• 4年前
Alternate Food Chain + 另类餐厅
Millions of microscopic organisms eat, reproduce, and die in an intricate cycle—a web of connections and interactions—that ties into another, much larger one. Without these microbes, the oceans—and the world as we know it—would come to a grinding halt. Feeding relationships are often shown as simple food chains – in reality, these relationships are much more complex, and the term ‘food web’ more accurately shows the links between producers, consumers and decompose.......
数以百万计的微生物在一个错综复杂的循环中进食, 繁殖和死亡.....个联系和相互作用的网络....与另一个更大的生物联系在一起. 没有这些微生物, 海洋....以及我们所知的世界....将陷入停顿. 喂养关系通常显示为简单的食物链. 实际上, 这些关系要复杂得多, “食物网”一词更准确地显示了生产者, 消费者和分解者之间的联系......

