• hace 4 años
Although the safest and most infallible method to lose a few kilos is to close your mouth, there is no doubt that exercise is a fundamental part of a routine if one wants not only to be slim, but to be in shape, which is a much deeper concept than to have a good physical appearance.

Being in shape is not looking like a more or less stylized type, that is being thin; nor be able to lift a few kilos several times in the gym, that is to be more or less strong; but rather to be able to put the heart to work at high pulsations for a prolonged period of time.

This is being fit. Usually the two goals are paired: lose weight and get fit. Many people design their training plans to achieve both goals based on long-duration, low-intensity routines, that is, running, cycling or swimming sessions in which they complete many kilometers in the lower zone of each individual's aerobic threshold. And yes, it is a method, a training routine that ensures achieving both challenges, but in a more or less long period of time.

On the contrary, there is a training routine that manages to lose those extra kilos and achieve an optimal state in a much shorter period of time: high intensity interval training; HIT (High Interval Training).

High intensity training involves the alternation of short periods of maximum effort that are alternated with others of less intensity to recover.

Learn more in this video.

