• 4 years ago
雷根號航空母艦 (CVN-76) 是一艘为美国海军服务的尼米兹级核动力超级航母, 她的名字是为了纪念 1981 年至 1989 年担任美国总统的罗纳德里根 (Ronald W. Reagan). 在弗吉尼亚州纽波特纽斯的纽波特纽斯造船厂建造, 并于 2003 年 7 月 12 日投入使用. 此外, 艦體改用新的球鼻艏, 這是尼米茲級航艦首度採用的新設計, 這項設計可以提供艦艏較佳浮力, 能夠改善航艦的航行品質, 減少動能損失, 提高艦載機的運作效率和可靠度. 在航艦內部的改良方面, 雷根號配備有先進的整合指揮網路, 修改空調和部分艙間配置, 改良核動力系統等, 其中的整合指揮網路可將裝備控制, 導航, 通信與其他系統都整合在一起, 而大幅提高指管效率.
USS Ronald Reagan:--
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) is a Nimitz-class, nuclear-powered super carrier in the service of the United States Navy, she is named in honor of Ronald W. Reagan, President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. She was built at Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport News, Virginia, and was commissioned on 12 July 2003. In addition, the hull is replaced with a new bulbous bow, which is the first new design adopted by the Nimitz-class ship. This design can provide better buoyancy in the bow, improve the navigation quality of the ship, and reduce the loss of kinetic energy. Improve the operational efficiency and reliability of carrier-based aircraft. In terms of improvements to the interior of the ship, the Reagan is equipped with an advanced integrated command network, modified air conditioning and some cabin configurations, and improved nuclear power systems, among which the integrated command network The equipment control, navigation, communication and other systems can be integrated together, and the efficiency of the tube can be greatly improved.


