• 4年前
快速而有趣地一瞥长城之外中国的一面, 很少有游客见过, 中国的汉族中心地带是拥有 5,000 年历史的文明的中心. 但中国人与他们的环境及其生物的关系实际上是深刻, 复杂和非凡的探索这种古老的关系, 了解它对中国的未来意味着什么.
Beyond the Great Wall
A fast-paced and entertaining glimpse into the side of China beyond the Great Wall few tourists have ever seen, China's heartland with its Han people is the centre of a 5,000-year-old civilization. But the relationship of the Chinese to their environment and its creatures is in fact deep, complex, and extraordinary. Explore this ancient relationship and understand what it means for the future of China.
