• 4年前
从位于孟买贾特拉帕蒂希瓦吉总站的基地探索印度世界上最繁忙的铁路, 他们展示了负责保持这个超大型运输系统按计划运行的科学, 系统和工作人员. 通过孟买式通勤服务, 应对世界上最繁忙的通勤列车上的 “超密集挤压负载”. 一平方米内最多可容纳 14 人, 这些火车的拥挤程度是英国最拥挤的火车的两倍多. 乘客悬挂在火车的两侧并穿过轨道, 因此他们可以免费乘坐. 还前往大吉岭的蒸汽动力山地铁路, 揭示茶与火车之间的历史联系, 令人惊叹的 "dabba wallahs" 一支精干的快递团队, 为孟买各地的办公室运送 200,000 份家常午餐.
Exploring the world's busiest railway in India, from their base at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai they reveal the science, systems and staff responsible for keeping this supersized transport system running to schedule. By commuting Mumbai-style, tackling 'super dense crush load' on the world's busiest commuter trains. With as many as 14 people crushed into a square metre, these trains are more than twice as crammed as the most crowded UK trains. Passengers hang from the sides of trains and cross the tracks, so they're in for quite a ride. Also heads to Darjeeling's steam-powered hill railway and reveals the historical connection between tea and trains, the astonishing dabba wallahs - a crack team of couriers who deliver 200,000 home-cooked lunches to offices all over Mumbai.
