:50I didn't see nothing. I ain't no stew, I ain't.
00:23:54What do you want to steal things for? That's how I got in here.
00:23:58All right, now. Come on, Maggie.
00:24:17All right, Maggie, that's all.
00:24:19What do you want me out for? Because of giving three hits in five innings?
00:24:22You don't think I'm as dumb as that? You're swell.
00:24:24They want you up in the office.
00:24:28Yeah, don't give them any fat ones. If they start crowding the plate, throw it right in their head. Good luck, Slim.
00:24:34That's right, Warden. I've pitched five innings and I've done five years. So what?
00:24:40I haven't earned respect for a man who gets a chance and doesn't know how to handle it.
00:24:45This is your chance now. Don't blow it.
00:24:49Don't worry, Warden. I won't.
00:25:01Get you something?
00:25:02Yeah. With or without music?
00:25:07Well, we're leaving here tomorrow.
00:25:09We'll be long gone.
00:25:11Three weeks in Cleveland and we'll have a roll.
00:25:15I'm going to miss this joint.
00:25:18See you later. I'm going down to try on my suit. We've got ours all picked out.
00:25:23And yours won't fit any better.
00:25:25Yeah. It's just three well-dressed men leaving Star. That's not what's going out.
00:25:33Just three suits of old clothes.
00:25:46Well, here it is.
00:25:50Here what is?
00:25:52Outside. Look at it.
00:25:55Here what?
00:25:57What'd you like to do?
00:25:59I want to stay.
00:26:02I'd like to see some gal.
00:26:05What'd you like, Frankie?
00:26:08I just want to get rid of this puddle.
00:26:11Some collar button and an old shirt.
00:26:19In five years.
00:26:49I'm going to miss this joint.
00:26:52I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:26:55I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:26:58I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:01I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:04I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:07I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:10I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:13I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:16I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:18I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:21I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:24I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:27I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:30I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:33I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:36I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:39I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:42I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:45I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:48I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:51I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:54I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:27:57I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:28:00I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:28:03I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:28:06I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:28:09I'm going down to try on my suit.
00:28:12I gave even of my pennies.
00:28:22What are we going to do with the dishes?
00:28:24Say, if I had a gun and you'd throw them up in the air,
00:28:27I could knock them off like clay pigeons.
00:28:29Well, you haven't got any, Rod, and you ain't going to have one.
00:28:32Well, I'm not going to wash them.
00:28:34Nobody asked you to.
00:28:35Say, I got an idea.
00:28:37There's a joint down here I used to sing in.
00:28:39I'd like to make them a present.
00:28:41They don't care if they're washed or not.
00:28:43Anyway, I'd like a drink.
00:28:45Yeah, sure, Doc.
00:28:46Okay, Frankie?
00:28:47Anything. I just got to keep moving.
00:29:12Ladies and gentlemen,
00:29:15I want to introduce to you tonight
00:29:17a fine little artist who appeared here many years ago.
00:29:21He's been a guest star for the last few years.
00:29:24But what I mean to say is
00:29:26he's been a guest of the government.
00:29:28He's been a guest of the government,
00:29:30and he's been a guest of the government
00:29:33for the last three years.
00:29:35And now I'd like to introduce him to you.
00:29:38What I mean to say is, he's been a guest to the government.
00:29:42But you wouldn't understand about that.
00:29:45Now I'm going to ask him to sing one of the old songs
00:29:47that he used to sing for me before he
00:29:50asked for a raise in pay.
00:29:52Ladies and gentlemen, I take great pleasure
00:29:55in introducing that marvelous singer of old songs,
00:29:58accompanied by the Silver Slipper Singin' Waiters.
00:30:01And I want you to give him a great big hand, Mr. Bert Gatto.
00:30:05Good luck.
00:30:16I can see a bunch of country folks
00:30:20sittin' round a local store a-swappin' jokes.
00:30:25In my home town, why did I ever roam town?
00:30:30I must be crazy.
00:30:35Oh, the city gals are not so slow.
00:30:40Take me to those country gals I used to know.
00:30:45For since I've roamed the way, I'm lonesome night and day.
00:30:57Hometown, want to wander round those back streets.
00:31:03See those tumble-down old shack streets.
00:31:07I love to walk in all those cozy country cars and goodbyes.
00:31:14Hometown, where the doves are sharply crewin'.
00:31:19Where there's always nothin' doin'.
00:31:23Where there's always nothin' doin'.
00:31:27And I get a welcome from those cozy country cars and goodbyes.
00:31:32There's an old school house door.
00:31:36We used to tumble through and for.
00:31:40And that same candy store,
00:31:44where I could eat a dozen lollipops
00:31:49and ask for more.
00:31:55Gee, but I'd give the world to see
00:32:02that old game of mine.
00:32:12Say, I can hear them just as plain
00:32:16standin' on the street corner,
00:32:19their heads bunched together,
00:32:22harmonizin' Cadillac.
00:32:29Sweet Cadillac.
00:32:34Sweet Cadillac.
00:32:36Where the guns are shootin'.
00:32:38Sweet Cadillac.
00:32:40Where the wheat is wafflin'.
00:32:42Wheat is wafflin'.
00:32:44Gee, I'm goin' back to that town
00:32:50to those country cars and goodbyes.
00:33:02What a night! What a night! What a night!
00:33:07Well, I got enough dough to get us out of these clothes.
00:33:11A steak of cinnamon and Danes.
00:33:14Swell, wasn't it, Frankie?
00:33:16Yeah, steak was okay.
00:33:18Well, what do we do next?
00:33:20I'm goin' home.
00:33:22You guys wanna come along, it's okay.
00:33:24If you don't, it's okay, too.
00:33:26Well, what did we get in a town like that?
00:33:28Just a lot of fresh air.
00:33:31If you think you can stand it.
00:33:36Morning, Miss Williams.
00:33:38Oh, good morning, Albert.
00:33:40What's the idea?
00:33:42Ain't the first of the month, is it?
00:33:44Well, thank you.
00:33:46That is a lot, isn't it?
00:33:47Yeah, but that ain't all.
00:33:49Will you hold that for me a minute, please?
00:33:52Oh, I am a bother this morning.
00:33:54You must be all worn out.
00:33:55No, no, I'm used to it.
00:33:57Been doin' it for 30 years.
00:33:59Be retiring soon.
00:34:01And on a pension, too.
00:34:03And I can go a-fishin' whenever I like.
00:34:05And no more work.
00:34:07Just fishin'.
00:34:09Oh, but this town wouldn't be the same
00:34:11without you bringing the mail around every day.
00:34:13I don't believe you'd be happy if you couldn't.
00:34:15Don't know what I'd do if they stopped me from teaching school.
00:34:18Well, all the way you look at it, I suppose.
00:34:21But I'm gettin' old.
00:34:23Well, so am I.
00:34:25You know why I got so much mail today?
00:34:27It's my birthday.
00:34:29Well, I'll be darned.
00:34:31I hope it's a right, happy one this weekend.
00:34:41And to think so many of your friends remembered you.
00:34:44Why not? That's what I'd say.
00:34:46Oh, I didn't mean that.
00:34:49But they're lovely, don't you think?
00:34:51Oh, they've all been so sweet.
00:34:53Now, isn't this one nice?
00:34:54That's from John Shelley.
00:34:56Remember Henry Shelley's son?
00:34:57Why, yes. Indeed I do.
00:34:59Oh, he's done so well, I hear.
00:35:01Then, of course, I knew he would.
00:35:04Well, I think you're supposed to write smart to make him a lawyer.
00:35:07I do, too.
00:35:08Guess what with the world being like what it is today.
00:35:14Well, I do hope John is happy.
00:35:17Oh, and Robert Hale and his music.
00:35:20Remember how he used to play the violin?
00:35:23He had a fine talent, I thought.
00:35:26I do hope he's doing well.
00:35:32This one's from Wallace Kishler.
00:35:36He says he painted that himself.
00:35:39It's all in watercolors.
00:35:42Sort of shows his early promise.
00:35:44Yes, I suppose Wallace is a big artist now.
00:36:02My niece had a cousin who was a painter, too.
00:36:04But the last time she wrote me, she told me that he was strictly on the bottle.
00:36:09Now, what do you suppose she meant by that?
00:36:12A man doesn't pay bottles all the time, does he?
00:36:24Oh, hello, Charlie.
00:36:26I just wanted to wish you many happy returns, Miss Williams.
00:36:30Yes, I'm sorry I couldn't get over to see you.
00:36:33But, you know, I just can't help being sentimental when it comes to birthdays.
00:36:37Especially concerning my teacher.
00:36:40Oh, well, it was awfully nice of you to remember.
00:36:44That was Charlie Smith.
00:36:46He's the only one of that class, I believe, who's still in town.
00:36:49Well, I don't blame him being in charge of his father's bank and all.
00:36:52Carol Evans.
00:36:54Carol Evans, who is she?
00:36:56Don't you remember?
00:36:57Well, she used to live next door to the Neely's on Elm Street.
00:37:00I believe she's a big actress now.
00:37:07Birds have their nests
00:37:10Stars have their skies
00:37:14I'm just a wanderer
00:37:19No friend have I
00:37:25I need a friend
00:37:29A wonderful friend
00:37:33To hold my hand
00:37:36And understand
00:37:41I need someone
00:37:45When the long day is done
00:37:49To share with me
00:37:52The setting sun
00:37:57Everyone else in this wide, wide world
00:38:00Has someone who cares
00:38:04Nobody else in this wide, wide world
00:38:08Mentions me in their prayers
00:38:15If you were my friend
00:38:20My whole life I'd spend
00:38:25In your embrace
00:38:30Any old place
00:38:34I need a friend
00:38:43Well, I don't think we need to worry about Carol.
00:38:46She'll turn out all right.
00:38:50Well, I think these have made me happier than any of the others.
00:38:53They're from Frankie Rogers.
00:38:56Well, he certainly didn't come to a good end.
00:39:00Oh, I don't think Frankie was really a bad boy.
00:39:02He just didn't have the same chance the others had.
00:39:05He made those bookends himself, he says.
00:39:09According to this card, he isn't in the reformatory.
00:39:12He's traveling.
00:39:16Well, I do hope Frankie's all right.
00:39:19Sometimes I worry about him as much as though he were my own son.
00:39:24I used to live in a little town once myself.
00:39:29Why did you leave?
00:39:30Well, it was like this.
00:39:32I stole a horse and took it home.
00:39:34It was a white horse, and I started to paint it black.
00:39:38Well, I just got one side of it done, and then I'd run out of paint.
00:39:41I've often thought that a little more paint would have changed my whole career.
00:39:46Look, that's the way it goes.
00:39:49Right, Frankie?
00:39:50Yeah, that's the way it goes.
00:40:07Where'd you pick up this rod?
00:40:10In that honky-tonk.
00:40:11Had to take something to know if no toothbrushes were up.
00:40:18I'll meet you guys in front of the First National Bank at 2.30.
00:40:212.30 in the morning?
00:40:23No, 2.30 in the afternoon.
00:40:42I know the old man died.
00:40:45But what about my mother?
00:40:49Ain't nothing more to tell you, Mr. Frankie.
00:40:52Seven, she's just testing the head, that's all.
00:40:55Well, I guess I'll have to go.
00:40:57I'll see you later.
00:41:08Seven, she's just testing the head, that's all.
00:41:11And they took her away to Toledo, somebody said.
00:41:17Ain't Toledo the place where they carry crazy people?
00:41:22That's the place.
00:41:24Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Frankie, but...
00:41:26Did you see my mother when she left?
00:41:28What did she say?
00:41:29What did she do?
00:41:30I didn't say I didn't.
00:41:32But they say she just wasn't sad at all.
00:41:36Only one thing funny she did was just before she left.
00:41:39When she stood out there at the gate,
00:41:41she said to the gentlemen who had come to fetch her,
00:41:43she said, what pretty roses, ain't they?
00:41:47Then they knowed she was tits,
00:41:49because there wasn't a single rose nowhere.
00:41:54Anything else?
00:41:56Then she said, please take care of that scrawny one over there,
00:42:00because that's the one Frankie liked.
00:42:03Then they took her away.
00:42:05That's all.
00:42:09You been here long?
00:42:10About a year.
00:42:12Oh, yeah, if I can fix you up for the night,
00:42:14there's a room upstairs.
00:42:16Suppose you'd want to stay once more in your home
00:42:18after being away so long.
00:42:21No thanks, Mrs. Hamilton.
00:42:23How much, how many children you got, Mrs. Hamilton?
00:42:26Oh, just these two.
00:42:28Oh, yeah, and the other one, Roy.
00:42:30Oh, I guess you don't remember him, though.
00:42:32He's a man now.
00:42:34He's got this one.
00:42:35They're pouring on him to be an old.
00:42:37That's fine.
00:42:40Miss Williams, is she still...
00:42:43still in town?
00:42:44Miss Williams, she's here, she's here all the time.
00:42:47Gotten old now, but still just as pretty.
00:42:49Still lives at the same place over on Spruce Street.
00:42:55Thanks, Mrs. Hamilton.
00:42:59Are you going to be a porter, too, when you grow up?
00:43:01I suppose you know your father got to join his lodge before he died.
00:43:05No, I didn't.
00:43:06But do you think that helped?
00:43:08Well, it made him powerful happy.
00:43:11And they say he died with the most loveliest smile on his face.
00:43:18Was he plastered?
00:43:25You mean to say, Miss Williams, after all them years you worked for him,
00:43:28they gave you the gate?
00:43:30I don't understand you, Frankie.
00:43:32I think you should say, after all those years, they gave you the gate.
00:43:36But I still don't understand, because they didn't give me any gate.
00:43:40Sorry, Miss Williams.
00:43:42You mean to say they put the slug on you?
00:43:45What I'm trying to say is, you ain't got no job no more?
00:43:49Is that it?
00:43:50That's right.
00:43:52Only, don't you think you ought to say you no longer have a job?
00:43:56Only, don't you think you ought to say you no longer have a position?
00:43:59That's all I want to know.
00:44:01Who's running the joint?
00:44:02I beg your pardon?
00:44:03Who's the boss, the big guy, the head man?
00:44:05Well, you certainly speak strangely, Frankie.
00:44:09But I think I'm beginning to understand you.
00:44:12Charlie Smith is the president of our board of education.
00:44:15He runs the bank.
00:44:16Now you know you remember him.
00:44:17Yeah, I remember him.
00:44:19That fresh little...
00:44:24That fresh little guy that was so smart at figures?
00:44:27That's he.
00:44:28Oh, he's done so well.
00:44:29He's down at his bank now.
00:44:30I'm sure he'd be very glad to see you.
00:44:33That's fine.
00:44:35I'll be glad to see him, too.
00:44:38He said he'd be here at 2.30.
00:44:41What time is it now?
00:44:442.38 and a half, if this thing's on the level.
00:44:48Where'd you get that watch?
00:44:50Oh, I just picked it up.
00:44:52One of the local boys was eating a sack of popcorn.
00:44:55But he won't miss it.
00:44:56What does a guy want with a watch in this town anyway?
00:44:59Wait here.
00:45:01Some people say bankers are hard, that they have no sentiment.
00:45:04But I tell you here and now, I will not see that little schoolhouse destroyed,
00:45:08not for all the money in the world.
00:45:14Mr. Frankie Rogers to see you, Mr. Smith.
00:45:19What do you think of that?
00:45:22Show him in.
00:45:25Will you gentlemen excuse me, please?
00:45:27Certainly, Charlie.
00:45:28Of course, Charlie.
00:45:33Well, well, Frankie.
00:45:36How are you?
00:45:40This is a funny one.
00:45:41I was just talking about you.
00:45:45Was you, Charlie?
00:45:46Let's see how you look.
00:45:48You haven't changed much.
00:45:50I suppose, as you might say, that comes from living right, eh, Frankie?
00:45:54Yes, you might say.
00:45:58Nice place you got here.
00:45:59Why, you haven't seen a thing.
00:46:00Sit down.
00:46:01Sit down.
00:46:02No, thanks.
00:46:03I don't want to waste your time.
00:46:04No, no.
00:46:05At least you'll let me show you through the bank.
00:46:07Now, here's a little idea of my own.
00:46:09Take a look at this burglar alarm.
00:46:11If anybody just walks in front of that at night, it goes off.
00:46:14Sort of a radio beam arrangement.
00:46:16Now, Frankie, I don't think there's a chance for anybody to get away with a thing.
00:46:20Let's see.
00:46:21Now, this safe is the very last word.
00:46:23I can hardly get in there myself.
00:46:27Are you insured, Charlie?
00:46:30Yes, yes, everything's insured.
00:46:31Everything in apple pie order.
00:46:33What do you want to do, Frankie?
00:46:35Do you want a job?
00:46:36I can't fix you up here, but I understand the chain works is opening up soon.
00:46:40Mr. Hamilton?
00:46:41Yes, the town certainly is booming.
00:46:44How about Miss Williams?
00:46:45What do you mean?
00:46:46Well, don't you think it'd be a good idea if you put her back to work?
00:46:49Well, she has her pension.
00:46:50After all, she's done her service now.
00:46:51She should have a rest.
00:46:53This new school building takes care of 500 kids.
00:46:56What we need is youth in our teaching staff.
00:46:58Don't you worry about Miss Williams, Frankie.
00:47:00We'll take care of her, all right?
00:47:02She'll sit in that little old house and wither and die
00:47:04thinking about you and me and the rest of the kids.
00:47:07How about putting her back to work, Charlie?
00:47:09I'll take it up at the next board meeting, Frankie.
00:47:11And I want to thank you for coming in.
00:47:13You going to be in town long?
00:47:15I don't think so.
00:47:16Do you need any money?
00:47:18No, thanks.
00:47:20Do what you can for her, will you?
00:47:22I will, Frankie.
00:47:23I certainly will.
00:47:25And you've given me an idea.
00:47:37Wait until we knock it over.
00:47:39This looks like a cinch.
00:47:40I've been standing here for over an hour.
00:47:42I ain't seen a single cop.
00:47:44We're not knocking it over.
00:47:46This is my hometown.
00:47:49We're leaving.
00:47:50Where for?
00:47:52Pardon me.
00:47:53Can you tell me where the Chamber of Commerce is?
00:47:56I don't know.
00:47:58I'm a stranger here.
00:48:03It's been a long time, 15 years.
00:48:06You say she's a big star?
00:48:08Tell me she's getting along all right.
00:48:11Any chance for a touch?
00:48:12If there was, I wouldn't make it.
00:48:14I don't know whether I'm going to like this town or not.
00:48:18You've been talking about nothing all the way from Mac.
00:48:21What's on your mind?
00:48:22Well, I had some dough and I got in a taxi.
00:48:25The taxi driver was an old guy, Brooklyn at the knees.
00:48:28Just doing the best he could, I guess.
00:48:30And a cop would give him a ticket for going three feet to a stoplight.
00:48:34So you sucked a cop?
00:48:35Oh, no, I didn't.
00:48:36I tried to reason with him.
00:48:38Then I sucked him.
00:48:39What did you say to him?
00:48:40I says to him, I says, a fine job you got making people unhappy.
00:48:44Look at this old man here.
00:48:46He's just crying and you come along and gum it all up.
00:48:49What did he do, I says?
00:48:51What did he do that would hurt anybody?
00:48:53You know what that copper says to me?
00:48:55He says, if you don't shut up, I'll slug you and throw you in a can.
00:48:58That's what he says.
00:48:59So I seen, I couldn't reason with him.
00:49:01What did you do?
00:49:03That's when I sucked him.
00:49:04And what's it cost you?
00:49:05Six months.
00:49:07And I might say that the jail here stinks.
00:49:10You know, it's a funny thing about coppers.
00:49:12What's funny about them?
00:49:14Well, I know a guy once, a friend of mine.
00:49:17He was an all right guy, too.
00:49:19He got out of police force.
00:49:21The minute he got a load of himself, all dressed up in those brass buttons, he was a different guy.
00:49:27I don't like him either.
00:49:29Well, I guess they're just trying to do the best they can.
00:49:32I wish you wouldn't use that word can.
00:49:34Why not?
00:49:35Can is a void.
00:49:36It may be a void to you, but to me it's a joint where you die.
00:49:40I'm going to do six months.
00:50:10To tell you the things in my heart.
00:50:24Carol, you're a swine.
00:50:25You're a cinch.
00:50:26Nothing can stop you.
00:50:27Hey, Carol.
00:50:31That was swell, but you got to get out of that dress and get out of there right away.
00:50:35You didn't like it?
00:50:36Sure I liked it, but the dame just come, too.
00:50:38Somebody hit her with a cold towel or something.
00:50:40Yeah, they should have stripped her of Mickey.
00:50:42Some other time, Carol.
00:51:38Hey, Frankie.
00:51:49What do you think of this paper?
00:51:51I don't think so much of it.
00:51:53There's from our hometown.
00:51:56I think it laughs at her.
00:51:59Did you laugh when you read about my trouble?
00:52:01I didn't mean that.
00:52:03It should have been a big laugh.
00:52:06Franky's dead.
00:52:09That's good.
00:52:11I hated that old buzzard.
00:52:14Beat me up when I was a kid because my gun licked his dog.
00:52:17He was just a punk.
00:52:18How do you like that?
00:52:20You mustn't hate anybody, Franky.
00:52:23It's no good.
00:52:25Okay, I won't.
00:52:26You say so.
00:52:28If it was no good when he was alive,
00:52:30I don't see that dying makes him any better.
00:52:34What time is it?
00:52:38Oh, I'm going.
00:52:48It was swell seeing you.
00:52:51When will I see you again?
00:52:54I don't know.
00:52:58What are you going to do?
00:53:00I don't know.
00:53:02I do.
00:53:04You've got to stay here.
00:53:06You've got to get a job.
00:53:11I want you to.
00:53:16On the level?
00:53:19On the level.
00:53:22Gee, I'm stuck.
00:53:25I don't know what to do.
00:53:31Excuse me, Franky.
00:53:43Tomorrow night?
00:53:46Tomorrow night.
00:54:01Hey, wait a minute.
00:54:02Show me a suit.
00:54:03No, I haven't got time.
00:54:04I haven't got the time.
00:54:05Just a minute.
00:54:06Look at these eyewashers.
00:54:07Lend me the tie.
00:54:08Well, it just matches the suit.
00:54:10I hate to leave you fellows, but this is my big night.
00:54:13Yes, I see.
00:54:14Same dame, not a dame, somebody else.
00:54:20You're the luckiest guy that ever lived.
00:54:23If you fell in a lake, you'd come up with a handful of fish.
00:54:27I ain't lucky at all.
00:54:29Hey, I'll concentrate on knocking your head off the next time you deal one from the bottom.
00:54:33What do you mean?
00:54:34You know what I mean.
00:54:51What do you got?
00:54:52I got one, two, three, four aces.
00:54:57Maybe you got four aces, but that ain't the hand I dealt you.
00:55:00What do you mean?
00:55:01You know what I mean. I think you're being very unethical.
00:55:04Explain them words.
00:55:06I think you're a crook.
00:55:07And what are you?
00:55:08I'm just a victim of society, that's what I am.
00:55:11Yeah, and you're a crook too.
00:55:13Then we're a couple of crooks, is that it?
00:55:16That's it.
00:55:17Oh, you want a break, huh?
00:55:19Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:55:20What goes on here? Cut it out. Stop it.
00:55:22Ah, you little...
00:55:24Why, I'll break it, I told you.
00:55:29Oh, I'm sorry, Frankie.
00:55:31I'm sorry too.
00:55:33It's okay.
00:55:35Ah, you throw one at me and you hit Frankie. That's how good you are.
00:55:38Cut it out. Cut it out.
00:55:40We ain't gonna get nowhere fighting like that.
00:55:42Win or lose, we gotta stick together. Come on, shake hands.
00:55:47Boy, I wish I had a hunk of beefsteak.
00:55:53Good evening.
00:55:56I'm Mr. Hicks, the manager.
00:55:58I'd like to speak to you about your bill.
00:56:01We've only been here three days.
00:56:03But you have no baggage.
00:56:05Chill a bit, will you, fellas? See you later.
00:56:08Come in, Mr. Hicks.
00:56:10Yeah, come in and have a chair.
00:56:12Some discussion about the bill?
00:56:14Yes, there is.
00:56:16Well, sit down there.
00:56:18Um, do you ever play cards?
00:56:28Gee, this is, uh...
00:56:30I certainly fix things up good.
00:56:34Wasn't the door enough, Carol.
00:56:36I tried to stop two guys from punching each other, and I ran into one myself.
00:56:42I'm sorry.
00:56:44I tried to stop two guys from punching each other, and I ran into one myself.
00:56:48What's the idea of the player?
00:56:51You fix up that eye. That's the idea.
00:56:53Oh, wait a minute. If you put that on, I won't be able to see at all.
00:56:56It doesn't matter. I'll be here.
00:57:01Oh, I guess I don't have to see you.
00:57:04Lots of times when I couldn't.
00:57:07But you know, Carol, I always had a kind of a feeling you was around in some ways.
00:57:12You know what I mean?
00:57:14Yes, Frankie.
00:57:16Gee, this is cold.
00:57:18Where'd you learn these things?
00:57:21It's nothing.
00:57:23I was going to take you out tonight and have some fun.
00:57:27Here we are, just you and me and a sliced potato.
00:57:36But it's swell.
00:57:40Good evening.
00:57:42Good evening.
00:57:44Did the boys pay the bill?
00:57:47I paid the bill.
00:57:49What do you mean?
00:57:51They got me into a poker game.
00:57:53Did you lose?
00:57:55One week's rent.
00:57:57That's fine.
00:57:59That's fine.
00:58:01Don't worry. I'll give you a chance to get it back.
00:58:04Good night.
00:58:06Good night.
00:58:09Good night.
00:59:10Come on, try to step on it.
00:59:12Keep going.
00:59:13Hurry up, will you?
00:59:14Let's get there.
00:59:29You all set?
00:59:33I'd like a piece of that lemon cream pie.
00:59:40Just in case we lose.
00:59:42Oh, that's fair enough.
00:59:44Let's go.
01:00:08What's happening? What's happening?
01:00:11What's happening?
01:00:13What's happening?
01:00:15Good news?
01:00:17Not bad.
01:00:18An offer?
01:00:20Kind of an offer.
01:00:21How many weeks?
01:00:23No, it's an invitation to a class reunion.
01:00:25What's that?
01:00:27Oh, a fellow in my little hometown who made a lot of money
01:00:30wants to get all his old classmates together.
01:00:32Says he'll pay all the expenses.
01:00:34Oh, I know, it's one of those things where everybody gets together
01:00:36and lies to each other about the success.
01:00:40I wonder if he sent one to Frankie.
01:00:44Yeah, the boy I was with last night.
01:00:47What's his last name? Frankie who?
01:00:49Rogers. Frankie Rogers.
01:00:52What does he look like?
01:00:54He looks very nice.
01:00:56At least I think so.
01:00:58You saw him.
01:01:00Well, does he look anything like that?
01:01:04He looks like Frankie.
01:01:06That's what I did, and that's what happened.
01:01:11I didn't kill the guy, and that's the truth.
01:01:13And that's just what they won't believe.
01:01:15But I'll tell him...
01:01:16You won't tell him anything.
01:01:18I don't want you to.
01:01:20I don't want you to come to see me no more.
01:01:23But why?
01:01:25Because you can't help me, and you can hurt yourself.
01:01:26Can't you see that?
01:01:29that. Did you send
01:01:37a reunion invitation to Frankie Rogers I've tried everything I can think of Mr
01:01:41Smith but I haven't been able to find the address for you can find it now all right
01:01:47the Cleveland County Jail the looks of this it'll soon be the Ohio State
01:01:52Penitentiary take a look at that. I knew that boy Tim I went to
01:01:58school. You're in trouble now. Look Tim I've got
01:02:05fifty dollars you want me to pay you what I owe you or. Would you let me go there
01:02:10and see him. I'd like to help him if I can forget about me some.
01:02:17I can wait. You can help your friend see me when you get back.
01:02:22You. Thanks to.
01:02:43You. What you want.
01:02:51How do you make out. OK. When does the jury get it.
01:02:58This afternoon sometime maybe. Good luck Frankie thanks.
01:03:10What do you think's going to happen John. I don't know. What are you going to say
01:03:18this afternoon. I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have taken this case.
01:03:26After all it's Frankie's life I've got my. I've never been
01:03:30a trial lawyer. What does that mean. Well out there in Illinois and
01:03:38this person I'm trying to sell insurance. Do a little work on mortgages and leases
01:03:43at times. I'm scared stiff. Ladies and gentlemen of
01:03:50the jury. Until a moment ago. I had no idea what I could
01:03:57say to you. The defendant himself has suggested a plan and
01:04:05it's this very fact which allows me to throw him so confidently on your mercy.
01:04:15I've known the defendant. Since we were children. I remember one afternoon.
01:04:22Frankie helped me take. A fish hook out of my finger.
01:04:29I know that nothing ever happened to help that boy. I've never heard him complain
01:04:36in fact even now when he sits before you all but condemned not by you but by the
01:04:43forces which inevitably brought him here he has no complaint to make it's not of
01:04:50it's not of himself but of me that he's thinking. He
01:04:57asks me to bring glory on myself. Not mercy for himself.
01:05:04I tell you there is much to be honored in such
01:05:06a man. If we could take that which. Is so fine and him.
01:05:13And build on it. We could well be proud.
01:05:21Well. What are we to achieve with destruction. Would that make the world
01:05:27a better place then. Why can't we begin here and now the very process which would
01:05:33eliminate these cruel moments from life. Why can't we give him a rather than
01:05:38unfeeling sense. Don't you see the defendant himself has shown us the way.
01:05:46To tell you as well. Your Honor. Mr Foreman and ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
01:05:54In all of my experience as an attorney and as a prosecutor I've never seen a more
01:05:59straightforward case let me sum it up for you once more. Three known criminals went
01:06:05into a respectable place of business armed. Prepared to commit murder and with
01:06:12the intention of robbery. The proprietor a law abiding citizen of this community
01:06:19attempted to save his property and he was mercilessly killed. The defendant Frankie
01:06:26Rodgers out of the state penitentiary but a short time fired the shot in cold
01:06:31blood. I needn't call Rodgers a fiend or a foul blot on
01:06:38humanity or use any other dramatic terms the truth is obvious but Rodgers is
01:06:44prepared to commit murder again and you are in duty bound to prevent this and
01:06:49that's why the state demands that you return a verdict of guilty and also demands.
01:06:57The death penalty.
01:06:57We the jury
01:07:10find the defendant. What are you talking about you had two strikes on you before you
01:07:16started you were swell. She I never had anybody say things like that about me before
01:07:24would you learn all them things wasn't he swell care. Well it wouldn't have been so
01:07:31bad if there was
01:07:32a recommendation from mercy but. There wasn't what does that mean John Oh why don't
01:07:39you two stop but do you think this was
01:07:42a funeral. I'm sorry Frankie I just did the best I could.
01:07:51By John. By Carol.
01:08:05What are we going to do now. I don't know Carol.
01:08:13I thought that on my way back to Illinois I might stop by St Mary's for that.
01:08:20That reunion. Not now.
01:08:30Do you think if we went back to the reunion we might get Charlie Smith to help
01:08:33thank you.
01:08:38Always the artist they were surviving the pictures well I never went in much for
01:08:42that I stopped myself Mrs Smith selected all these jobs clever. Don't you think it
01:08:48was smart of him to bring you all here. No I think it was
01:08:52a very nice said. Thank you. Because there's
01:08:56a publicity. Do you see many of your old friends. Walked around this afternoon
01:09:04so I really. Hardly knew. And I saw Tom.
01:09:11He didn't look any too good. And I thought it was
01:09:14cool room downtown and it was the soul of the place that I knew. I don't know.
01:09:20Coming back to a little town is not so good I guess after a long time. We just
01:09:26seem to see the years sit down. That's right.
01:09:32The years sit down. Miss Williams.
01:09:54I'm so sorry I'm late.
01:10:09I thought I'd find you all here. This party's
01:10:13a bust yet Carol we were just talking about it what do you think is wrong we all
01:10:19know what's wrong it's Frank. What can we do John anything
01:10:25I don't think so they denied the appeal well you think we could get Charlie. Now
01:10:32Carol and I talked to. I don't think you could help anyway it's too late.
01:10:38Yeah I bought some chow some supper my friend this is your last meal Rogers what
01:10:42do you want. What do you mean the sort of booze or anything you want.
01:10:49Sure. Give me
01:10:50a big huck or whiskey and drink it yourself OK. I am
01:10:58as. OK Frankie. And that is
01:11:03a long time to get here but here we are. Yeah. Not far from heaven.
01:11:11And a lot further from heaven and you think.
01:11:18You know.
01:11:20You know.
01:11:44There you go back to my home town that's where I started this will finish.
01:11:49Well, here we are, right back where we started from.
01:12:18Here's where I used to sit.
01:12:20It's easy enough for you to remember.
01:12:22You've got your initials carved all over it.
01:12:25That's my desk there.
01:12:26And boy, did I suffer in that seat.
01:12:29Miss Williams used to ask the darnedest questions.
01:12:31But she was always sweet about it, don't you think?
01:12:34You bet she was.
01:12:35I didn't say anything against Miss Williams.
01:12:36Oh, I was only kidding.
01:12:38Where'd you sit, John?
01:12:41Right over there.
01:12:42No, you didn't.
01:12:43Did you?
01:12:44Yeah, that's where I sat, all right.
01:12:48That desk there was Carol's.
01:12:49Gee, what a memory.
01:12:51Are you sure about that, John?
01:12:53Yes, I'm sure of it.
01:12:55I know because I sat there, and Carol sat there, and...
01:13:03I guess we all know who sat here.
01:13:23Well, hello, hello.
01:13:24How's everybody today?
01:13:25Hello, Carol.
01:13:26Hello, John.
01:13:28Bob, had a good sleep?
01:13:29Fine, thanks.
01:13:30That's fine.
01:13:31Carol, I got something for you.
01:13:33There you are.
01:13:34Got one for each one of you.
01:13:37Thanks, Charlie.
01:13:39And John.
01:13:40Now, you're all members of the committee.
01:13:41You know, I'd have been here sooner, but I had a little business at the bank.
01:13:44You know how those things go.
01:13:45George, you needn't wait any longer.
01:13:47We can take care of ourselves.
01:13:49Everything all set?
01:13:50That's fine.
01:13:51How does the old place look?
01:13:53Not much change, eh?
01:13:54Well, I want you all to take a good look at it.
01:13:56We're tearing it down next week.
01:13:57We just can't keep it any longer.
01:13:59Too much development, real estate.
01:14:01Miss Williams hasn't shown up yet, eh?
01:14:03No, Charlie.
01:14:04No, Miss Williams isn't here yet.
01:14:05Well, these are for her.
01:14:06Well, she'll be along soon.
01:14:07And I'll bet you I can tell you the very first thing she does.
01:14:11Well, what did we always used to do Friday afternoon the first thing?
01:14:15You see, I got you stuck already.
01:14:17We sang, right?
01:14:18Yeah, that's right.
01:14:20You know, I think we ought to have a little drink.
01:14:22What do you say we have one while we're waiting for Miss Williams?
01:14:25Yes, just a few refreshments I arranged.
01:14:27Don't think this is lemonade, either.
01:14:29I had George put plenty of my best stuff in this.
01:14:33You see out there where the duck pond is now,
01:14:35we're going to build a strong golf course,
01:14:37plans all drawn up and everything.
01:14:39So, the way things turn out,
01:14:41there just isn't room for our little schoolhouse anymore.
01:14:44But, as you might say, that's life.
01:14:47Right, Carol?
01:14:49Yes, John.
01:14:50That's life, I guess.
01:14:54Thanks, Charlie.
01:14:56And John.
01:14:58Thank you, Charlie.
01:14:59Now, how about a little toast befitting the occasion?
01:15:02Carol, you seem very quiet.
01:15:03Will you make it?
01:15:06Here's to Frankie.
01:15:32Thank you, Charlie.
01:15:54Of course, on such a happy occasion,
01:15:56it's very regrettable that one of our classmates is in trouble.
01:15:59And I can understand exactly how we all feel about him.
01:16:02After all, what could we expect?
01:16:04I tried to help him.
01:16:06It's only been a short time since he called on me at the bank.
01:16:09I offered to help him find a job.
01:16:11I even offered to lend him money.
01:16:13You know, I might have got killed or robbed or something.
01:16:15I showed him all around the bank,
01:16:16told him just how everything worked.
01:16:18I'm deeply sorry indeed,
01:16:20but this is an occasion of gaiety.
01:16:22It's a reunion.
01:16:24It's for fun.
01:16:25It's for you.
01:16:27I want you all to enter into the spirit of things.
01:16:30Carol, you've been in the theater.
01:16:32Won't you sing or dance for us just like you used to?
01:16:35I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me, Charlie.
01:16:37There's really nothing I can do.
01:16:39But I would like to ask you a question.
01:16:41Sure, go right ahead.
01:16:42Fire away, Carol.
01:16:44Did you try to help Frankie?
01:16:48Yes, I did.
01:16:49Just what did you do?
01:16:51Well, I think that's beside the point.
01:16:53I told you what I tried to do for him.
01:16:56Well, I think he deserved just what he got.
01:16:58What did he do?
01:16:59He stole.
01:17:00He was in the reformatory.
01:17:01He was in prison.
01:17:02He was offered help, and he committed murder.
01:17:05And I don't see any point in our worrying about Frankie Rogers any longer.
01:17:32Hello, Carol.
01:17:34Miss Williams.
01:17:36Hi, Charlie.
01:17:38Oh, Bob.
01:17:46Hello, John.
01:17:47Nice seeing you all again.
01:17:51Shall I give you that job back, Miss Williams?
01:17:54Well, it doesn't matter about me, Frankie.
01:17:57How did you manage to come here?
01:18:00I guess you all know I've been a little trouble.
01:18:03Them guys in this town ain't a bad bunch.
01:18:06I told them all about this little party you was giving.
01:18:11They let me come down for a little while.
01:18:13But I got to get right back.
01:18:16Can't stay very long.
01:18:19Well, how you guys all been doing?
01:18:23Fine, Frankie.
01:18:26Been doing great, Frankie.
01:18:30I guess I don't have to ask how you've been doing, Charlie.
01:18:33Yes, Frankie, yes.
01:18:35Sorry you can't stay.
01:18:37Before I go, I want you to know what I spoke to Al John about.
01:18:39They come all the way from Illinois just to help me beat a rap.
01:18:41But no soap.
01:18:42Wasn't John's fault.
01:18:44You had a swell speech, too.
01:18:47Same speech you made here one afternoon.
01:18:50That was a long time ago.
01:18:55I told you, sir.
01:18:56Ain't much more to say.
01:18:57It was nice seeing all of you.
01:18:59And I wish you all a lot of luck.
01:19:01Where are you going?
01:19:04I don't know.
01:19:05Thanks for coming along, Frankie.
01:19:06We know you can't stay, so we won't keep you.
01:19:08But we know how it is.
01:19:09Yes, we know how it is.
01:19:11I know how it is, and you know how it is, too.
01:19:13You just said that Frankie was not a law-abiding citizen.
01:19:16Did you ever think about yourself?
01:19:18Did you ever think about what caused Frankie to get into trouble?
01:19:22All you ever cared about was money.
01:19:25Your own wife told me last night that getting us back here was nothing but a publicity stunt.
01:19:29Don't you think that's fine?
01:19:31Bringing us all back here to parade yourself in front of us?
01:19:33You know we never made a dime.
01:19:35You know we're all broke.
01:19:36And that wouldn't be so bad, but it's the way you look.
01:19:39Carol, you mustn't.
01:19:40What did you ever do for him?
01:19:41What did any of the rest of us ever do for him?
01:19:43I'll tell you what we did.
01:19:45And I'll tell you something else.
01:19:47I hate what you stand for, and I hate you!
01:19:50No, no, no.
01:19:51Carol, no.
01:19:52You're wrong.
01:19:53You mustn't hate anybody.
01:19:54That ain't right.
01:19:55That ain't no good, remember?
01:19:57I used to hate people, too, but that's easy, but it ain't right.
01:20:01I know the guy who used to beat me over the head with a rubber hose.
01:20:04I hated him.
01:20:05One day I saw him going after a guy who was making a break to fill him full of lead.
01:20:09He dropped right on my feet.
01:20:11And I saw the look in that guy's eyes.
01:20:13It took all the hate out of me forever.
01:20:15I went to get him a tin cup full of water, but he never left to drink it.
01:20:20When he come back, he was dead.
01:20:26Come on, Carol.
01:20:27Charlie's all right.
01:20:28We're all all right.
01:20:30I'm glad to see you all doing so.
01:20:31And I know you all done the best you could.
01:20:34Maybe I did, too.
01:20:36I don't know.
01:20:39I gotta go.
01:20:40Come on, Carol.
01:20:42Tell Charlie you're sorry.
01:20:44If you don't, I ain't never gonna be happy no more.
01:20:49I'm sorry.
01:20:51That's swell, Carol.
01:20:59You're gonna need this.
01:21:04Bye, John.
01:21:07Bye, Charlie.
01:21:09So long.
01:21:15Goodbye, Miss Williams.
01:21:17I know Charlie's gonna get that job back for you.
01:21:45Oh, my.
01:21:46Bob, is there...
01:21:47Mike, how's home getting?
01:21:48I'm going out to the airport!
01:21:56It was nice of Frankie to come to see us, wasn't it?
01:21:59Miss Williams, we were just saying before you came that probably the first thing you'd let us do...
01:22:03I know.
01:22:04Just what we always did on Friday afternoon.
01:22:06Is that right, Charlie?
01:22:07Yes, Miss Williams.