手里拿着一杯当地的葡萄酒,看着令人惊叹的背景. 罗纳河从美丽的古老里昂缓缓流向地中海, 穿过法国的中心, 开辟出一条宁静的小路. 在地中海阳光的注视下, 有一种缓慢而轻松的生活方式占据了罗纳河游船的南端. 这些中世纪城市和罗马废墟沿着水道向南行驶, 穿过古老的村庄和繁荣的城镇, 这条美丽河流的每个弯道都可以体验到高卢的遗产, 还从沿水道点缀的乡村定居点到数英亩的葡萄酒铺和葡萄园......
Watch the stunning backdrop pass by, a glass of a local vintage in hand. Slowly flowing towards the Mediterranean Sea from beautiful old Lyon, the Rh?ne cuts a serene path through the heart of France. A slow and relaxed way of life takes hold the further south of Rh?ne river cruises, under the watchful gaze of the Mediterranean sun. Those medieval cities and Roman ruins line the waterway as it journeys south through ancient villages and prosperous towns. Gallic heritage can be experienced on every bend of this beautiful river, from the rustic settlements dotted along the waterway to the acres of wine-producing vineyards.....
Watch the stunning backdrop pass by, a glass of a local vintage in hand. Slowly flowing towards the Mediterranean Sea from beautiful old Lyon, the Rh?ne cuts a serene path through the heart of France. A slow and relaxed way of life takes hold the further south of Rh?ne river cruises, under the watchful gaze of the Mediterranean sun. Those medieval cities and Roman ruins line the waterway as it journeys south through ancient villages and prosperous towns. Gallic heritage can be experienced on every bend of this beautiful river, from the rustic settlements dotted along the waterway to the acres of wine-producing vineyards.....