Casablancas The Man Who Loved Women Documentary Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The true story of one of the world's greatest supermodel agents.
When he created the Elite modeling agency in the 1970s, #JohnCasablancas invented the concept of the supermodel. If names like Naomi, Cindy, Linda, Iman, Gisele or Kate are part of popular culture today, it's mostly his doing. Living a life of extreme glamour and prestige, Casablancas was constantly surrounded by the world's most beautiful women, and lived a life dreamed of by many, on the yachts of Cannes and the clubs of LA. Now, John Casablancas tells his own story.
When he created the Elite modeling agency in the 1970s, #JohnCasablancas invented the concept of the supermodel. If names like Naomi, Cindy, Linda, Iman, Gisele or Kate are part of popular culture today, it's mostly his doing. Living a life of extreme glamour and prestige, Casablancas was constantly surrounded by the world's most beautiful women, and lived a life dreamed of by many, on the yachts of Cannes and the clubs of LA. Now, John Casablancas tells his own story.
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