• 4 years ago
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He frowned and turned away (1) Because the blind man came unto him. (2) What could inform thee but that he might grow (in grace) (3) Or take heed and so the reminder might avail him? (4) As for him who thinketh himself independent, (5) Unto him thou payest regard. (6) Yet it is not thy concern if he grow not (in grace). (7) But as for him who cometh unto thee with earnest purpose (8) And hath fear, (9) From him thou art distracted. (10) Nay, but verily it is an Admonishment, (11) So let whosoever will pay heed to it, (12) On honoured leaves (13) Exalted, purified, (14) (Set down) by scribes (15) Noble and righteous. (16) Man is (self-)destroyed: how ungrateful is he! (17) From what thing doth He create him? (18) From a drop of seed. He createth him and proportioneth him, (19)Then maketh the way easy for him, (20) Then causeth him to die, and burieth him; (21) Then, when He will, He bringeth him again to life. (22) Nay, but (man) hath not done what He commanded him. (23) Let man consider his food: (24) How We pour water in showers (25) Then split the earth in clefts (26) And cause the grain to grow therein (27) And grapes and green fodder (28) And olive-trees and palm-trees (29) And garden-closes of thick foliage (30) And fruits and grasses: (31) Provision for you and your cattle. (32) But when the Shout cometh (33) On the day when a man fleeth from his brother (34) And his mother and his father (35) And his wife and his children, (36) Every man that day will have concern enough to make him heedless (of others). (37) On that day faces will be bright as dawn, (38) Laughing, rejoicing at good news; (39) And other faces, on that day, with dust upon them, (40)Veiled in darkness, (41) Those are the disbelievers, the wicked. (42)

سورة عبس كاملة بصوت القارئ محمود الشيتاني مع الأيات مكتوبة


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

عبس وتولى (1) أن جاءه الأعمى (2) وما يدريك لعله يزكى (3) أو يذكر فتنفعه الذكرى (4) أما من استغنى (5) فأنت له تصدى (6) وما عليك ألا يزكى (7) وأما من جاءك يسعى (8) وهو يخشى (9) فأنت عنه تلهى (10) كلا إنها تذكرة (11) فمن شاء ذكره (12) في صحف مكرمة (13) مرفوعة مطهرة (14) بأيدي سفرة (15) كرام بررة (16) قتل الإنسان ما أكفره (17) من أي شيء خلقه (18) من نطفة خلقه فقدره (19) ثم السبيل يسره (20) ثم أماته فأقبره (21) ثم إذا شاء أنشره (22) كلا لما يقض ما أمره (23) فلينظر الإنسان إلى طعامه (24) أنا صببنا الماء صبا (25) ثم شققنا الأرض شقا (26) فأنبتنا فيها حبا (27) وعنبا وقضبا (28) وزيتونا ونخلا (29) وحدائق غلبا (30) وفاكهة وأبا (31) متاعا لكم ولأنعامكم (32) فإذا جاءت الصاخة (33) يوم يفر المرء من أخيه (34) وأمه وأبيه (35)


