• 4 years ago
BECCA ASK, from Woodbury, Minnesota, was born with Port Wine Stain and Blue Nevus birthmarks across her face. These really affected her confidence and in 6th grade this developed into an unhealthy relationship with makeup. Becca told Truly: "I had very low self esteem, very low confidence. I felt like I always had to be in makeup, I felt like somebody couldn't like me in my natural skin." Becca hid her skin every time she ventured out of the house and things were made worse for her when she experienced cruel comments. "People have told me there's no way that anybody would love me with a face like mine, I've been called ugly and hideous." However, over the past six years Becca started using makeup as more of a creative outlet and has also started incorporating her birthmark which has been a huge hit on her social media accounts. Despite this change in her confidence and relationship with makeup, Becca recently took a break from social media after some cruel comments were posted in a reaction to one of her videos. She said: "There were a lot of rude comments like, 'How could you have a boyfriend? How can you look like that? He looks like he beats you'." Receiving these comments really affected Becca but with the support of her loving boyfriend she was able to regain her confidence and keep moving forward once again. Today however, is a huge day as Becca has decided to go out on a date without hiding her birthmark... But how will she feel when she arrives?
