两千多年以前, 中国人开始走向西方, 探索世界. 他们越过高原, 走进草场, 翻越冰川, 淌过河流, 一路向西. 世界在西行的途中变得越来越宽广, 甚至从大陆延伸到海洋, 走过地势崎岖的中国西部, 长江沿岸风景如画的三峡, 还有内蒙古的荒凉大草原, 生动传达出这些地方带给人的感觉丝绸之路记录下了中国人探索世界的脚步, 新的世纪, 新的旅程. 今天, 寻迹古代丝绸之路留下的文明印记, 在曾经的关隘,城市,驿站,道路上能够看到的是依然鲜活的生命力. 丝路并未走远, 千百年来它串联起的文明纽带正在新的时代焕发出崭新的光彩.
Adventure Silkroad
More than two thousand years ago, the Chinese began to go west and explore the world. They crossed plateaus, walked into pastures, crossed glaciers, flowed across rivers, all the way west. The world became wider and wider as they went west, even extending from the mainland. Going to the ocean, walking through the rugged western China, the picturesque of Three Gorges along the Yangtze River, and the desolate prairie of Inner Mongolia, vividly conveying the feeling that these places bring to people, the Silk Road recorded the footsteps of the Chinese people exploring the world. A new century, a new journey. Today, looking for the civilization marks left by the ancient Silk Road, what can be seen in the past, cities, post stations, and roads is still alive and vitality preserve. The Silk Road has not yet gone too far, for thousands of years, the bonds of civilization that have been connected together are glowing with brand-new brilliance in the new era.
两千多年以前, 中国人开始走向西方, 探索世界. 他们越过高原, 走进草场, 翻越冰川, 淌过河流, 一路向西. 世界在西行的途中变得越来越宽广, 甚至从大陆延伸到海洋, 走过地势崎岖的中国西部, 长江沿岸风景如画的三峡, 还有内蒙古的荒凉大草原, 生动传达出这些地方带给人的感觉丝绸之路记录下了中国人探索世界的脚步, 新的世纪, 新的旅程. 今天, 寻迹古代丝绸之路留下的文明印记, 在曾经的关隘,城市,驿站,道路上能够看到的是依然鲜活的生命力. 丝路并未走远, 千百年来它串联起的文明纽带正在新的时代焕发出崭新的光彩.
Adventure Silkroad
More than two thousand years ago, the Chinese began to go west and explore the world. They crossed plateaus, walked into pastures, crossed glaciers, flowed across rivers, all the way west. The world became wider and wider as they went west, even extending from the mainland. Going to the ocean, walking through the rugged western China, the picturesque of Three Gorges along the Yangtze River, and the desolate prairie of Inner Mongolia, vividly conveying the feeling that these places bring to people, the Silk Road recorded the footsteps of the Chinese people exploring the world. A new century, a new journey. Today, looking for the civilization marks left by the ancient Silk Road, what can be seen in the past, cities, post stations, and roads is still alive and vitality preserve. The Silk Road has not yet gone too far, for thousands of years, the bonds of civilization that have been connected together are glowing with brand-new brilliance in the new era.