• 3年前
帝王蟹因其肉质细腻而成为世界上最受追捧的蟹种食物, 最大的巨蟹重达12公斤, 翼展2米, 每只雌蟹每年可产卵4万个. 这种帝王蟹是海底世界中最大的贝类之一, 它们自 1960 年代就出现在欧洲. 仅仅过了几十年, 它就征服了北欧和北极的海岸. 如今, 帝王蟹继续在海底扩张自己的“领地”, 那么它们又会给周边生态带来怎样的影响呢? 数以百万计贪婪巨蟹已经蔓延到巴伦支海,俄罗斯和芬兰边境的挪威边境, 威胁着生态平衡. 捕鱼谋生是巴伦支海沿岸的主要活动, 但帝王蟹的数量太大吃掉它们发现的任何东西, 鱼, 贝类,海星.......专业人士担心他们还吃毛鳞鱼的卵, 他们最喜欢的鳕鱼, 这是本身是巴伦支海的主要自然资源. 在挪威, 这种螃蟹没有敌人, 将海床变成沙漠, 成为生态灾难. 然而, 在北太平洋的原产地, 帝王蟹的天敌, "狼大鱼" 可能会限制其数量。
The Giant Crab Of Kamchatka:--
The Kamchatka Crab is the crab species most sought after in the world because of its delicate flesh, the largest of the giant crabs weigh up to 12kg with a wingspan of 2 meters, each female crab can lay up to 40,000 eggs per year. This king crab is one of the largest shellfish in the underwater world, they appeared in Europe since the 1960s. After just a few decades, it has conquered the coasts of Northern Europe and the Arctic. Today, the king crab continues to be on the seabed expand their own "territory", so what impact will they bring to the surrounding ecology? Millions of voracious giant crabs already spread to the borders of Norway on the border between Russia and Finland in the Barents Sea, threatening the ecology balances. Fishing is the main activity in the Barents Sea coast, but the density of giant crabs too much disrupts by eating whatever they find, fish, shellfish, starfish, Professionals fear they eat the eggs of "capelin", cod fish their favorites, which is itself the main natural resource of the Barents Sea. In Norway this crab has no enemy and turns the sea bed into desert becoming ecological disaster. In its native range in the North Pacific, king crab's natural predator, the wolf huge fish, however, might limits its populations.


