跟著攝影大師去旅行, Monte Fitz Roy 是巴塔哥尼亚的一座山, 位于阿根廷和智利的边界上. 它位于巴塔哥尼亚南部冰原, 靠近 El Chaltén 村和 Viedma 湖. 它于 1952 年由法国登山家 Lionel Terray 和 Guido Magnone 首次攀登.
Patagonia Mount Fitz Roy:--
Monte Fitz Roy is a mountain in Patagonia, on the border between Argentina and Chile. It is located in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, near El Chaltén village and Viedma Lake. It was first climbed in 1952 by French alpinists Lionel Terray and Guido Magnone.
跟著攝影大師去旅行, Monte Fitz Roy 是巴塔哥尼亚的一座山, 位于阿根廷和智利的边界上. 它位于巴塔哥尼亚南部冰原, 靠近 El Chaltén 村和 Viedma 湖. 它于 1952 年由法国登山家 Lionel Terray 和 Guido Magnone 首次攀登.
Patagonia Mount Fitz Roy:--
Monte Fitz Roy is a mountain in Patagonia, on the border between Argentina and Chile. It is located in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, near El Chaltén village and Viedma Lake. It was first climbed in 1952 by French alpinists Lionel Terray and Guido Magnone.