• hace 4 años
Deciding your own life is one of the most valuable privileges, but at the same time most difficult when doubt plunges us into the paralysis of indefiniteness. Sometimes we get dizzy evaluating alternatives or trying to guess the correct option. But ... what is really important when deciding? On what should we base ourselves to make decisions that are beneficial for our personal growth?

Undoubtedly when making important decisions we need to know ourselves first and trust ourselves as better connoisseurs of what is good for ourselves.

We also need to be clear that making mistakes and regretting decisions made is part of living a life being the protagonist yourself.

Not all decisions are of the same caliber. There are inconsequential or insignificant decisions that do not generate much impact on our lives and there are others that mark a before and after, which are crucial and can lead us on very different paths without knowing in advance what the landscape that awaits us will be after opening a door and no other.

We can be divided between the option of painting a room light or dark, putting on a skirt or pants, going by car or by bus ... our life will not have much impact if we choose one or the other option, therefore, there is not much to worry about. But what happens when we debate between leaving or not a job, between continuing a relationship for years or separating, between staying in our country or going to live abroad.

In times of uncertainty or when life puts us at a fork, deciding is a difficult process. We can remain paralyzed by an endless list of pros and cons, dizzy before the enormous mess of opinions that others give us or blocked by an anxiety that does not allow us to think clearly.

What should we take into account when making decisions? What parameters should we focus on so that our decisions are aligned with our self-realization?

Discover the keys to how to make good decisions in life in this video.