• 4年前
雷·米尔斯在加拿大荒野中进行艰难而不易,史诗般的冒险, 因为他相信有一位英国先驱在加拿大的探索中遥遥领先, 那就是塞缪尔·赫恩 (Samuel Hearne). 在发现地球上最后一片伟大的荒野之时, 雷跟随他的英雄史诗般的一千多英里旅程的步代, 在学会使用原住民技能之旅之后, 他为成功前往加拿大荒野设定了旅程.
The Unknown Pioneer:--
Ray Mears goes on an epic adventure into Canada's unforgiving yet stunning wilderness as he believes there is one British pioneer who stands above all others in the exploration of Canada, Samuel Hearne. In a celebration of one of Earth's last great wildernesses, Ray follows in the footsteps of his hero's epic journey of over one thousand miles, after learning to travel using First Nations skills, then he set the template for successful travel into Canada's wilderness.
