馬達加斯加位於非洲東面印度洋上一個島嶼, 島上約有八成生物屬於特有種, 是生態寶地. 其中狐猴 (LEMURS) 為馬達加斯加特有的原生猴類, 有接近一百種. 觀看動物, 植物, 昆蟲, 蛇, 蝴蝶, 雀鳥, 所有生態景觀, 因為馬達加斯加是個島嶼, 與大地割斷, 所以島上的動物和植物都是該島上獨有的品種.
Madagascar is located on an island in the Indian Ocean to the east of Africa. About 80% of the creatures on the island belong to endemic species and are "Ecological Treasures". Among them, lemurs are native monkeys endemic to Madagascar, with nearly one hundred species. Watch animals, plants, insects, Snakes, butterflies, birds, all ecological landscapes, because Madagascar is an island cut off from the mainland, so the animals and plants on the island are unique and rare.
馬達加斯加位於非洲東面印度洋上一個島嶼, 島上約有八成生物屬於特有種, 是生態寶地. 其中狐猴 (LEMURS) 為馬達加斯加特有的原生猴類, 有接近一百種. 觀看動物, 植物, 昆蟲, 蛇, 蝴蝶, 雀鳥, 所有生態景觀, 因為馬達加斯加是個島嶼, 與大地割斷, 所以島上的動物和植物都是該島上獨有的品種.
Madagascar is located on an island in the Indian Ocean to the east of Africa. About 80% of the creatures on the island belong to endemic species and are "Ecological Treasures". Among them, lemurs are native monkeys endemic to Madagascar, with nearly one hundred species. Watch animals, plants, insects, Snakes, butterflies, birds, all ecological landscapes, because Madagascar is an island cut off from the mainland, so the animals and plants on the island are unique and rare.