冰川湾约 80% 的游客乘坐游轮抵达, 公园和保护区举办许多户外活动, 如步行, 露营, 登山, 皮划艇, 漂流, 钓鱼和观鸟.....冰川湾国家公园和保护区是位于朱诺以西的阿拉斯加东南部的美国国家公园, 1979 年成为联合国教科文组织世界遗产的一部分, 并于 1986 年被列入生物圈保护区. 这里的野生动物包括棕熊和黑熊物种, 木狼, 郊狼, 驼鹿, 黑尾鹿, 北极和赤狐物种, 豪猪, 土拨鼠, 山羊, 海狸, 加拿大猞猁, 水獭, 水貂和狼獾. 在这个公园筑巢的鸟类包括秃鹰, 金雕, 五种啄木鸟, 蜂鸟, 乌鸦, 猎鹰. 在近海的海洋哺乳动物有海獭, 斑海豹, 斯特勒海狮, 太平洋白边海豚, 逆戟鲸, 小须鲸和座头鲸.....
Glacier Bay National Park:--
About 80% of visitors to Glacier Bay arrive on cruise ships, the park and preserve hosts many outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, mountaineering, kayaking, rafting, fishing, and bird-watching. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve is an American national park located in Southeast Alaska west of Juneau, became part of a binational UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979, and was inscribed as a Biosphere Reserve in 1986. Wildlife here includes both brown and black bear species, timber wolf, coyote, moose, black-tailed deer, Arctic and red fox species, porcupine, marmot, dall sheep, beaver, Canadian lynx, two species of otter, mink, wolverine, and mountain goat. Birds that nest in this park include the bald eagle, golden eagle, five species of woodpecker, two species of hummingbird, raven, four species of falcon, six species of hawk, osprey, and ten species of owl. Marine mammal species that swim offshore are the sea otter, harbor seal, Steller sea lion, Pacific white-sided dolphin, orca, minke whale, and humpback whale.
冰川湾约 80% 的游客乘坐游轮抵达, 公园和保护区举办许多户外活动, 如步行, 露营, 登山, 皮划艇, 漂流, 钓鱼和观鸟.....冰川湾国家公园和保护区是位于朱诺以西的阿拉斯加东南部的美国国家公园, 1979 年成为联合国教科文组织世界遗产的一部分, 并于 1986 年被列入生物圈保护区. 这里的野生动物包括棕熊和黑熊物种, 木狼, 郊狼, 驼鹿, 黑尾鹿, 北极和赤狐物种, 豪猪, 土拨鼠, 山羊, 海狸, 加拿大猞猁, 水獭, 水貂和狼獾. 在这个公园筑巢的鸟类包括秃鹰, 金雕, 五种啄木鸟, 蜂鸟, 乌鸦, 猎鹰. 在近海的海洋哺乳动物有海獭, 斑海豹, 斯特勒海狮, 太平洋白边海豚, 逆戟鲸, 小须鲸和座头鲸.....
Glacier Bay National Park:--
About 80% of visitors to Glacier Bay arrive on cruise ships, the park and preserve hosts many outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, mountaineering, kayaking, rafting, fishing, and bird-watching. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve is an American national park located in Southeast Alaska west of Juneau, became part of a binational UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979, and was inscribed as a Biosphere Reserve in 1986. Wildlife here includes both brown and black bear species, timber wolf, coyote, moose, black-tailed deer, Arctic and red fox species, porcupine, marmot, dall sheep, beaver, Canadian lynx, two species of otter, mink, wolverine, and mountain goat. Birds that nest in this park include the bald eagle, golden eagle, five species of woodpecker, two species of hummingbird, raven, four species of falcon, six species of hawk, osprey, and ten species of owl. Marine mammal species that swim offshore are the sea otter, harbor seal, Steller sea lion, Pacific white-sided dolphin, orca, minke whale, and humpback whale.