中国南方湿润的气候孕育了稻米文化, 元阳县红河河谷绵延2000多米的水稻梯田是中国最为古老的人工地形, 贵州省的苗族村落,金腰燕的归来预示着春耕时刻的...
Heart of the Dragon
The humid climate in Southern China nurtures rice culture, the rice terraces stretching more than 2,000 meters in the Red River Valley of Yuanyang are the oldest artificial terrain in China. In the Miao villages in Guizhou Province, the return of the Golden swallow indicates the time of spring plowing.....
中国南方湿润的气候孕育了稻米文化, 元阳县红河河谷绵延2000多米的水稻梯田是中国最为古老的人工地形, 贵州省的苗族村落,金腰燕的归来预示着春耕时刻的...
Heart of the Dragon
The humid climate in Southern China nurtures rice culture, the rice terraces stretching more than 2,000 meters in the Red River Valley of Yuanyang are the oldest artificial terrain in China. In the Miao villages in Guizhou Province, the return of the Golden swallow indicates the time of spring plowing.....