中国的海岸线14,500公里长的海岸线, 在此, 生活了近7亿人口. 尽管经历了数十年城市化的急速发展, 但依然是候鸟迁徙重要的必经之路. 濒危的丹顶鹤离开东北, 前往盐城湿地保护区(中国面积最大的海岸湿地)越冬. 蛇岛是候鸟迁徙线路中的一处重要停留地. 从北方到遥远的南方, 人们收获着海苔, 蚌壳和明虾, 同时也与大天鹅和黑脸琵鹭一同分享.....
Tides of Change
China’s coastline of 14,500 kilometre long, where nearly 700 million people living here. Despite decades of rapid urbanization, it is still an important route for bird's migration. Endangered red-crowned cranes leave the northeast and head for Yancheng during winter to Wetland Reserve (the largest coastal wetland in China). Snake Island is an important stop in the migration route of migratory birds. From the north to the far south, people harvest seaweed, mussel shells and prawns. The swan and the black-faced spoonbill share together.....
中国的海岸线14,500公里长的海岸线, 在此, 生活了近7亿人口. 尽管经历了数十年城市化的急速发展, 但依然是候鸟迁徙重要的必经之路. 濒危的丹顶鹤离开东北, 前往盐城湿地保护区(中国面积最大的海岸湿地)越冬. 蛇岛是候鸟迁徙线路中的一处重要停留地. 从北方到遥远的南方, 人们收获着海苔, 蚌壳和明虾, 同时也与大天鹅和黑脸琵鹭一同分享.....
Tides of Change
China’s coastline of 14,500 kilometre long, where nearly 700 million people living here. Despite decades of rapid urbanization, it is still an important route for bird's migration. Endangered red-crowned cranes leave the northeast and head for Yancheng during winter to Wetland Reserve (the largest coastal wetland in China). Snake Island is an important stop in the migration route of migratory birds. From the north to the far south, people harvest seaweed, mussel shells and prawns. The swan and the black-faced spoonbill share together.....