Get away from the world || Surah Al Qiyamah || Qari : Mahmoud El Shitany

  • 3 years ago
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Nay, I swear by the Day of Resurrection; (1) Nay, I swear by the accusing soul (that this Scripture is true). (2)Thinketh man that We shall not assemble his bones? (3) Yea, verily Yea. We are Able to restore his very fingers! (4)But man would fain deny what is before him. (5) He asketh: When will be this Day of Resurrection? (6) But when sight is confounded (7) And the moon is eclipsed (8) And sun and moon are united, (9) On that day man will cry: Whither to flee! (10) Alas! No refuge! (11) Unto thy Lord is the recourse that day. (12) On that day man is told the tale of that which he hath sent before and left behind. (13) Oh, but man is a telling witness against himself, (14)Although he tender his excuses. (15) Stir not thy tongue herewith to hasten it. (16) Lo! upon Us (resteth) the putting together thereof and the reading thereof. (17) And when We read it, follow thou the reading; (18) Then lo! upon Us (resteth) the explanation thereof. (19) Nay, but ye do love the fleeting Now (20) And neglect the Hereafter. (21) That day will faces be resplendent, (22) Looking toward their Lord; (23) And that day will other faces be despondent, (24)Thou wilt know that some great disaster is about to fall on them. (25) Nay, but when the life cometh up to the throat (26) And it is said: Where is the wizard (who can save him now)? (27) And he knoweth that it is the parting; (28)And agony is heaped on agony; (29) Unto thy Lord that day will be the driving. (30) For he neither trusted, nor prayed. (31) But he denied and flouted. (32) Then went he to his folk with glee. (33) Nearer unto thee and nearer, (34) Again nearer unto thee and nearer (is the doom). (35) Thinketh man that he is to be left aimless? (36) Was he not a drop of fluid which gushed forth? (37) Then he became a clot; then (Allah) shaped and fashioned (38) And made of him a pair, the male and female. (39) Is not He (Who doeth so) able to bring the dead to life? (40)

سورة القيامة مكتوبة كاملة بصوت القارئ محمود الشيتاني نتمنى لكم سماعا طيبا


لا أقسم بيوم القيامة (1) ولا أقسم بالنفس اللوامة (2) أيحسب الإنسان ألن نجمع عظامه (3) بلى قادرين على أن نسوي بنانه (4) بل يريد الإنسان ليفجر أمامه (5) يسأل أيان يوم القيامة (6) فإذا برق البصر (7) وخسف القمر (8) وجمع الشمس والقمر (9) يقول الإنسان يومئذ أين المفر (10) كلا لا وزر (11) إلى ربك يومئذ المستقر (12) ينبأ الإنسان يومئذ بما قدم وأخر (13) بل الإنسان على نفسه بصيرة (14) ولو ألقى معاذيره (15) لا تحرك به لسانك لتعجل به (16) إن علينا جمعه وقرآنه (17) فإذا قرأناه فاتبع قرآنه (18) ثم إن علينا بيانه (19) كلا بل تحبون العاجلة (20) وتذرون الآخرة (21) وجوه يومئذ ناضرة (22) إلى ربها ناظرة (23) ووجو


